University Technology Committee MINUTES September 9, 2013

University Technology Committee
September 9, 2013
Members Present:
Lance Taylor (Chair), Dee Baldwin, Scott Bennett, Michael
Biagini, Katharine Brown, Sherif Elfayoumy, Bruce Kavan,
Marsha Lupi, Deb Miller, Donna Mohr, Jim Owen, Elaine Poppell,
Len Roberson (Vice Chair)
Others Present:
Alison Cruess, Jeff Durfee, Kathy Hughes, Melissa Hyman,
Dmitriy Bond, Gordon Rakita, Justin Begle
1. Announcements
 Sherif Elfayoumy representing the College of Computing, Engineering &
 Donna Mohr who will be representing the Campus Technology Committee.
 CIRT Staff Updates: Erin Soles and David Wilson have been promoted.
Dave is now Assistant Director in CIRT, and Erin is Assistant Director of
Distance Learning Course Development. Katherine Brown has joined CIRT
as Assistant Director of Distance Learning Student Services. They have also
added Rick L'Ecuyer, Shannon Evans, and Christine Woodruff to the
Instructional Design team.
2. Update: Digital Asset Management System – Deb Miller
 Deb Miller reported that the system is utilizing about 25% of storage, most of
which is the pre-transcoding stage, which will go away. The amount of
storage that was purchased is adequate for the foreseeable future. The initial
stage for the Center for Student Media (they run Osprey TV and Osprey radio)
implementation is complete, and they are now looking at enhancements for
WordPress integration. The Library has moved assets currently house on
Bepress into ShareStream and are working on integration with the Digital
Commons. There is a project in process for DNP telepresence integration
(classes that the School of Nursing records that are currently hosted in the Bb
Podcast tool). This will get integrated so that they automatically publish
through ShareStream.
3. Update: Student Success Collaborative – Jim Owen
 Jim Owen stated that this has launched. They have spent the last 10 months
implementing the Education Advisory Board’s Student Success Collaborative,
which is a retention tool to identify undergraduate students who are at risk of
not persisting and eventually not graduating from UNF. They have worked
closely with the directors of advising at each of the colleges; with the
exception of Computer Science, all of the undergraduate tracks have student
success markers within the database. Advisors can use this platform to
identify students who are at risk. The reason that Computer Science is not in
the system is because of a limitation in the software that only drills down to
the major level and not the concentration level. Computer Science has four
concentrations that operate autonomously but are one major. The company is
trying to address this, and there may be a release in January so that the system
can be used for Computer Science.
 Keith Hufford has been an integral part of this implementation in developing
the files sent to EAB. The advisors have also played a great part of getting
this system operational and getting trained. It’s been a fairly productive and
positive experience. Self-reporting is not available at this time for students. It
is strictly advisor-facing only. This was launched in August, and the advisors
are just starting to use this with students. The plan is to go to the Dean’s
Council to give them a status update of the overall project, then to each
Chair’s meetings within each college to provide updates to the Chairs, and
then perhaps to full Faculty Association in the spring.
4. Report: Academic Partnerships – Len Roberson/Michael Biagini
 Len Roberson indicated that they are heading to a May, 2014 launch with the
four degree programs, depending upon approval from the BOG for market rate
tuition. They won’t know until the end of November. Current plan is, upon
approval, the marketing and recruitment would launch in mid-December or
January and applications would begin being received for a May launch for the
programs. A lot is going on behind the scenes in Enrollment Services,
Graduate School and ITS making significant modifications to systems to make
this happen. The next big thing on the academic side is that faculty programs
are working with setting up their course carousel and identifying the order that
they are in. Academic Partnerships (AP) will be here the end of October for a
faculty workshop process. The programs will begin working with CIRT to
finish the conversion to 8 week course development.
 Regarding the backend, the biggest thing they have come across is going to a
term conversion. The current term structure is not supportable for a number
of reasons, mostly financial aid. In order to be positioned for AP, we have to
convert it from the historical reference point to a new structure. There will
have to be a massive data conversion to look at all the areas where there are
term references and changing from the old to new term values. This has direct
impact on Banner Student and AR but also on third party external systems.
ITS is working with Housing, Foundation and others where there would be a
potential impact. The data conversion process will tentatively be October 25
to October 28, and Banner will not be available during this time. This was the
best weekend they could find. Information will be forthcoming about the
conversion process, why we are doing it, and what you can do to prepare
yourself for that weekend. Even if Academic Partnerships was not in the
picture, this would have been done to have the additional flexibility for
managing some of the other academic partnerships. Summer terms will
remain the same, will not be renamed, and they will still be an 8-week term on
the AP schedule.
5. Report: Non-Academic Course Registration System –Bill McSherry
 Bill was not present at the meeting, but Dmitriy reported that Campus CE is
the product that is currently implemented with Continuing Education. IPTM
is the next customer trying to get on the system. So far, so good.
6. Report: Document Imaging System Replacement –Bill McSherry
 In Bill’s absence, Dmitry stated that the ITN is in the final phases of
negotiation. The final runner-up is Advanced Data Systems. The product
selected by the Imaging Committee is Hyland OnBase. They are negotiating
pricing and doing gap analysis to make sure that the vendor will deliver what
the university needs. There are email modules, but implementation has not
been decided.
