Date : 28-04-2012
Dept. No.
Time : 1:00 - 4:00
Max. : 100 Marks
PART – A (20 marks)
Answer all the questions
(5x1=5 marks) I. Choose the Correct answer:
1. Who was the first person to introduce the principle of vaccination?
a) Jenner b) Lister c) Koch d) Metchnikoff
2. Statement A. Transient flora remain on the surface of human body only for a short time.
Statement B. Resident flora occur as commensals in the human body. a) Statement A is correct, but statement B is incorrect b) Statement B is correct, but statement A is incorrect c) Both A and B are correct d) Both A and B are incorrect
3. Which microbial genus is the source of the antibiotic Polymyxin?
a) Streptomyces b) Bacillus c) Penicillium d) Cephalosporium
4. Match A) Tetanus B) Chicken pox C) Ringworm D) Anthrax with
i) Epidermophyton ii) Clostridium iii) Bacillus iv) Varicella
a) A- ii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv
b) A- ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i
c) A- ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii
d) A- ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-i
5. Pick the odd one out based on the mode of transmission:
a) Typhoid b) Cholera c) Amoebiasis d) Syphilis
II State whether the following are True or False; If false, give reason:
6. Antiseptic is a chemical used on inanimate objects.
7. Exotoxins are released outside the bacterial cells and they are thermolabile.
8. Interferons are antiviral agents produced in response to an infection.
(5x1=5 marks)
9. TB is caused by Mycobacterium leprae .
10. Malaria is transmitted by male Anopheles mosquito which acts as a vector.
III Complete the following:
11. _______________ is the complete destruction of all forms of microbial life.
12. ___________ acts as the outermost external physical barrier to any infection.
13. When antigens are introduced in the host resulting in the production of antibodies, the type of immunity is said to be ______________ immunity.
14. __________________is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum.
15. ___________of Anthrax bacillus are used as bioweapon.
IV Answer the following, each in about 50 words only.
16. Distinguish between sterilization and disinfection.
17. What do you mean by the term ‘portal of entry’. Give an example.
18. Define the term ‘phagocytosis’. Who coined the term?
(5x1=5 marks)
19. Mention any two morphological features of Cholera causing organism?
20. Enumerate any two symptoms of Tetanus.
Answer the following each in about 500 words only. Draw diagrams wherever necessary
(5x8= 40 marks)
21. a) Mention the contributions of any eight scientists to the field of medical microbiology.
b) Discuss the control of microbes by i) Halogens ii) gaseous chemosterilizers.
22. a) How does a pathogen leave the host? Give examples.
b) Distinguish between exotoxins and endotoxins.
23. a) Give an outline of immunity, indicating the salient aspects .
b) What are antibiotics? Mention the source and mode of action of any three antibiotics.
24. a) Describe the causal organism, the symptoms, treatment and control of Typhoid.
b) Give an account of the disease cycle of amoebiasis.
25. a) Describe the causal organism of AIDS. Write about its symptoms and prevention.
b) Expand the following with a foot note.
i) VZV ii) LAF iii) ELISA iv) NMEP
Answer any Two of the following, each in about1500 words only. Draw diagrams wherever necessary. (2x20= 40 marks)
26. Give an account of any four physical agents used in the control of microbes.
27. Give an account of internal defence mechanisms found in our body.
Compare and contrast Syphilis and Gonorrhoea based on causal organism, morphology, symptoms and treatment.
29. Describe the sequence of events in the infection of malarial parasite. Add a note on its control