Space Committee Meeting MINUTES May 7, 2014 Members Present: Shari Shuman, Jay Coleman, Mauricio Gonzalez, Tom Serwatka, Joseph Turner, Paul Mosley Support Staff Present: Zak Ovadia, Dan Endicott, John Hale, Elizabeth Jones, John Yancey, Everett Malcolm, Mary Mory 1. Project Timelines 2. Housing Clubhouse - Substantial completion has been achieved. Furniture should start arriving in the next 10 days. - A tentative start date is the beginning of Summer B. 3. Interfaith Chapel at the Sanctuary/Student Assembly Center - All of the programming interviews have been completed. The project is now in the construction documents phase. Once completed, it will be shovel ready. 4. Skinner-Jones Halls North and South - Both buildings are being considered together in the programming and design phases. Results from the focus group meetings were discussed with the Steering Committee made up of Deans Hetrick, Tumeo and Chally. A meeting has been scheduled with the Provost to discuss strategic decisions. 5. Aquatic Center Re-Purposing - The design development documents have been completed and approved. Three CM firms were selected for interviews. The recommendation has been sent to the president for approval. 6. Elevated Parking Deck - Perry-McCall has been awarded the project. They are currently draining the pond. The project will open no later than January 2015. 7. New Aquatic Center - The scope and expectations of the project have again been discussed with EMO Architects. A new fee proposal has been received and approved with minor revisions. The next phase will be programming of the space including use of the space by entities inside and outside the campus. 8. Library Learning Commons - Several meetings between the Library administration and ITS have occurred to discuss their needs. The Help Desk will move to the Library Commons. Steel Case and Herman Miller are presenting fee proposals. Some work will need to be completed by the architect. 9. Physical Facilities Warehouse - John Hale gave an update on the warehouse. Nine companies responded for the prequalification phase of the RFQ. The selection committee will meet next Tuesday to decide on how many may bid. Bids should be received by mid-June and construction should start July 1. The anticipated move date will be in December. Art & Design and CCEC have been informed of the delay. 10. Gender Neutral Restrooms - Student Affairs will work with LGBT to prioritize their needs for locations on renovating restrooms to make them gender neutral and send them to Shari for future possible changes. 11. Storage Space for ROTC - Everett discussed that future ROTC enrollment may exceed the space in Building 10. They believe they may outgrow the space by January 2015. The administrative space in Building 9 is acceptable but an additional enhanced air-conditioned storage space of 400sf is needed in close proximity of where they conduct their drills and exercises. Shari noted that there is still an outside storage space that was offered in Building 10 which is not being used. Elizabeth will confirm the location of the space with Everett and he will follow up with the group. 12. Scheduling of Common Outdoor Space - Student Affairs continues to receive requests for reserving space in various outdoor areas on campus. The Student Union administration has offered to manage the programming of these spaces if the committee approves. It was noted that department heads in buildings will need to be notified in advance of an event. - A list of the most common spaces requested will be brought to the committee next month for discussion.