Internet Presence Committee October 28, 2010 MINUTES UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA (UNF)

Internet Presence Committee
October 28, 2010
Members Present: Sharon Ashton, Scott Bennett, Lucy Croft, Marianne Jaffee
Others Present: Jamie Spruell, Marian Watters, Jen Urbano, Derrick Robinson, Cheryl Gonzalez
EOP Recommendation – Cheryl Gonzalez
 Cheryl Gonzalez presented the following recommendation to the IPC:
Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (EOP)
Proposed Recommendation
Recommendation: To include Equal Opportunity and Diversity as a footer at the bottom right of the
University of North Florida’s website template.
Rationale: The key basis for seeking approval of the recommendation to add Equal Opportunity and Diversity
on the University’s website template is to provide immediate access to the University’s overarching stance on
non-discrimination and anti-harassment, including sexual harassment, as prominently and broadly as possible.
Admittedly, this core reason is compliance-driven. Doing so would facilitate our endeavor to meet the
expectation of communicating the University’s non-discrimination regulation and associated policy to students,
faculty, staff and visitors with minimum effort. At the same time, authorizing this recommendation would be in
line with the University’s efforts towards diversity and inclusion, and will help shape a more comprehensive
approach to leadership, support and guidance.
Benefit to the University: The Office of Equal Opportunity Programs is slated to evolve into the Office of
Equal Opportunity and Diversity at some point in the future. Among its chief objectives is effective
communications. Therefore, as advancements are made to deliver a consistent equal opportunity and diversity
message and brand, a forward and front website-presence would further this aim of operating along the entire
compliance and diversity continuum. Once an individual links to the site, they would have immediate access to
the University President’s statement, and links to other very important aspects of University diversity including:
the Commission on Diversity, Veteran Affairs, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center,
Women’s Center, Military Veteran Resource Center, Disability Resource Center and ADA Compliance.
Cost: This would be a staff action requiring no additional funding.
EOP would like to have a presence in the footer, and that presence would take you directly to the OEOD
web page.
EOP Landing page would be redesigned to include all programs which fall under EOP
Sharon asked are any of the 11 SUS schools have this currently added on their footer and or home page.
Cheryl responded that only 3 schools currently have and EOP presence on their homepage.
Cheryl also stated that the department and UNF could be subjected to an audit and if found not to be in
compliance, UNF could be penalized.
IPC recommends that EOP redesign their landing page and decide on what wording they want to use in
the footer. When the page is redesigned Cheryl will send the link to Sharon Ashton who will distribute
the link to the members of the IPC for their input and consideration of the recommendation.
Review of Environmental Center web pages – Jamie Spruell
Add punctuation to Pat Welsh PHD
Add a descriptive paragraph describing what determines an Associate and or Center Fellow
Give credit for quote on page
News – move new news to “Current News” and add old news to “Archived News Articles”
BOLD – Environment Center Research
Place an anchor on Board Initiatives
Remove random “V”
Spell out MTLO per request of Provost
Sustainable Committee – Lance Taylor’s title should be: Associate Vice President Administration &
Finance/Chief Information Officer for IT
ORSP – Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Spell out “SCH” and “FTE”
Check spelling of ENVIRONMENTAL on all pages
In left hand navigation – Change “LINKS” to “Related Links”
 Motion to approve the Environmental Center web pages with recommended changes that will
be applied during training sessions and making sure that the site is in compliance with the
UNF Style Guidelines. Seconded by Scott Bennett, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Gallery of Art web pages
 ACTION ITEM: Marianne Jaffee to check on the correct name of the Gallery and making sure that
the name is consistent throughout the site, and in printed materials.
Hours: Monday – Friday - check spacing
Remove the link to Flagler College
Need to add more content with regard to the Director of the Gallery
Make sure that the gallery realizes that they must update content once an event has passed
 Motion to approve the UNF Gallery of Art with recommended changes and with the caveat
that Marianne Jaffee stresses to the Gallery consistency with its name and that the site is in
compliance with the UNF Style Guidelines. Seconded by Lucy Croft, all in favor, motion passed.
