Senate Minutes 1/6/14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – January 6th 2014 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order-Meeting is called to order at 6:35 PM
Pledge of Allegiance- Sen. Waychoff
Invocation-Sen. Petrosyan
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
Quorum is established with 28 voting members.
Approval of Minutes- Due to technical difficulties we do not have the minutes today.
- Motion to table minutes to next senate meeting. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
- Motion to move JR-13F-2717 to next meeting. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to add SB-14S-2743 to first read. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to add SB-14S-2742 to first read. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to strike Vice Presidents report. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to add SB-14S-2744 to the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to add Matthew Harris to Judicial Appointments. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment- none
Student Remarks-none
Guest Speakers-none
Judicial Branch Report
- Chief Justice – Alex Goetz ( (5-minutes)
- Judicial branch running smoothly. We have a new candidate for appointment tonight. Carlo and I
interviewed him and he is a very good candidate. Title 5 reform bill coming to you tonight on first read. I
hope that you all look over it and make sure you make any necessary changes to move the branch in the
right direction. That’s all, thank you.
Executive Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
a. Osprey Productions - -President Carlo Fassi asked to strike OP’s report for tonight.
b. Club Alliance - Club Alliance not present to make report.
Executive Branch Reports
- Attorney General – (3-minutes)
- Before the break I issued to different interpretations, they are explaining the SG rotunda and the SG
website. If you have any questions regarding them please feel free to contact me. I also have spoken
with Carlo, Vicki, Goetz and Brady regarding Title 6 as well as possible remissions the election report
system regarding title 5. I am currently updating the Bill of Register making sure all of it is in order.
As some of you already know I have accepted an internship at the UN and I will be stepping down as
Attorney General and my last meeting will be one week from today. I am extremely grateful for my
time here in SG.
- Treasurer – (3-minutes)
Paige is the true embodiment of what it means to be a public servant. This organization is really
going to be at a loss without her. From me it will be brief. I have a budget that I will be working on,
and some other important legislation to be passed. You’ll hear a lot more about that later. You can
come talk to me with anything you have concerns with. Thank you.
Vice President – (3 minutes)STRIKED
President – (5-minutes)
- First I would like to share a promotional video. The credit goes completely to Gabriel Mattern the
Graphic Designer of the Executive Branch. This video will be shown for the incoming freshman at
their orientations as an informational video about Student Government. Tomorrow the UNF BOT is
meeting, they will be voting to make UNF a smoke-free campus. This rule will be enforced by the
staff. If you are interested in attending it will be tomorrow in the University Center, considering there
is a problem in the Talon Room. The Florida Student Association legislation has been approved. I
have a PowerPoint describing it. The largest issue on the agenda that we will be focusing on is a
campaign called Hard Hats for Higher Education. Which does two things, first, it provides us the
needed funding to renovate facilities and provide new projects in some cases already been funded by
the legislation already. This year there is about 450 million dollars in non-recurring money, similar to
special requests. The state university system as a whole is requesting 350 million dollars of that. As a
member of BOG I have been sitting on a committee that’s been prioritizing these projects. The
University is requesting 9 million dollars to add a 3rd floor to buildings 3 & 4. And to update all the
classrooms and laboratories with state of the art technology. With the amount of support there is no
reason necessary that this can’t be funded. The issue is that the legislation can give us the money, but
the governor can veto it. The last item on the agenda is tuition equity for veterans and those who are
the children of undocumented immigrants, who have graduated high school in the state of Florida.
February 26th we have Aim Higher Day across the state of Florida. We will have ours in Peace Plaza,
and I expect everyone in this room to be in attendance. Exactly one month later is Rally in Tally,
where we will drive to Tallahassee and do the same thing just in front of legislators. Moving on to
some internal matters. There was a bill that was moved to first read tonight, regarding changing
provisionary language so that one transfer of $10,000 can be made on a yearly basis into student
conference travel. That index has severely depleted and we will reach a point in the next couple
weeks were we will no funding available. This is a bi-product of our CA administration of promoting
the opportunity of student conference traveling. We should commend them. Title 6 has been added
to first read. I highly recommend that senate passed this bill as soon as possible. Matthew Harris is
going to be confirmed hopefully by your majority vote. It is really sad to see Paige go, a round of
applause please.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
- Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Kaitlin Ramirez (
- I don’t have anything to report. However Senator Orientation is this Saturday at 9:00AM, I will be
sending out more information this Wednesday.
- Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Collin Waychoff (
- We have our budget process this Friday at 9:00AM, all B&A committee members need to be there.
On the 17th we have the first budget hearing at 9:00AM, and on the 24th at 9:00AM, and then on the
31st we have budget deliberations again at 9:00AM.
- Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairwoman Emily Antworth (
- Please look over the title 6 bill; we really need to get that passed before the elections. There will be an
emergency E&A on the 15th at 5:30, to pass our calendar. On the 30th I am planning an event as a
rally for the elections coming up.
- Student Advocacy Committee (
- University Affairs Committee (
- Senate President Christopher Brady ( is closed the entire week, due to the flood. If you need scantrons they will be available at the
elevator. Please do not go into the Rotunda. There is going to be an emergency senate meeting next
Monday night at 7:15PM, it will be going over the title 6 bill and it will be very brief. B&A is at 4:30,
CSC will meet at 6:00PM, E&A is at 5:30PM, SAC is at 6:30, UAC is at 7:00PM. You guys need to
read title 8, chapters 820-823. This is the budget process so this is very important to read. I will be
quizzing you two weeks from today on the monitors.
Appointments- Matthew Harris. Freshman. Motion to confirm Matthew Harris. Second. No objections. Discussion. Roll
call vote. Motion passes 29-0. Sworn in as Associate Justice.
Fiscal Requests
New Business
a. Legislation considered for 1st Reading
i. OB-13F-2727 Legislative Reformation & Creation of the USA Act of 2013 – Sen. Brady
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
d. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading- Moved to next Senate Meeting.
i. JR-13F-2717 Declaration of Support for Veteran In-State Tuition – Sen. Waychoff
XVII. Announcements
- Don’t forget we have Committees next week.
- Emergency Senate Meeting next Monday night at 7:15PM
- Senator Orientation this Saturday.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
- Quorum is reestablished with 29 voting members.
XVIII. Adjournment
- Meeting is adjourned at 7:24PM