Document 15963430

Teacher Name :
M. DiCello
Subject : ESL
Start Date(s): 1-4-16 to 1-12-16
Grade Level (s): 1 and 2
Building : WHEMS
Unit Plan
Unit Title: Gr 1 What is Alive? Gr 2 What does it take to survive?
Essential Questions: 1 – What is Alive?
2- What Does It Take to Survive?
Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject)
Grade K
1.1.K.C: Expand oral language through the use of an increasingly robust vocabulary
1.1.K.D: Demonstrate listening comprehension/ understanding before, during, and after reading through strategies such as think aloud, retelling, summarizing, and connecting to
prior knowledge
1.1.K.E: Demonstrate accuracy and automaticity in phoneme segmentation, letter naming, letter-sound correspondence and blending (decoding) simple words.
1.2.K.E: Identify and respond to essential content of text
1.4.K.B: Write, dictate, or illustrate to communicate information
Grade 2
1.2.2.A: Use text organization and content to derive meaning from text using criteria
1.3.2.A: Read, understand, and respond to works from various genres of literature
1.3.2.C: Identify literary elements (characters, setting, and plot) in selected readings
1.6.2.A: Listen actively and respond to others in small and large group situations.
 Respond with grade level appropriate questions, ideas, information, or opinions
Language Objective
1- Students will identify sight words my, like , help.
Students will explain the meaning of the Key Words
Studets will write a story using language frames
2- Increase rate, duration, and ease of comprehension when reading silently
Increase comprehension of written text through before reading strategies such as graphic organizers and picture walks that frontload vocabulary.
Summative Unit Assessment:
Summative Assessment Objective
Students will-in grades 1-2—Take a High frequency word unit test,
identify and say high frequency words, and students will
complete a weekly Assessment
1- Comprehension Unit test, Assessment
2- Language function rubric
Assessment Method (check one)
_x___ Rubric ___ Checklist __x__ Unit Test ____ Group
____ Student Self-Assessment
__x__ Other (explain) Write beginning, middle, end story map
Objective (s)
Students will- In GRADE 1
Review and read high frequency
Review the alphabet
Review verbs
Use grade level and academic
Participate in discussion
Listen to Wild Animals story
Students will- In GRADE 1
Express an understanding orally of
high frequency words
Fill in a graphic organizer
Review the alphabet
Chant noun chant and verb chant
Fill in graphic organizer on living
and non living
In Grade 2
Review concepts of the week
Activities / Teaching Strategies
In Grade 1
Students will chant to review sight words.
Chant and say alphabet letters and sounds
Say and echo sight words
Work in small group
In Grade 2
Review the big question,
Begin journal on story animal adaptations
Listen to story ………
Think Pair Share using picture cards – animal
Materials / Resources
Assessment of Objective (s)
Word card with high frequency
word, kid writing paper for journal
-alphabet mat
-alphabet cards and pictures
Formative- teacher observation,
student participation
Student Self - Assessment-
Student book
Students will review alphabet letters and sounds
Students will chant and say the sight word what
Students will listen to a story
Students use interactive notebook to show how plants
are alive
They will Chant and say alphabet letters and sounds
Say and echo sight words
Work in small group and/or independently
In Grade 2
Write about adaptations tm 100
Picture cards
-Text Story Mystery Bottle
- alphabet mats
- sight word cards
- alphabet cards
Track print while I read
Review group graphic organizer
Text Book
- alphabet mats
Formative- teacher observation,
student participation
Ticket out the door
SummativeStudent Self - Assessment-
In Grade 2
Student book
Key word cards
Formative- teacher observation, student
Students will review sight words.
They will Chant and say alphabet letters and sounds
Say and echo sight words
Respond to story orally
List how plants and animals are alive but different
Students will- in GRADE 1
Develop concept of print
Organize Ideas
Orally express an understanding of
academic vocabulary
Listen to and respond to a story
The Carrot Seed
Learn new sight word… for
Students will-In Grade 1
SummativeStudent Self - Assessment-
In Grade 2
In Grade 2
Listen and respond to a story
Discuss captions and text structure
Sort animals by their features with partners
In Grade 2
Discuss story characters
Compare nouns and verbs
Review higher order sounds in
Listen to and respond to the storyLiving Lights
Students will- In GRADE 1
Develop Phonological awareness
Match sounds
Review high frequency words
Label pictures
Write a list of requirements for
Plants needs
Learn new sight word - Funny
In Grade 2
Write about adjectives
Demonstrate an understanding
Nouns and verbs with a sort game
Students will- In GRADE 1
Orally discuss what is Living.
Write using number words
Discuss nouns and verbs and sing
In Grade 2
Write a what and who question
Ask questions
Review Main Idea
Review Details
Story Clever Creatures
- sight word cards
- alphabet cards
- graphic organizer web
Listen to and identify words with the same beginning
They will Chant and say alphabet letters and sounds
Students will list plants needs in interactive notebook
-put sight word into interactive notebook
In Grade 2
Sing the Habitat song
Discuss prey
Language frame…I know that ____ is a predator
What predators do you know about?
Students will discuss living and non- living
Read Story
Review and discuss high frequency words
Gr 2
Discuss key words
Journal…How do animals use light to survive?
- alphabet mats
- sight word cards
- alphabet cards
Tm t32
In Grade 2
-student book 105
Practice page
In Grade 2
Student book
Formativeteacher observation, student
Student Self - Assessment-
Student Self - Assessment-
Students will review sight words.
Alphabet mat
Formative- teacher observation,
Review all letters and sounds using
interactive power point
Hear and discuss Key words
They will Chant and say alphabet letters and sounds
Listen to and respond to a story
Do learning stations
In Grade 2
Holiday vocabulary book illustration
Work on holiday story order
In Grade 2
Work with students on small group
activity in classroom New Year’s
Day 6 is student driven. All activities are done with teacher as monitor.
Progress Monitoring will occur for students in grade 1 and 2 this cycle.
1- For first grade students…high frequency word checklist …
2- Dolch list words on PP-grade 2 levels.
Sight word cards
Learning stations
In Grade 2
Writing Journal/holiday journal
Key words
student participation
Student Self - Assessment-