After the IPC Meeting on October 28th Jen Urbano contacted the Gallery of Art for a clarification on their
name. We wanted to add the e-mail string to the minutes:
From: Urbano, Jennifer
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 9:35 AM
To: Spruell, Jamie; Webmaster, Marketing & Publications; Ashton, Sharon; Watters, Marian
Cc: Jaffee, Marianne
Subject: RE: Gallery of Art
Thank you.
From: Spruell, Jamie
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 9:30 AM
To: Urbano, Jennifer; Webmaster, Marketing & Publications; Ashton, Sharon; Watters, Marian
Cc: Jaffee, Marianne
Subject: RE: Gallery of Art
All the text has been updated to refer to the Gallery of Art.
Thank you,
Jamie Spruell
CMS Web Specialist - Public Relations
Office: (904) 620-2191
From: Urbano, Jennifer
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 5:28 PM
To: Webmaster, Marketing & Publications; Spruell, Jamie; Ashton, Sharon; Watters, Marian
Cc: Jaffee, Marianne
Subject: Gallery of Art
David Fenner, after consulting with Raymond Gaddy and Deb Murphy, has asked that we formally refer to
the gallery as the Gallery of Art. I believe this is the way that Raymond had been referring to it on his
official documents/flyers, and like Marian said is on the building...
Can we make sure that all text on the site corresponds to Gallery of Art?
Jennifer Urbano
Special Events Coordinator
Office of the Provost | Academic Affairs
904.620.1623 phone
904.620.2787 fax
4. Crisis Management – Emergency Channel in myWings
OK, we have approval.
Marian: do you want to talk to the powers-that-be and make this a reality?
Sue: add this to the minutes.
Thanks to all.
Sharon Ashton
From: Bennett, Scott
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 4:33 PM
To: Jaffee, Marianne; Ashton, Sharon; Croft, Lucy
Cc: Schlieben, Susan; Watters, Marian
Subject: RE: IPC: Crisis Videos Channel
From: Jaffee, Marianne
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 3:53 PM
To: Ashton, Sharon; Croft, Lucy; Bennett, Scott
Cc: Schlieben, Susan; Watters, Marian
Subject: RE: IPC: Crisis Videos Channel
I approve.
From: Ashton, Sharon
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 3:47 PM
To: Croft, Lucy; Bennett, Scott; Jaffee, Marianne
Cc: Schlieben, Susan; Watters, Marian
Subject: FW: IPC: Crisis Videos Channel
Up until last week, we had two videos about campus safety linked to the Emergency web page. It turns out, the company that
produces those videos had only given UNF permission to link the videos to a password protected site (like myWings) not the public
web site. They have now been removed from the Emergency page and I would like to ask the IPC to approve an Emergency Channel
in the myWings Home Tab. We have to approve that everyone’s (faculty, staff, students) home tab will default with this channel up,
because no one will figure out on their own how to load it.
I would like to make a motion that the IPC approve an Emergency Channel in the myWings Home Tab as a default, looking like this:
And I would like to suggest that we add a line at the very bottom of this channel that says:
For more information on how UNF responds to emergencies, go to
Do I have a second?
Student Fee Assessment Web Page;
 Presidentially appointed committee that needed to be added to the “Committees page”
 Jamie designed the page
 Debbie LeGros will maintain the SFA web page
 Motion to approve the Student Fee Assessment Web Page seconded by Lucy Croft, all in favor,
motion passed.
Next IPC Meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 4th at 4 p.m. in the Tampa/Orlando Conference
Rooms at UNF Hall. Please send all agenda items to me by Wednesday at 10 a.m. Should this change, Sue
will send out an electronic meeting cancellation. Our meeting on November 11th is cancelled due to the
Veteran’s Day holiday.