Section 3: The Russian Revolution Review: Essential Questions:

Section 3: The Russian Revolution
Essential Questions:
 What were the three separate (but related) phases of the Russian Revolution?
 How did the outcome of these three events lead to an all out Russian Civil War?
 What were the consequences of the Russian Civil War?
Pre-Revolutionary Russia:
Only true ______________________ left in Europe
No type of ________________________ political institutions
__________________________ became Tsar in 1884
Believed he was the ______________________ anointed by God
__________________ War (1904)
**There are three phases to the Russian Revolution AND then a Civil War**
Phase One: The Revolution of 1905
 ___________________________-Czar’s troops shot unarmed strikers on their way to
deliver a petition
 ___________________________-granted individual liberties and….
 _____________________- Russia parliament/ legislative body (1906)
 ___________________________:
 ___________________ remained loyal
 _________________________________ money to Russia
 Revolutionary groups were ___________________________________
Conservatism Continues: 1905-1917
Tsar paid no attention to the _________________
Duma _____________________________________________________________
_____________________ was personally a very weak man
Tsar became even more out of touch with _______________________
World War I 1914-1918
Russian death estimates are near _________________________________________
 Most died on the ___________________________
 A large number died because of ___________________________________________
like conditions
 The government was simply unable to cope with this “________________________”
Phase Two: The March Revolution 1917
 Origins: ___________________________________
 ____________________ declared itself a _________________________________ on
Tsar ___________________________ on March 17
_______________________ was the new leader
Very ____________________ Revolution
The Petrograd Soviet (council) of Workers’ and Soldiers’
Petrograd Soviets
-Considered themselves ____________
-Divided into _____________directions
 Originally in control of the
 __________________
 Major weakness: they
wanted to ___________
 More ______________
 “_________________”
 _____________
 Revolutionary socialist
Third Phase: October Revolution
 Took place on ____________________________ (called October because of the
difference in the Russian Calendar)
 Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew the ____________________ government
 Bolsheviks renamed themselves the _______________________________
Peace from WWI to Civil War
 ______________________________- 1918 peace treaty Lenin’s new government signed
with the Central Powers
 Opponents of Lenin fought back by ________________________________
 ______________ (Lenin and the Communists) vs. ____________ (right winged,
 To prevent any chance of the monarchy coming back to power, the communists
 The Allies sent __________________ to Russia to support the _______________
 By1922, the _____________________ won renaming Russia the Union of Soviet
Socialists Republics..aka ______________________