INTERNET PRESENCE COMMITTEE Minutes September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012
Members Present (items voted on electronically): Sharon Ashton, Scott Bennett, Marianne Jaffee
Motion made to approve the following hot button:
Hot button –Legislative Branch of Student Government
Dates: Begin Tuesday, September 11, 2012 and end on Saturday, September 22, 2012
Summary: The application deadline for students interested in running in Fall Election is September 21st.
Students who fail to submit paperwork by this deadline will be disqualified from running in the election for
Student Government Senate.
Importance: This event impacts the entire Student Body. By informing the Student Body that they have an
opportunity to become a Senator ensures that those students eligible and interested have an opportunity to be
a part of the democratic process. The Student Senate spends 4.5 million dollars and has the potential to
intercede and affect university policy that changes not only the daily interactions of students but also those of
faculty and staff. When Student Government’s membership is strong it secures a healthy relationship with the
University’s administration and fosters an environment that produces happy alumni.
 Motion approved and passed