OSA Assembly Minutes II. Roll Call - Organizations with Voting Rights:

OSA Assembly Minutes
October 26, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 307
Call to Order – at 4:00 PM
II. Roll Call Organizations with Voting Rights:
Advertising club
Alpha Xi Delta
Alta Resources Collegiate Entrepreneur's Organization
American Red Cross Club
Anthropology Club
APICS UW Oshkosh Student Chapter
Asian Student Association
Aviation Club
Be the Match
Beta Theta Pi
Biology & Microbiology Club
Campus for Awareness and Relationship Education (CARE/MenCARE)
Chemistry Club
Chi Sigma Iota
Chinese Culture Club
Circle K International
Club Nippon
College Democrats
College Republicans
Colleges Against Cancer
Communication Club
Converge - A Chi Alpha Campus Ministry
Criminal Justice Association
Delta Sigma Phi
Donster Community Government
Dr. Julie Henderson Chapter of PRSSA at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Economics Student Association
Evans Hall Government
Future Business Leaders of America
Gamma Phi Beta
Geography Club
Graduate Student Association
Great Lakes Chapter of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing
Gruenhagen Remarkable Events & Activities Team
His House Christian Fellowship
History Club
Horizon Hall
Hmong Student Union
Human Services Leadership Student Organization
Illinois Student Organization
Information Systems Club
Interfraternity Council
International Business Club
International Student Association
Inter-Tribal Student Organization
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Kappa Delta Pi
Model United Nations
Multicultural Education Coalition
National Society of Leadership and Success
North Scott Hall Activities Council
Omega Delta Phi
Order of Omega-Omicron Kappa Chapter
Oshkosh Collegiate Music Teachers Association
Oshkosh Gaming Society
Oshkosh League of Legends Club
Oshkosh One
Oshkosh Physical Education Club
Oshkosh Student Association
Oshkosh Student Nurses Association
Pagan Student Alliance
Panhellenic Council
Pre-Dental Society
Pre-Med Society
Pre-Optometry Society
Psychology Club
Rainbow Alliance for H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Perceive Equality)
Reeve Union Board
Residents Engaged in Activities and Leadership
Sigma Pi Fraternity
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Social Justice Club
Society of Physics Students
Spanish Club
Stewart Activities Team
Student Council for Exceptional Children
Student Environmental Action Coalition
Student Organization of Latinos
Student Social Work Association
Student Wisconsin Education Association
Students and Teachers Against the Not-quite Dead
Students For Concealed Carry
Students for Music
Students Organized for Art
Swing Dance Club
Taylor Hall Government
The Comedy Club
The Delta Chi Fraternity
The English Club
The Sisterhood
Theatre Arts Board
Titan Catholics (Formally known as Newman Center)
Titan Cheer and Stunt
Titan TV
Ultimate Frisbee Club
United Students in Residence Halls
University Honors Student Association
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Society for Human Resource Management
UW Oshkosh Student Veterans Association
UW Oshkosh Women's Lacrosse
UWO Cycling Club
UWO Optimist Club
UW-Oshkosh ROTC
Wildlife Conservation Club
Wisconsin Review
Women's Advocacy Council
Young Americans for Liberty
Zeta Tau Alpha
Natural Remedies Club
Open Forum – Lisa, Reeve Reservations for Spring 2016 open on Wednesday, October
28. Shannon, Essential Titan Experience Leadership for Your future and what are your
strengths? Strengths Quest Foundations Workshop on November 3 at 4 in Reeve, Room
215 or November 12 at 5:00 PM in Reeve Union, Room 215. Please email
slic@uwosh.edu with any questions or visit them in the SLIC next to the Underground
in the Lower Level or Reeve
Approval of the Agenda – approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Guest Speakers –
a. Tom Patt, Director Student Recreation and Anthony Dirth, Intramural and Sport
Club Coordinator – What is Rec Plex 4.35 acre, inflate dome by Halloween and
remove in March, students voted on this in 2012 and voted to support it, increase
in sport clubs, history of rec plex: students voted on the referendum March 2012
76% of voters in favor largest turn out, two field concept, listened to students to
save parking. In Sept 2014 seg fees suggested that we add gender neutral
bathroom and storage for dome on site, student advisory committee and OSA at
the table and this has been added, the storage on site will help save on storage,
10% design a meeting on the committee environmental impact next big step go
back to board of regents and administration in Madison to bid this in early spring
with the approval. Budget, via 2002 25 million bonded at 19 million some cash
reserves money available working with student government forward this for
approval the $5 per semester fee replacement of turn in dorm, major line items,
dome snow removal during the winter break, thanksgiving and spring recess built
in club time, $200 per hour to outside community members within 90 mile radius.
