Minutes: 9/22/2008 1) Ice breaker game: Never Have I Ever

Minutes: 9/22/2008
1) Ice breaker game: Never Have I Ever
-Tyler Krombholz wins
2) Announcement of the OSA representative, Sandra Zuleger.
3) There is only going to be one Blood Drive this year (Feb. 25th)
4) Experience Oshkosh Series (has an official name now!)
-Oshkosh Public Museum
-Paine Art Center
5) Discussion of the phrase “bated breath.”
6) Halloween Carnival, Thursday Oct 30th 4-6PM
-Discussion of activities in follow up meetings
7) Asylum Point haunted house trip = fun and fantastic, it just needs planning
8) Ride board to promote car pooling; advertising the electronic one currently
9) Note: the next meeting is in three weeks, not two (October 13th)