7. Report: Service Desk Software Replacement –James George
 James was not present at the meeting, so Kathy Hughes reported that they
have narrowed it down to two vendors and have received the final pricing.
They are leaning towards one of the vendors which will be announced soon.
8. Report: Contract Management System – Melissa Hyman
 Melissa indicated that iContracts is a system that the university acquired for
contract management through contracts routed through Purchasing. It allows
for departments to enter details of the contract, upload applicable documents,
and route electronically. The contract is held by Purchasing and allows them
to manage the contract such as setting reminders for milestones, renewals, and
provides a more efficient and effective manner for managing contracts. The
system is being piloted by Administration and Finance for three months; after
that it will be rolled out to the divisions on campus. The project team will
meet to decide the next division that it will be rolled out to. Training will be
provided. It could possibly be campus-wide by June or July, 2014.
9. Report: Office 365 for Students – Jeff Durfee/James George
 Jeff reported that this is the migration of the student system to an enhanced
cloud-based service. The previous system was deprecated by Microsoft, so
they had to move to Office 365. June 24 was the kickoff of the migration.
There are over 250,000 accounts that were migrated, it was completed two
days later, and the system went live. There are approximately 18,000 active
users in that system. This is the online version of Outlook. There is a
SkyDrive (7G) and an update coming out in October to offer enhancements to
the SkyDrive. SkyDrive is in a separate account right now, Microsoft
Personal Account; when the update comes out, they hope it goes back into
their UNF Osprey email.
10. Report: Virtual Lab –James George
 Kathy stated (in James’ absence) that this was rolled out (soft launch) in April,
May and full production in June with good results. We have approximately
300 unique users. We have plenty of licenses and are trying to get the word
out. SAS, SPSS and Adobe Professional are the top software products being
used, and they are evaluating other products as requested. Minor fixes are
11. Report: FDLE Forensics Lab –Jeff Durfee
 Jeff reported that FDLE approached UNF to have the university partner with
them to create a forensics lab they could use to push forensics services for
computer investigations to different law enforcement agencies that do not
have resources or capacity to do their own forensic installations. Almost 10
months ago, the university agreed. There was some grant money, and with the
help of Dell and other vendors, we have set up a virtual forensics lab. This
allows them to log in remotely, upload files, etc. We are in a 3-week sprint
with the vendors (Dell and software vendor) to get everything installed and
configured. We will then get with FDLE to configure the system. We expect
to be up and running in about 6 weeks. One of the arrangements with FDLE
is that once a case has been closed, the portions that were public record can be
shared with our CCEC and Computer Science students who can take
advantage of this information for their instruction.
12. Report: Distance Learning Committee – Len Roberson
 Len Roberson stated that they met the previous Thursday where they
welcomed new members. They began to set the priorities for the year. The
meeting schedule was set for the second Thursdays of the month at 3:00 for
fall only.
 One announcement was that the Innovation Symposium will be held on
October 2. The announcement was sent out to faculty. The symposium will
include the following: a keynote speaker, a website with all the details, a
lunch that will be provided, and a forum where faculty members will share
their innovations with academic technology. On Friday of that week, there
will be two separate dialogues about online teaching and learning facilitated
by Dr. Tanya Wooten from the University of Wisconsin Madison and our
partnership with Eduventures and their online learning collaboratives.
Invitations will be going out soon.
13. Report: Campus Technology Committee - Donna Mohr
 Donna conveyed that they have not yet met but are scheduled to meet on
September 20. They will be electing (officially) the representatives to various
committees. They have a full agenda and want to look at individual
classrooms; this is time consuming so they will split up the work. They will
look at clickers since it is time to review the standard. Also, the SGA wants to
get rid of the current scantron forms and will be willing to pay for some of
this. Donna sent them a summary and said that it would be $70,000.
14. Report: Internet Presence Committee – Lance Taylor
 Lance has replaced Scott as a member of this committee. The committee is
now meeting on a weekly basis.
15. Report: IT Security Action Team – Jeff Durfee
 Nothing to report (inactive over the summer).
16. Report: Blackboard – Deb Miller
 Deb Miller reported that they upgraded in May to Service Pack 11which
added a lot of new features. They will probably upgrade to service pack 13/14
in December which provides new discussion board features. ShareStream has
been fully integrated into Bb. They are in the process of moving from
Campus Pack (end of spring 2014 semester), which has been licensed for
about 7 years, to the Bb blogs and wiki tools. They have notified faculty and
will have workshops. There is a savings of $15,000, and it will be a better
learning experience. They have developed some new support options such as
a fully searchable database in Bb, and CIRT has provided faculty support on
weekends (10:00 – 1:00 on Saturdays and Sundays.)
 It was brought up that Internet Explorer 8 is becoming a problem when doing
publishing; will this program be used for the long term? Kathy Hughes
answered that they are looking at November to upgrade to IE9.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. The next meeting will be held on October 14 at 10:00
a.m. in the Student Union 58W/Room 3806.