Unit Four - World In Transition Review

Unit Four - World In Transition Review
1. What form of government was used during the Middle Ages?
2. What were the effects of Crusades?
3. What were the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire?
4. Where did Constantine move the capital of the Roman Empire?
5. What was the religion of the Byzantine Empire?
6. What was the Justinian Code and who wrote them?
7. What did the Eastern Roman Empire become after the fall western Roman Empire?
8. Who conquered the Byzantine Empire?
9. What were the Crusades?
10. Name the events which ended the Middle Ages.
11. What is a Republic?
12. What changes were made in Rome under Julius Caesar?
13. Who was the first emperor of Rome?
14. What things began under the rule of Augustus that helped the people of Rome?
15. What term, meaning “I forbid,” was used by Roman leaders to overrule decisions of others in government?
16. What are the characteristics of Greece's geography?
17. What type of government did Greece have?
18. What is an oligarchy?
19. What was the first great threat to Greek society?
20. What were the Dark Ages?
21. Describe the effects of the Black Plague.
22. In the Middle Ages what was the source of education?
23. What is Feudalism?
24. What is a Lord?
25. What is a Vassal?
26. What is a Fief?
27. What are Knights responsible to buy?
28. What is the difference between a peasant and a serf?
29. What is Manor and who in control of it?
30. What was the source of hope for people in the Middle Ages?
31. Where did the Vikings come from?
32. What were the effects of the Crusades?
33. What was promised to Crusaders if the fought?
34. What happened at the Battle of Tours?
35. Why did the Vikings stop raiding?
36. What was the Magna Carta
37. What caused the Hundred Years' War?
38. What caused the Black Death
39. Who ordered the Crusades?
40. Where did Monks live?
41. What was Charlemagne known for?
42. What did Clovis do?
43. Charles Martel is famous for what?
44. What battle did William the Conqueror win what was the result?
45. What is Chivalry?