Space Committee Meeting MINUTES August 4, 2010

Space Committee Meeting
August 4, 2010
Members Present:
Shari Shuman, Mauricio Gonzalez, Joann Campbell,
Len Roberson, Tom Serwatka, Sitou Byll-Cataria
Support Staff Present:
Richard Crosby, Everett Malcolm, Zak Ovadia,
Dan Endicott, Lance Taylor, Elizabeth Jones,
Project Timelines
- The first draft of the Campus Wide Master Plan has been received and a
presentation will be prepared for the November BOT meeting.
- The Building 9 (Veterans Services) is complete and the occupants have moved in.
- New Food Service Facility - A new dining facility is planned for the campus. A
meeting to discuss the general scope and detail of the project is planned for August
11. With two levels dedicated to the dining facility/food service, a third and fourth
level are being considered for the Faculty Association and other administrative uses
or Housing program space.
Building 14
- Dept of Communications - This project is complete.
UNF Hall
- Shades are currently being installed in the corridors as well as an energy recovery
unit on the roof.
JJ Daniel Hall (Building 1)
- Work on the 2nd floor has begun. The budget has increased due to the Graduate
School move, the President’s Conference Room space and changes for the Human
Resources space.
- The Graduate School is scheduled to move in September.
- New carpet and painting for Academic Affairs will occur during the December break.
Student Wellness and Sports Education
- The area will be fenced in December. Construction will start in January.
- Temporary housing for the Dottie Dorian activities is being discussed.
Science and Humanities Building
- The documents are 50% complete. The project is slightly over budget. Cost
estimates are being reviewed to bring it back into budget.
- The classrooms should be available for scheduling in the 2012 spring semester.
Classroom Space – Presentation for Faculty
- The Classroom Inventory will be shared with the Chairs next Monday.
Building 8 – Retail Space: Greek Shipping Company
- The Greek Shipping Company opened on Monday, August 2 and will be handling all
personal postage/shipping needs (USPS, Federal Express, UPS, etc.) as well as
fraternity and sorority retail needs.
Education Building: DRC, OCT, Veteran’s Services and Leadership Institute Offices
- The schematic layout is complete
- One change to the layout will be discussed later today. Funding is $5M. Courtelis
funds are needed to complete the building.
Science & Engineering Remedial Work
- The magnitude of the problem is greater than originally thought. Currently waiting
for a draft of the report.
Building 9 – 2nd Floor – History
- Programming is completed. Campus Planning, Design & Construction is currently
waiting for the funding analysis.
- Building 9 Restacking - Currently, History is scheduled to occupy about 30% of the
2nd floor with classrooms scheduled for the 1st floor.
Art & Design Building Program
- A meeting is scheduled for August 17 to review the preliminary relationship diagram.
Excess space in the Fine Arts Center will be back-filled with mostly Music and Fine
Arts personnel.
Disability Resource Center – Expansion into CIRT
- The DRC space should be completed by the end of the week. .
Additional Discussion
Need to have a discussion on Osprey Hall. Do we renovate or take it down? Discussions will
occur during the master plan process.