OSA Assembly Minutes II. Roll Call -

OSA Assembly Minutes
March 30, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 307
Call to Order – at 4:00 PM
Roll Call Organizations with Voting Rights:
Present: 68
Absent: Advertising Club, Asian Student Association, Beat2Soul, Beta Alpha PsiAccounting Club, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club, Colleges Against Cancer, Chi Sigma lota,
Circle K, Comedy Club, Communication Club, Community Garden Club, Delta Chi
Fratenity, Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Inc, Hmong Student Organization, Ignite,
Illinois Student Organization, Interfraternity Council, Kappa Delta Pi, Management
Information Systems Club, MUN, North Scott Hall Activities Council, Omega Delta Phi,
Oshkosh Chess Club, Oshkosh Collegiate Music Teachers Association, Oshkosh League
of Legends, OPEC, Panhellenic Council, Pre-Law Society, Pre-Med, PRSSA, RUB,
Ski/Snowboard Club, Society of Physics Students, Student for Concealed Carry, SOFA,
Swing Dance Club, Taylor Hall Government, The Sisterhood, Titan TV, United Students
in Residence Halls, University Honors Student Association, University of Wisconsin
Oshkosh Aviation Club, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh SHRM, UW Oshkosh Clean
up Crew, UW Oshkosh Hip Hop Dance Team, UW Oshkosh Metal Club, UW Oshkosh
Student Veterans Association, UWO Pokémon Fight Club, UW Oshkosh ROTC, UW
Oshkosh Women’s Lacrosse, UW Oshkosh Golf Club
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Guest Speakers – none
Officer Reports –
OSA Directors – Katrina Schiedemeyer is Publicity director, marketing and all
correspondence through OSA and student body to her
b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu ) – TitanLink Tip of the
Day, new documents and create files, SLS director applications being accepted
until Friday, April 3, 2015 for next academic year. April 6th and April 13th
assembly taking nominations for speaker of assembly, and speaker PT of
assembly, elections will be held on April 13th.
c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – welcome back, talk about budget
in next couple weeks only 6 weeks left, contact Graham, Jordan, Reggie who are
reps on leadership council with any suggestions or questions on the budget cuts
Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Austyn Boothe – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu ) – USP
interim Director Professor Tracy Slagter here next week as guest. Ask your
groups if they have any questions, suggestions, or concerns on USP.
e. Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole Lehto – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report
f. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey Newhauser - osavppt@uwosh.edu) –
g. Vice President – (Graham Sparks – (osavp@uwosh.edu) – all campus exec
meeting this Wednesday, April 1 at 8:00 AM in the SLIC. Student reps April 11
in Eau Claire by night hang out with them nominations and elections for the
student leaders, April 11 in Eau Clair get involved. UW Oshkosh students going
to Madison this Thursday, State wide day of action, contact Jordan is you want to
h. President – (Jordan Schettle – osavpres@uwosh.edu) – no report
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 14-027
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Megan Rogers, Reeve Advisory Council
2. Graham Sparks, Parking Advisory Committee
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor, STAND, 2nd by Pagan Student Alliance
Vote, voice vote passed, no objections, one abstention (03/30/2015)
IX. Unfinished Business – none
New Business – none
Committee Reports – Allocations Committee update - gone through club/org proposals,
asking seg fees for one-time requests before we determine if we have to make any final
cuts, club and orgs will be asked to pick up their budgets by the end of April in OSA.
VP Sparks: Would you like to explain the mishap that happened during chair elections?
Answer: Reggie read my letter, mistake made and now we have to have new elections.
No questions.
Discussion – none
Announcements – Be the Match registry drive on April 8 and 9th volunteers needed and
will be conducting two volunteer trainings this Thursday and next Thursday, email
Andrew at simeka20@ uwosh.edu if you are interested. Student Leadership and
involvement awards nominations by April 10th recognize as many as possible, forms are
on TitanLink, believe there are 22 awards lots of opportunities to recognize work you
have done all year. The awards are for: Do you know an outstanding student leader or
student organization deserving of recognition? Consider nominating this student or
organization for one of Reeve Union's annual Student Leadership and Involvement
Awards. Nominations are open now and due by 4:30PM on Friday, April 10, 2015.
Awards include:
• Outstanding Emerging Leader
• Outstanding Student Leader
• Outstanding Organization President
• Emerging Volunteer of the Year
• Volunteer of the Year
• Inclusion Excellence (individual)
• Faculty/Staff Student Organization Advisor of the Year
• New/Emerging Organization
• Most Improved Organization
• Inclusion Excellence (Organization)
• Volunteer Organization of the Year
• Outstanding Cultural Event
• Outstanding Academic/Educational Program
• Innovation/Creativity Award
• Co-Sponsorship Program of the Year
• Publicity of the Year
• Volunteer Event of the Year
• Social Event of the Year
In a couple weeks it will be social justice week. Aril 14 7 PM in Albee Hall interfaith youth
core, email Jennifer merej82 with any question, this will be a great opportunity to learn. History
Club Wednesday 5:00 PM Sage 2220 workshop. College Democrats will have a Save our UW
Rally April 7 from noon to 2 outside of Polk, faculty, staff, and students speaking on the budget
cuts. Budget Hearing going on now in Reeve, Ballroom Rep. Gordon Hintz is talking about
budget and how it will affect us too. LGBTQ Center having Transaction week this year’s
speaker Kate Bornstein Thursday, April 2 at 7:00PM in SAGE 1214, and Friday in Reeve, Room
307 at 11:00AM. Need committee member for Pouring Rights committee, seven year contract
with Pepsi this group look at pouring rights meets during the summer. O”Day Transition week
HOPE movie presentation at 8:30 resource center opportunity to see it, heads up Earth Day on
Tuesday, April 21st cool event keep it in mind
Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 4:19 PM by STAND, 2nd by Pagan Student
Alliance, passed voice vote, no objections, no abstentions (03/30/2015)