Space Committee Meeting MINUTES December 3, 2014

Space Committee Meeting
December 3, 2014
Members Present:
Shari Shuman, Jay Coleman, Josh Merchant, Tom Serwatka,
Joe Turner, Paul Mosley, Michael Kucsak
Support Staff Present:
Zak Ovadia, Dan Endicott, John Hale, Elizabeth Jones, Everett Malcolm,
Mary Mory, Lance Taylor
Project Timelines
- Student Assembly Building
 Construction documents are 75% complete.
- Building 9 – 2nd floor for Theatre
 This project is on hold.
Skinner-Jones Halls North and South
- Three concepts were presented to the president and stakeholders. One concept was
chosen and programming is in progress. The concept includes fully renovating Buildings
3 and 4 and a 4 floor new addition to Building 4. The addition would add another 28,000
- A meeting to discuss the impact of Building 50 will be scheduled this month.
Aquatic Center Re-Purposing
- The GMP with Barton Malow has been signed. A construction start-up meeting was held
on December 1st. Construction should take approximately 8 months with completion
expected in August 2015.
- Some parking spaces in Lot 34 will be taken off-line during construction.
- An alternate traffic pattern for pedestrians from the shuttle is being discussed for when
the walkway between the Arena and Aquatics Center is blocked.
Elevated Parking Deck
- Construction is going well and is on schedule for completion on January 1st.
- There will be additional general parking spaces as well as faculty staff spaces
once the addition is completed.
New Aquatic Center
- The revised schematic designs were received on December 2nd.
- A meeting to review the concepts with the stakeholders is scheduled for
December 4th.
Library Learning Commons
- Construction has started. Some carpeting has been installed.
- Once the semester has ended, work should progress much faster.
Campus Maintenance Facility
- John Hale reported that the project reached substantial completion last week. A
new sign has been installed on the building.
- The moving process has started and will continue over the next 3 weeks.
Some of the former Physical Facilities space will be turned over to CCEC on
December 15th.
Math Emporium
- An agreement on layout was received.
- The HVAC has been confirmed to be adequate for the heat load.
- The project is currently on hold pending Math Department faculty meeting.
Taylor Leadership Institute Space Needs
- Everett Malcolm explained that the Military & Veterans Resource Center has
outgrown their space and would like to use the space that the Taylor Leadership
Institute is currently using.
- The Taylor Leadership Institute will require a space large enough to include 4
professional offices, an area for a receptionist and an enclosed space for 8-10
computers. Everett will follow up to find out the specific reasons for needing the
Softball Coaches Space Needs
- In order to comply with Title IX needs, softball coaches need additional space.
Discussion included relocating them to offices across from the raquetball courts
that will be vacated by Recreation when the new recreation basketball courts
Institute for Race Relations
- Jay Coleman explained that a faculty group is working on developing an institute
for race relations in the future. Space needs would include 2 offices and a
meeting room.
- Tom Serwatka noted that they might be able to work together with OneJax if
space could be identified near their offices.