Learn by Camping: Classes for All Energy from the Sun Description: This scientific experiment for children demonstrates that the sun provides heat to anything on earth that absorbs the rays. The sun heats the air, water, land, and other objects. It also demonstrates that the color, black, absorbs more rays than the color, “white”. Goals: To demonstrate the sun’s power to heat and that the color, “black” absorbs more heat than “white”. Objectives: 1. To learn that the sun provides heat to the earth. 2. To learn how to measure liquid ingredients. 3. To learn that the color black absorbs sunshine better than white. Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 used cans with the labels removed White water-based paint Black water-based paint Brushes Thermometer Procedure: Paint the outside of two of the cans one with white paint, one with black paint. Fill each can with the same amount of water (use a measuring cup) from the faucet. Place the cans on a sunny window ledge or in the sun somewhere. Let them sit for about three hours. Now take the temperature of the water in each can. Which can has the warmest water? Why was this so? Explain to your child the principle of solar energy and its benefits. Resource: www.familyeducation.com Alice K. Dolu, WVU Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development – Marshall County July 16 Page 1 of 1