Members Present: Support Staff Present:

Space Committee Meeting
October 2, 2013
Members Present:
Shari Shuman, Jay Coleman, Ann McCullen, Carlo Fassi,
Paul Mosley, Michael Cusak
Support Staff Present:
Zak Ovadia, Mary Mory, Dan Endicott, Wallace Harris,
Elizabeth Jones, Everett Malcolm, Lance Taylor, Mike McGuire,
Angela Rivera
Project Timelines
Housing Clubhouse
- The project is on schedule - no issues in construction.
Student Assembly Building (Sanctuary)
- Insurance issues have been resolved. The contract will be put in the contract routing
- The design phase will be started.
Skinner-Jones Hall North
- Ten responses were received from the RFQ. These will be reviewed over the next 2
weeks for short-listing.
Aquatic Center Re-Purposing
- A short-list meeting on September 25th resulted in three consultants to interview on
October 18th.
Classroom and Storage Space for Army ROTC
- After a walk-through of the building, storage space has been identified (Room 1303) for
storage. Everett Malcolm indicated another identified space (Room 1311) would not be
large enough for classes but it would be useful for another storage area as 1303 would not
be enough space alone.
- A dedicated classroom is not warranted at this time as there are not enough contact hours
used by ROTC.
- It was approved that ROTC could use Room 1311 until Academic Affairs needed the
Space in Building 10 for UPD Substation
- Everett Malcolm indicated that UPD would like to use the space (Room 1335)
discussed in Building 10 temporarily.
- After speaking with Dean Baldwin, Michael Cusak and Paul Mosley offered a
room at the library on the 4th floor (Room 4303) for use by UPD as a substation.
This would provide a police presence in the library which would benefit the staff
and patrons of the library.
- Everett Malcolm will discuss both possibilities with UPD and make a decision.
Elevated Parking Deck
- There was a meeting on September 30 with the consultant who presented three
new options. One option was chosen to present to the President’s executive
Honors & Undergraduate Studies Space in Building 10
- Honors & Undergraduate Studies would like to move into the former Faculty
Association, CIRT, Faculty Lounge and former DRC main space in Building 10.
Jay Coleman will follow up with CCB regarding releasing the space.
Renovations will be needed (carpeting, wall repair, painting, lighting, etc.).
Physical Facilities is currently obtaining quotes.
- Ann McCullen will follow up regarding the large oriental rugs and table being
stored in the space.
New Aquatic Center
- Requests for qualifications are being advertised this week.