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Decentralized Industrialization & Society

Decentralized industralization may help the country to provide better services to foster citizen state relations contribute to
democratization and improve people's quality of life. In the sense that, if all power resources and capacities are concentrated on the
national level and most likely in the capital and in the rest of the territory. People hardly have any access to basic public services
and are not heard by their national government. Opportunities are limited and quality of life for the citizens is unequal whether they
live in rural or urban areas people have limited access to education, health care, water, lack public transport, waste disposal and
administrative services. To provide access to basic public services and engage citizens and local development, the state needs to
establish participatory democratic mechanisms and responsive institutions at all levels. For this decentalized industralization is the
key, the aim is that needs can be addressed and met where they are articulated through a multi-level and multi-dimensional approach
a bridge to the population and relationships between the national and the sub-national levels are built.
Systematic changes must take place in three dimensions the political dimension so that there is a devolution of power to subnational levels. The fiscal dimension so that financial resources can reach the local level and the administrative dimension that
capacities for the delivery of public services are available on the local level. Those changes create more effective and responsive
institutions that are transparent and counselor. So that people can raise their voices, articulate their needs, take part in decisionmaking, reach their administration and shape local development.
New technologies
Personal attitudes
Industrilization is about connectivity. It's an opportunity to radically change the way industry responds to the needs of
society as previous industrial revolutions were led by innovations in manufacturing processes and systems. Through
industrilization, industries will be driven by a smart interconnected pervasive environment. The aspect of industrialization help
industries of various countries changed and then improved health and life expectancy. These changes helped to create a stronger
social structure that put these nations far above their neighbours. Another result of industrialization was the production of many
schools, most businesses were under a less a fair policy where individuals set work conditions without interference of the
government often oppressing the labor force.