University Technology Committee MINUTES April 8, 2013 Members Present: Lance Taylor (Chair), Dee Baldwin, Michael Biagini, Catherine Christie, Bruce Kavan, Marsha Lupi, Deb Miller, Elaine Poppell, Len Roberson (Vice Chair), Diana Tanner Others Present: Alison Cruess, Jeff Durfee, Kathy Hughes, Bill McSherry, Nicholas Eastham; Jeremy Duckworth 1. Announcements Marsha Lupi congratulated Nicholas Eastham for successfully defending his dissertation at the University of Northern Colorado. He will be graduating on May 10. Deb Miller announced that Justin Lerman started today in CIRT as coordinator of distance learning training and support, a position previously held by Jen Urbano. He will graduate with his Masters in Instructional Technology from the College of Ed in April. He previously worked part-time at the Help Desk. Welcome to new member, Elaine Poppell, representing the USPA. 2. Update: Digital Asset Management System – Deb Miller Deb Miller stated that the implementation is going well and is available and functioning in Bb. They will start promoting it to use with the Bb upgrade and will have workshops for faculty in early summer. The DAMS implementation team is meeting with James George and Jeremy Duckworth to talk about the support model and to finalize it. There will be training sessions for certain staff and CTechs in the next month or so. They have started implementation for the Center for Student Media, and the next goals are the Library, replacement for Stream, and the DNP program. This is anticipated to be completely implemented by fall. 3. Update: Student Success Collaborative – Jim Owen Jim Owen was not present at the meeting, so Bill McSherry informed that in conjunction with Jeff Coker of Academic Affairs, this is a way of assessing student success retention. It is going well both in the technical and functional perspectives. They are on time (it is a fairly aggressive schedule.) They plan to pilot this summer for implementation in the fall. 4. Report: Distance Learning Committee – Len Roberson Len Roberson reported that they will have their monthly meeting this week. The strategic plan is out and posted on the web. They are beginning to implement and work on planning this out. There is a revision to the DL policy that they have worked on for some time, have voted to approve it, and it is in early review. The Technology Showcase Day will be in early fall. 5. Report: Campus Technology Committee - Lauren Newton Lauren Newton was not present, but Diana Tanner conveyed that they will meet on Friday morning and will review the technology survey that was collaborated by ITS, CIRT and CTC. They will also review the clicker survey that was sent out to past and current users of the clickers. 6. Report: Blackboard – Deb Miller Deb Miller reported that they are testing the Bb upgrade that will be done during the May 1-5 maintenance window. It is an upgrade to Service Pack 11. There are a lot of great new features listed on the Bb page. The faculty will like a new inline assignment grading where they can pull up a Word or Excel file, make notes and save, and the students get this back when they retrieve their grade. The interface looks more modern although the paths remain the same. There are some new social media tools and a new calendar feature. Training is kicking off this Friday with a Webinar which is listed on the CIRT page. Over the next 2-3 weeks, there will be a series of workshops; some are demos and some are hands-on going over the features. Our version of Collaborative will be mobile-capable after this upgrade. 7. Report: IT Security Action Team – Jeff Durfee Jeff Durfee made an appeal for academic partners for a couple of NSF grants out there that are of particular interest. One is high-speed networking, so they are looking for academic partners that use large data sets. We have an opportunity to participate in what might become Internet 3. We need an academic hook to put the grant against and then we can build the infrastructure. Health Administration uses big data sets for research; Jeff Harrison is a contact for that. Exercise Science also uses big data sets; Peter Magyari or James Churilla are the contacts. 8. Report: Internet Presence Committee – Scott Bennett Scott Bennett was not present at the meeting, so there was no report. Meeting adjourned at 10:23 a.m. The next meeting will be held on May 13 at 10:00 a.m. in the Student Union 58W/Room 3806.