Arnold John V. Arreglo BSEE – 2nd year Dimension 1: Augmented Virtual Reality make processes more efficient, one example is that firefighters on duty can be assisted by the control center and tech helps to find and correct system errors to prevent damage before it happens. Dimension 2: In Santander Spain the city saves taxes by using resources more efficiently with the help of sensors. Dimension 3: In Rio de Janeiro a smartphone app is enabling residents to shape their surroundings the app smart favela creates a three-dimensional avatar of the shanty towns when city planners come up with new ideas these can be looked at on the app and then citizens can vote on them. Dimension 4: Technical preconditions are essential a central role Falls to the new mobile communication standard 5g it's the engine for the Internet of Things and enables interconnected infrastructures on a grand scale. Dimension 5: The cameras protect the customers and us drivers too and privacy is ensured as not everyone can view the videos according to the taxi headquarters all data is well protected and deleted after 72 hours they say the system is great for educating drivers and the footage can be used to settle conflicts or complaints.