College Planning Council Minutes November 19, 2009

College Planning Council
DRAFT Minutes
November 19, 2009
West Campus – 6-202
Council members and staff present: Akos Delneky, Amy Bosley, Bill White, Carole
Nevels, Ed Frame, Helene Loiselle, Jeff Cornett, John Edwards, John Niss, Keith Houck,
Kurt Ewen, Linda Downing, and Susan Kelley
Council members and staff absent: Dale Husbands, Jean Marie Fuhrman, Joe Bivins,
Joe Nunes, Jackie Lasch, Jared Graber, Joyce Romano, Kaye Walter, Lisa Macon, Mary
Ann Gagen, Pedro Rivera, Ruth Prather, Sonya Joseph, and Yolanda L. Gonzalez.
Welcome and Introductions
Co-chair Amy Bosley welcomed Council members.
Action Item: Minutes of September 24, 2009 Meeting
Co-chair Susan Kelley presented the minutes of the meeting of September 24,
2009, and the Council approved the minutes by consensus.
Report: Budget and Financial Advisory Group (BFAG)
Keith Houck and Amy Bosley reported on the budget forums held on each
campus and the process that was shared for creating the 2010-11 budget,
including finalizing recommended principles and priorities.
They reported that a draft statement of principles and priorities has been
developed by the BFAG, having only minor changes from the 2009-10 version,
and once it has been approved by the BFAG in final form, the final
recommendations will be sent to CPC members for approval before being
presented to President Shugart.
Report: Quarterly Budget Report and College Fiscal Planning
Keith Houck shared a report on the first quarter of the 2009-10 fiscal year, and
information about fiscal planning underway as the College anticipates state
revenues, federal stimulus funding, enrollment growth, and other factors that
influence our financial future.
It was noted that additional revenues resulted from enrollment growth, and that
we can have planned to be able to weather a certain amount of state budget cuts,
should that occur, without significant damage to our operations. The Council
discussed the impact felt by faculty and others and others due to larger classes and
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heavy schedules, and the need to be sensitive to employees who are feeling
Report: Planning Update
Amy and Susan reported on the first joint meeting of goal teams held November
10, 2009. Meeting notes have been posted to the web site, under Big Meeting
It was noted that the goal teams are planning three meetings each in preparation
for the Big Meeting on March 19.
The President invited two members from each of the four goal teams to meet with
Senior Staff on Dec. 1 to jump start the work of creating a list of all of the
activities currently underway or planned that will support meeting each goal.
At their first solo meeting, the goal teams will each review and suggest additions
to the list generated by Senior Staff. Also, as plans are entered into the new
Weave Online system (see item that follows), the teams will be able to draw from
that resource.
In keeping with the charge to the teams by the CPC, the teams will address five
Looking at our team’s goal and objectives…
1. Where do we want to go, ultimately?
2. What part of that can we bite off in the next three years?
3. What is currently happening at the college to get us there?
4. What measures can we use to help us identify progress?
5. Will this list of major activities “move the needle?” If not, what is
missing from the list?
The goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the link at
the bottom of this page:
Report: New Planning Software
Kurt Ewen provided an update on plans to begin use of the new software tool,
WEAVEOnline, which was discussed at the September CPC meeting. The tool
will be useful to the Goal Teams in preparing reports on strategic goals and
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The CPC will benefit from the tool as a means of making information about
progress on our strategic plan readily available college-wide, adding to the
transparency of the plan’s execution and our evaluation. Information on the new
WEAVE Online system can be found at It was
noted that the software is responsive to the CPC’s goal of transparency since
faculty and staff can view the plans online, sorted by goal.
Council Learning Activity: Economic and Demographic Shifts
The Council agreed to postpone this month’s learning activity until 2010. The
topic was Economic and Demographic Shifts.
2009-10 Meeting Schedule
Amy called the Council’s attention to the meeting schedule, noting that the annual
CPC Holiday Party will be held December 17, 2009, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.,
at the Special Events Center, Building 8, on West Campus. Invitations have gone
out to all present and past CPC members via Outlook and email.
She noted that the next regularly scheduled CPC meeting is set for January 28,
2010, at the East Campus, in 5-112, at 2:30 p.m. (The meeting was subsequently
cancelled, making the next meeting February 25, 2010, at Winter Park Campus,
Room 108, at 2:30 p.m.)
She also noted that CPC members should mark the entire day of March 19, 2010
on their calendars, for the Big Meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
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