University Technology Committee MINUTES December 10, 2012

University Technology Committee
December 10, 2012
Members Present:
Lance Taylor (Chair), Dee Baldwin, Scott Bennett, Michael
Biagini, Catherine Christie, Alison Cruess, Mike Kennedy, Gerald
Merckel, Julie Milich, Lauren Newton, Jim Owen, Diana Tanner
Others Present:
Jeff Durfee, James George, Kathy Hughes, Dmitriy Bond, Bill
McSherry, Nicholas Eastham
1. October Minutes
 There was a minor spelling change to the October minutes, and they will stand
as corrected.
2. Announcements
 Project Management Office
o In conjunction with the IT Reorganization report, one recommendation
was that a project management office be established to manage various
IT projects that are going on on campus, and we are pleased to
announce that Michael Biagini has accepted the position of Director of
the Project Management Office. He is in the process of establishing
this office and will be looking for input and guidance from committee
members as he goes through this process. Right now, the focus is on
getting an idea of what projects are out there and considering the
request method, how we go about making projects become projects.
He believes it might take a year to go through the process.
3. Update: Digital Asset Management System – Deb Miller
 Len Roberson and Deb Miller were not at the meeting, but Kathy Hughes
reported that the contract has been signed, and they are working on the
authentication part for Blackboard integration. Jeff Durfee also added that
they should have an updated timeline; he did not have a copy, but it should not
be far away. Michael Biagini should have a copy of this timeline.
4. Report: Distance Learning Committee – Len Roberson
 Len Roberson was not at the meeting, so there was no report.
5. Report: Campus Technology Committee - Lauren Newton
 Lauren reported that they met in November and on December 7. The scantron
machines inventory has been done (per Student Government’s request) to see
how many machines there are and how many different forms there are. They
would like to cut down on the number of forms. The issue is if there is a
machine that will do both tick marks and item analysis. There are about ten
machines on campus (approximately eight used for testing) and four or five
different combinations. Student Government was potentially interested in
purchasing new machines for faculty to use that would do both. There will be
more to come on this issue at a later date.
 Other discussions were: clickers (who is using them and if they want to
change or update systems); information from Bill McSherry regarding
myWings capacity limits; and the APC workflow system redesign.
6. Report: Blackboard – Deb Miller
 Deb Miller was not at the meeting, so there was no report.
7. Report: IT Security Action Team – Jeff Durfee
 Jeff informed that they had an ongoing discussion by Eduroam, and he needs
to talk to Gordon Rakita about this. There is only one university that is doing
this, so they are not sure if this is worth the resources to move forward.
8. Report: Internet Presence Committee – Scott Bennett
 Scott stated that they have not met in person for a couple of months so there
was nothing to report.
Meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m. The next meeting will be held on January 14 at 10:00
a.m. in the Student Union 58W/Room 3806.