Staircase Replacement 1213-0011 Prime Sponsor: Breton Recommendation President’s Signature Date Introduced: 3/4/13 Co-Sponsors: Somasinghe Date of Voting: 3/4/13 Final Vote: Yea 16 Nay 0 Sens Present 16 Abstain 0 VP Senate Affairs Signature Whereas, It is Ithaca College’s responsibility to provide a safe environment for students, staff, and faculty, Whereas, Students, faculty, and staff should have peace of mind while walking around, Whereas, The metal staircases located just west of the East Tower and east of the West tower are worn down, and consistently slick, Whereas, The staircases now do not provide a safe environment, It is resolved that the Ithaca College Student Government Association recommend that Ithaca College remove and replace both staircases.