Wildlife conversation club: what kind of sports are you directing this towards
right now? Answer: Runs the gamut, whole sporting community, sustainability a
big part of this program, Sustainability that fits into our campus. English Club
with the budget cuts for this university was this elevated again after the cut to the
budget and where is the budget coming from? Answer: the goad has to be selfsupporting will not be a drag on segregated fees. Pagan Student Alliance: if it is
not self-supporting, answer: then students will have to decide if they want to open
it up to more groups in the community. Pagan Student alliance: You mentioned
that have to fund this is public interest, how much community members have
actually stressed interest? Answer: we talked to all of the state organizations for
all of these groups and they are chomping at the bid for this. Circle K what are
the changes of it not meeting the approval? Vice Chancellor – good chance of
gaining approval, especially through the building commission almost a year ago
on docket for December with the Board of Regents.
b. Matt Suwalski, Reeve Union Assist Director of Business and Retail – Titan Dollar
changes – another way to add titan dollars to your account. Chris: Is this Charge
$250 like credit card fees with interest, it goes to your fees, starting out with $250
limit and will increase the amount if do not run into issues. Circle K: Is the $250
limit per semester? Answer: would like to move to $500 residence hall and move
off campus and have this enhancement as well, when $250 per semester.
Officer Reports –
OSA Directors and Ambassadors – Ambassador Valenta: Inclusive Excellence
reviewing Title Nine lightly touching on Sexual harassment and rape if you need
to leave no judgments and take care of yourself first. What is Title IX federal law
that prohibits discrimination and covers, sexual assault online, uw milwuakee two
clicks under four minutes complete, UW Oshkosh not on home page confused, no
link, about 15 min and 5 clicks in found the site and broken link and did not work,
problematic for many reasons, resources are scattered, equity and affirmative,
statics very low reporting rates, Point of Information Dr. Roter, Sexual assault and
Clergy report two different reports and what it falls under depends which report is
runs under.. Ameerah McBride, Title IX Coordinator / Director of Equity &
Affirmative Action. Contact McKenzie at valenm92@uwosh.edu with any
Chief of Staff Parson: OSA Special Elections Nov 3 and Nov 4 look at those
amendments but the Special Election will now be Dec 1 and Dec 2, vote on it
through TitanLink, marketing committee established and will have a marketing
plan for the elections to begin on Nov 16.
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu ) – TitanLink of the day,
if your club/org not on the attendance list do not just add on, that may mean your
club/org did not request a seat, go to TitanLink and update under your profile that
you would like an assembly seat and update roster by editing positions and choose
student name and update to OSA Assembly rep, and click save, questions see
myself or Julie
OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report
Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu ) – email her if can
not make it
Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – do not add name
to list email Austyn at bootha91and let her know
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
Vice President – (Graham – (osavp@uwosh.edu) – no report
President – (Jordan Schettle – osavpres@uwosh.edu) – town hall Thursday Oct 29
email fox 11 news any questions or give them to us, if you want to attend can help
you. Lobby Day on November 12th, state wide action – idea in which you or a
friend under age and in problem sick or something happened not going to get an
underage as you medical safety policy if you call when you are in trouble you will
be safe no, six or seven months left on this campus come one of four in this state
bike friendly run through the, financial aid how are you going to pay it back?
Contact lenders to pay back those loans, simplify this and improve the
communication on campus in regard to student loans.
