STUDENT FEE ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES November 4, 2011 Committee Members Present – Matthew Brockelman (Chair), Courtney Warner, Michael Naughton, Billy Namen, Carlo Fassi, Shari Shuman, Jim Owen, Karen Patterson Others Present – Devany Groves ( Budget), Betty Garris (SG), Michael McGuire (SG), Pam Quimby (SG), Joey Rodil (SG), Joe Parisi (SG), Hether Celetti (SG), John Simms (SG), Chere Morelle (Student Affairs), Christine Malek (Student Affairs), Shelley Purser (Health Promotions), Mike Kennedy (Health Promotions), Terri DiNuzzo (Counseling Center), Doreen Perez (Student Health Services) I. Introductions and Announcements The meeting was called to order at 3:01 pm by this year’s chair Matthew Brockelman. Committee members and guests were introduced. The chair stated that the meeting would be recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. II. Budget Presentations Health Promotions - Health Promotions has requested an increase of $0.11 in order to hire a Healthy Osprey Coordinator. Health Promotions feels that the Healthy Osprey Coordinator will be beneficial in the following manner: student recruitment, First Year Experience, Healthy Osprey Learning Community, student retention, university community development and the Jacksonville community involvement. Questions & Answers Q: Matt Brockelman asked Shelley Purser to clarify that they did want to hire a coordinator last year but due to circumstances they were unable to. A: Shelley’s response was yes and she that she understands there is only so much money to go around and she just wanted to reintroduce it again this year. Shari Shuman stated that it was her understanding that this would be part of the Student Life & Services fee. However it was not in the last version that was presented. Betty Garris stated that Sitou Byll-Cataria had said no to it last year and didn’t feel it should go with the Student Life & Services fee and that it should come back to the Student Fee Assessment Committee this year. Student Health Services - Student Health Services gave three proposals this year. - The first proposal is for no increase. Student Health Services would like to increase the part time nurse practitioner to a full time line. The nurse practitioner will help provide health care to the increased number of students that will be living on campus next year. The funds to support this position come from an increase in SCH and a decrease in benefits. - The second proposal is for a $0.09 increase. With this proposal Student Health Services could begin the process of 3rd party billing by hiring an insurance clerk to bill insurance companies and complete in office referrals. Doreen stated that this is not the ideal proposal as the cost for students may rise with 3rd party billing. - The third proposal is for a $0.39 increase. The third proposal is to set up an HMO for students. The HMO would provide free procedures, vaccinations and physical exams for students up to $300.00 per student. Questions & Answers Q: Matt Brockelman asked that when setting a price for students do you pick a provider with the lowest price? A: Doreen stated that no, they do not pick. The insurance companies will tell UNF what they will reimburse. This is why an insurance clerk would so important in knowing all the codes. Matt’s follow up question was that there is no flat rate for students; it will be totally up to the student’s insurance plan. Q: Is there a possibility that students or their families will be paying more if you do third party billing? A: Doreen stated that the students would not be paying more, the insurance company would be paying more. Shari Shuman stated that the insurance companies negotiate a lower rate then what they are actually getting. The company will bill $50 and they get paid $20 and the family only pays a small portion depending on what type of insurance it is. It was also stated that most of the HMO’s won’t even cover UNF because you have to stay within network. Q: Is there a chance that the copay the student or family has to pay will be higher with insurance then what the current prices are? A: Doreen stated no that the person that is going to be most affected is the uninsured student because Student Health Services is going to have to find a way that they are not impacted by any of the rising. Doreen stated that everyone has to be charged the same amount. The price that the students are charged does not change but the amount that you bill the insurance companies change. Q: Matt stated that it would be hard to gauge how much revenue you would be getting back if every insurance company reimburses a different amount. Shari also stated that it would be a huge assumption that insurance companies would put UNF in network. It is not as easy as hiring a clerk to do the billing. You would need to hire a consultant to do this job. Q: Shari then asked how many students are actually utilizing the clinic and would like to see a three year breakdown. Also requested was how many students are doing the procedures. The whole setup for the Health Clinic was originally set up for those students that do not have insurance. Now with the Health Law changes most students can be on their parents insurance until the age of 26. It is easier for students to come to the Student Health Center. Not all students under the age of 18 will want their parents to be billed for a procedure they are coming in for. Shari stated that she would be concerned for the uninsured with the procedures if you start billing and that prices could increase. Q: Shari also asked if CDRC has a nurse. A: Doreen stated that a staff visits the CDRC to review procedures. They do not provide first aid to the CDRC. Q: Jim Owens asked with existing staff and with the increase of the part time practicioner to full time what will be your capacity? With the 22,000 visits last year are you at capacity or near capacity? A: Doreen stated that right now they are at capacity. Almost every afternoon is booked and the mornings tend to be open which is helpful because they have walk-ins. With the requirement for freshman to live on campus next year she feels that one more hand would be helpful. Q: Jim asked if there are resources available to absorb the costs if the HMO is approved. A: No, they will have 4 full time staff and women’s health. It was stated that there is a potential if the HMO is picked and students were favorable in attendance wise that the Student Health Services would be back next year to look for another position. Q: Billy Namen asked how big of an impact the HMO would be on the uninsured students? A: Doreen stated that Student Health Services will always be available for the uninsured students. The Affordable Care Act will give uninsured students more choices than before. As long as they don’t have to do third party billing they will be able to keep their rates low. Q: Michael Naughton reconfirmed that proposal #2 is the Student Health Services least favorite. Doreen stated that the most favorable proposal was #1. While it would be great to offer an HMO to students she is not sure how feasible it is at the current time. No other universities are doing HMO’s at this time. Q: Courtney Warner asked if the insurance coordinator would be able to see where a student’s insurance is available and forwarded to another facility. A: Doreen stated that yes that is a majority of what the coordinator would be doing. Shari brought up the point that only a few people call a year asking for third party billing and stated that is why the numbers needed to be reviewed. Counseling Center - The Counseling Center is asking for a $0.26 increase to hire one additional Counselor/Psychologist, additional OPS hours for a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and additional overhead and misc. fees. With the hiring of another Counselor/Psychologist the Counseling Center would be in full compliance with Accreditation Standards. Also with the increased complexity of cases the Counseling Center is seeing they feel that with increased staff and hours they would be able to see more students and decrease their waiting list. Questions & Answers Q: Matt Brockelman asked Terri Dinuzzo how delinguent the Counseling Center would have to be before losing accredidation. A: Terri stated that they are nowhere near losing accreditation but stated that they should be in compliance. They are at minimum compliance now which is why one extra counselor is needed. Q: Shari Shuman asked if the Counseling Center was seeing more students or if the cases where becoming more complex. A: Terri stated that the complexity of the cases they are seeing are becoming more severe than in the past. Q: Shari then asked why Terri felt the cases are becoming more severe. A: Terri answered that more and more students come to the university already on medication from High School along with the increased amount of pressure the students are receiving once in college. The meeting was adjourned at 4:19 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2011 at 12:00 pm in the Student Affairs Conference Room. Those presenting are Vince Smyth, Michael McGuire and Lee Moon