Let’s Build It! HW

Let’s Build It! HW
1. Describe the shape of each of the following molecules. (Use Lewis dot structures, the
periodic table, and HONC 1234 to assist you.)
H2 S
2. Which of the above molecules have the same shape?
3. What shape or shapes do you predict for a molecule with two atoms? A molecule with
three atoms? Four atoms? Five atoms? You can draw Lewis dot structures or electron
domains to assist you in answering the questions.
4. Draw a picture of what you think a three-dimensional molecule might really look like if we
could see it. Remember, we can’t see molecules first-hand because they are so tiny so
there is no absolutely correct answer. You can draw water if you wish to draw a simpler
molecule, or you can draw a large molecule like citronellol. Extra credit for creativity and