PSYC 100 Winter 2013 Exam 2 Review Outline

PSYC 100 Winter 2013
Exam 2 Review Outline
Chapter 5: Developing Through the Lifespan
 Define developmental psychology.
 Infancy and childhood:
o Describe the impact of teratogens.
o Describe brain development in infancy and childhood. pruning
o What is Cognition? How does Piaget describe cognitive development?
o Define attachment. How is it measured?
 Adolescence:
o Describe puberty and adolescent brain development. (prefrontal cortex)
o What is emerging adulthood?
 Adulthood
o Distinguish fluid and crystallized intelligence.
o Which of Erikson’s stages occur in adulthood?
 Late Adulthood: Describe research findings in intelligence as we age.
Chapter 6: Sensation and Perception
 Distinguish sensation and perception.
 Distinguish top-down and bottom-up processing.
 What determines our detection of a stimulus? Describe thresholds.
Chapter 7: Learning
 Define learning and behaviorism.
 Understand Classical Conditioning
o Recognize the unconditioned stimulus and response as well as the
conditioned stimulus and response (US, UR, CS, CR). Be able to apply these
o Give a real-life example of classical conditioning – include all stimulus and
response terms.
 Understand Operant Conditioning
o Define and describe operant conditioning and operant behavior.
o Define reinforcement and punishment.
o Give a real-life example of operant conditioning.
 Understand Social Learning
o Define social learning and modeling
o Describe Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment
o Describe mirror neurons
o Distinguish prosocial and antisocial behavior
Chapter 8: Memory
 Studying Memory:
o Describe the information processing model of memory.
o Encoding, storage, retrieval
o Sensory memory, Working memory, Long-term memory
 Encoding
o Distinguish automatic and effortful processing.
 Storage
o Distinguish implicit and explicit memory.
o Describe long-term potentiation.
 Retrieval
o What are the three types of memory retrieval?
o What are cues for retrieval?
o Why do we forget?