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The land is full of lush green forest and Mythical Creatures never seen before, Fresh water to drink perfect for humans. Atlanter has nine moons and it takes the moon one decade to circle Atlater.

Instead of the moons representing night in Atlanter it stays sunny forever only rains 3 times each month.

Major Survival Needs

 Torches (For light)

 Tools (For making things)

 Shelter (For Sheltering from sun and rain)

 First Aid (For in case of injury)

 Food (For eating)

 Water(For drinking)

Members of Society

10 Construction Workers

5 Doctors

5 farmers

2 Couples

2 Firemen

2 Police

2 People from the Government

2 Teachers

10 Scientist

10 Kids


 2 Cows (For milk and meat)

 1 Hen (For Eggs)

 1 Roster (For Breeding)

 2 Guard dogs (For guarding)

 2 Horses (For helping carring things)

 2 Pigs (For meat)


 Seeds

 Extra Water (Just in case)

 Extra Food (Just in case)

 Space suites (Just in case there is no oxygen)

 Tools

 Torches

 Shelter
