Dream Castle

Dream Castle
The inside of the castle was dimly lit by flaming torches on the walls. The stone
corridors stretched into the darkness, and the gray stone walls were cool to the torch.
High up on the walls were thin slits in the rock that let in very small amounts of
daylight. The torches made the air smell smoky, and echoing in the long halls was the
dripping sound of the water. A cool breeze suddenly began to blow, as if a door
somewhere out of sight had been opened. The air made the flames on the torches
flicker, and the shadows on the wall seemed to come to life. Along one wall was a
beam of wood, darkened with age and soot from the smoke. It looked as if it had
been taken from an old sailing ship, for attached to it were iron spikes and other
pieces of black metal. Coming closer to the beam, one could just make out to
notches that were cut into it. It was as if a prisoner had carved them as a way to
count the lonely days in captivity.