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 15-064
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Raven Wilson, Gender Equity Council
2. Raven Wilson, Preferred Name Committee
3. Devin Matznick, American Disabilities Act Committee
4. Christopher Totten, Differential Tuition Committee
5. Christopher Totten, Academic Policies Committee
6. Christopher Totten, Student Tech Fee Committee
7. Brooke Berrens, Student Conduct Panel
8. Uka Purev-Ochir, Student Allocations Committee
9. Wesley Lodel, Classroom Modernization Committee
10. Jared Schadrie, Ad Hoc Textbook Cost Committee
11. McKenzie Valenta, Gender Equity Council
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Pagan student Alliance, 2nd by College Republicans
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, one abstention (10/26/15)
IX. Unfinished Business –
OSA 15-063
BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA approves the OSA Records Retention and Disposition Policy.
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor College Republicans, 2nd by HOPE
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (10/26/15)
SA 15-001
BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA Assembly approves the OSA Marketing Committee Bylaws.
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Pagan Student Alliance, 2nd by Oshkosh Gamily Society
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (10/26/15)
New Business –
OSA 15-065
BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA approves the New UW Oshkosh Joint Resolution on Shared
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Pagan Student Alliance, 2nd by Hope
Discussion, reaffirm the resolution that was approved and sent to the Chancellor last year
OSA 15-068
BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA approves the formation and charge of the Conference on
Shared Governance.
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor by Circle K, 2nd by YAL
OSA 15-066
BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA approves the Oshkosh Student Association Office
Computer/Printing Usage Policy Governance.
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Pagan Student Alliance, 2nd by YAL
Discussion, policy for OSA computers only in the OSA office
OSA 15-067
WHEREAS, The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has made a commitment to fostering
inclusivity towards all students; and
WHEREAS, There is currently one bathroom in Reeve Memorial Union usable by individuals
are gender non-conforming and or transgender or do not feel comfortable with using restrooms
that are designated as men or women’s restrooms and presents an uncomfortable environment for
individuals. The restrooms that are located in Reeve Memorial Union rooms 232 and 234 are
designated as men and women restrooms experiences very little traffic; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the aforementioned restrooms in Reeve Memorial Union be
designated as gender-neutral restrooms that will demonstrate the University’s commitment to be
a welcoming and inclusive environment;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED The Oshkosh Student Association considers passage of this
resolution through the Assembly and Senate;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, Upon passage of this resolution be transmitted to the following
individuals, Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs, Randy Hedge, Director, Reeve Memorial Union
Sponsored by: Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of Staff, and Devin Matznick, OSA Assembly
Representative for Circle K
Motion to mover to floor by Circle K, 2nd by Pagan Student Allicance
Discussion, Circle K, Back 2nd floor in 2R and back corner in the Underground. Randy
Hedge, Director of Reeve, email received from Devin in regards to concerns inclusive as
you can be, RAC talks about this topic and how can we make Reeve more inclusive. Some
things dealing with director where we stood two additional bathrooms restrooms in the 2R
and one is a staff only, gender neutral that are down there, building project in February
and another gender neutral in a year and a half takes time and is not accepted do not like it
that we have code problem but that is where they are with it right now. There will be a
gender neutral bathroom in the front of Reeve with the project is c complete. College
Republicans: Will the gender neutral bathroom be on main floor or Reeve? Answer: Yes,
front entrance on the left hand side men women and a gender neutral. There are codes for
the number of men, women bathrooms that needs to be followed until then.
Committee Reports – no reports
Discussion –
a. Concealed Carry – call local legislative not going to happen tomorrow, not a
debate here but voice concerns how you personally fee, contact your legislator,
OSA President has not expressed statement as of yet. Titan Catholics: glad the
OSA President has not given a statement, she feels too early to jump to that
conclusion. HOPE, feels uncomfortable having concealed carry on campus
b. OSA Sponsored program – Student Legal Services
Lawyer on campus offers this $5 fee per issue landlord inside of Room 105
volunteers at the desk are also needed.
Announcements –
History Club – grad student panel, 4 to 5 in SAGE 2032. Nicole Smith from Financial Services
accounts payable and travel, changes occurred over the summer meeting with Rae Ann and
Nicole offer how to utilize your allocated funds workshop this Thursday 4 to 5 PM in Reeve 207.
Adjourn – motion to adjourn at 5:26 PM by Circle K, 2nd by YAL, passed placard
vote (10/26/15)