1. Identify Facts and Qualifiers in the Business Questions. 2. Extract the unique Facts/Qualifiers to create the shell of the F/Q Matrix 3. Group Dimensions into groups, determine the hierarchy among the Dimensions. The Meter will contain all of the Facts. 4. Diagram the Dimensions and Meters. Start with the Meter (should contain all facts). Map each Dimension according to the hierarchy. It will be a series of one to many relationships, starting at the top down. 5. Collapse all the grouped dimensions into one table and give it a relevant name (TIME, PRODUCTION, etc…). The dimensional tables you collapsed become attributes inside your flattened dimension table. Come up with a primary key (TCODE, PCODE, etc) for each Dimensional table. 6. Connect each Dimension table to the Fact table (Fact table is center of the star schema and contains all facts). To connect to it, add each primary key from each Dimension table to the Fact table as a foreign key. Lastly, create a Primary Key in the Fact table.