Personal Leadership Inventory Each of the following statements describes a certain leadership behavior, or effect that you might have on an organization. Read each statement carefully and decide to what extent it is an accurate description of yourself . Extent that the statement characterizes you… Dimension 1 (BC) 1. I show I care about others 2. I show concern for the feelings of others. 3. I involve others in new ideas and projects. 4. I support effective coordination by working cooperatively with others. 5. I communicate feelings as well as ideas. 6. I treat others with respect regardless of position. 7. I provide opportunities for people to share ideas and information. 8. I make others feel a part of the group or organization. Little to no 1 Slight Moderate Great 2 3 4 Very Great 5 Total Score: _______________________________ Dimension 2 (SD) 9. I communicate clear sense of priorities. 10. I encourage others to share their ideas of the future. 11. I engage others to share their ideas of the future. 12. I willingly put myself out front to advance group goals. 13. I have plans that extend beyond the immediate future. 14. I am oriented toward actions rather than maintaining the status quo. 15. I consider how a specific plan of action might be extended to benefit others. 16. I act on the basis that what I do will have an impact. 1 2 3 4 5 Total Score: _______________________________ Dimension 3 (EO) 17. I make sure people have the resources they need to do a good job. 18. I reward people fairly for their efforts. 19. I provide information people need to effectively plan and do their work. 20. I recognize and acknowledge good performance. 21. I help people get the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively. 22. I express appreciation when people perform well. 23. I make sure that people know what to expect in return for accomplishing goals. 24. I share power and influence with others. 1 2 3 4 5 Total Score: _______________________________ Wolverton, M. & Gmelch, W.H. (2002). College Deans: Leading From Within. Westport, CT: Oryx Press, (Chapter 3). 5