MINUTES University Technology Committee November 10, 2008

University Technology Committee
November 10, 2008
Members Present:
Lance Taylor, Chairperson
Scott Bennett
Michael Biagini
Peter Braza
Richard Crosby
Faith Hall
David Jaffee
Michael Kucsak
Albert Loh
Gerald Merckel
Deb Miller
Marianne Roberts
Mark Smith
Lucy Trice
Barbara Tuck
Tom Van Schoor
Bobby Waldrup
Others Present:
Jeff Bowen
Rick Buck
Jeff Durfee
Kathy Hughes
Joe Lynch
Steve Lyon
Chairperson Taylor called the University Technology Committee meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in
Bldg. 15 Room 1105.
Approval of Minutes - September 8, 2008
Chairperson Taylor asked if the UTC members had any changes, additions, or corrections to the
Minutes from September 8, 2008. Deb Miller noted the following changes needed under the CIRT
Announcement: CTS Clicker software should be shown as CPS Clicker Software and Flip Ninos should
be shown as Flip Minos.
The September 8, 2008 Minutes were approved with these changes.
Bylaws Change
Barbara Tuck pointed out at a previous meeting that the UTC bylaws needed a
possible revision with regard to committee membership by the Faculty Association.
Upon further research, it was determined that this membership is at the discretion of
the Faculty Association President. Membership can be by election or appointment. The
UTC bylaws will not be changed at this time.
Kathy Hughes announced the following dates for online collaboration software tool
o Elluminate - November 19th
o Wimba - December 2nd
o Adobe Connect - December 10th
o WebX - date to be determined
All demos will be held from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in Building 51 Room 2121.
Faculty members are encouraged to attend and evaluate these products.
Institutional Advancement/Information Technology Services
UNF Webmaster, Garry Houser, is currently relocating and reporting primarily to
Information Technology Services, under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
between Institutional Advancement and ITS. He will work in Institutional Advancement
Monday-Friday from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. and in ITS from 10:00 - 5:00 p.m. This
Memorandum of Understanding expires in December 2009.
Update: Content Management System (Hall)
No report.
Report: Distance Learning Committee (Watkins)
Julia Watkins was unable to attend. Taylor reported that the Faculty Association Executive Council has
voted to acknowledge the Distance Learning Committee as a "university committee" on an interim
basis. The composition of the committee will remain the same. David Jaffee explained that the
Distance Learning Committee will be looking at possibly bringing technology issues to the UTC and
forwarding policies and procedures issues on the academic side to the Faculty Association. The UTC
expectation is that this will be a liaison relationship with the Chair of DLC bringing technological issues
raised in the DLC to the UTC for review, evaluation and recommendation. It was also noted that a
member of the CTC also sits on the DLC.
Report: Campus Technology Committee (Brown)
Katharine Brown was unable to attend. Taylor reported that the committee met on October 16th to
consider issues for the upcoming academic year. Specific information regarding the online
collaboration tools currently being evaluated will be reported in the following GOT report.
Report: GOT (Miller)
Hughes stated that GOT has received a number of new requests for online collaboration tools. GOT is
in the process of scheduling presentations of these products including Elluminate, ConnectX, WebX
and SharePoint. The hope is that we will be able to bring a recommendation to the UTC for the
2009/2010 budget cycle. Committee members were asked to encourage faculty to attend the
presentations and provide feedback on the tools.
Elluminate - Terry Cavanaugh in COEHS has grant funding and is using the Florida
Distance Learning Consortium's hosted solution for a class this term - we will have
feedback on this experience.
Digital Media Services - There have been additional requests for students to upload
video assignments, as well as current requests to provide a more fully featured digital
media services environment. ITS is currently evaluating digital media services
including both streaming and downloading modes of delivery. These services include
Stream (currently supports only Real), Windows Media, iTunes U, Podcasts, QuickTime
and Flash. The new requests have been forwarded to ITS for evaluation.
Technology Classrooms Improvements - 210 Teaching Labs - ITS is finalizing the
requests received from the colleges for improvements to their 210 teaching labs.
Funding was allocated for improvements to these rooms in the 2008/2009 budget
Statistical Package Survey - ITS and CIRT are finalizing the results of the statistical
package survey completed during the Spring Term. CIRT will build and publish this as
a webpage. The results of the survey and a link to this new page will be emailed to the
faculty soon.
Report: Blackboard (Miller)
Deb Miller reported the following information:
Blackboard 8 Pilot will be conducted this spring. The main changes are found in the
Gradebook Center. It is anticipated that 7 instructors and 400 students will be
participating in the pilot. If all goes well, implementation can be expected for the fall
2009 semester.
Blackboard Course Request System (CAR) 2.3 is now available via the MyWings tab.
This system has new functionality that allows instructors to enable disabled users.
A course event tool now available to all users.
A course/account retention plan has been updated and we are moving toward 2009
implementation. Academic Affairs is currently reviewing the records retention policy.
CPS Building Block will be updated for spring.
SafeAssign is available for spring.
MyWings Student timeout is now set 4 hours which should alleviate some testing
BlackBoard usage in the spring 2008 was 65% CRNS using Blackboard unfiltered. This
usage is up from 49% in the spring 2006.
Report: IT Security Action Team (Durfee)
No report.
Report: Portal Committee (Bennett)
No report. The committee meets this week.
Report: Banner 8 Upgrade (Biagini)
Mike Biagini stated that Banner 8 testing is currently in process right now with an expected rollout
date of February 14, 2009. No changes are expected for the functional users from the Financial and
HR perspective. The Student side will see changes in the interface with additional features being
New Business
No new business to report.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.