
Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010
Campus Center 4
Meeting commenced at 2:05 p.m..
Present: Margarita Padilla, Jim Liko, Louis Eguaras, Richard Rains, Gloria Daims,
Yolanda Ramil, David Pardess, Afri Walker.
Absent: Walter Bortman, Victor Renolds, Eloise Cantrell, Gerald Scheib, Louise
Barbato, Stephanie Atkinson-Alston, Maria Fenyes
1. The meeting was called to order at 2:05 by Richard Rains
2. David Pardess moved to approve October minutes. Yolanda Ramil seconded.
3. Unfinished Business:
a. Metered parking spaces: last month’s motion about faculty parking in metered spaces
was being presented to the College Council at the same time as the WEC meeting.
The outcome will be discussed at the December WEC meeting.
b. Discussion about progress on new blinds in classrooms was tabled until the December
c. Status of emergency lights in rest rooms and insect abatement was also tabled.
Afri Walker noted that maintenance activity lists have been installed in restrooms.
d. Regarding last month’s complaint from Nadine Cano, concerning cigarette smoke from
area outside Culinary arts area, Richard Rains discussed the problem with Louie
Zandalasini, Chair of Culinary Arts, and Louie agreed to encourage students to smoke
away from the doorway.
Chef Louis Eguaras made a motion: WEC recommends installing prominent no smoking
signs on both doors in Instructional Building near culinary arts bldg. Signs should
include a map showing designated smoking areas.
Motion was seconded by Yolanda Ramil and passed unanimously.
Another possible motion was discussed, which is to change the location one of the
designated smoking areas from just outside the door near Culinary Arts, to a more
distant location, perhaps near the sidewalk. Richard Rains was assigned the task to
produce a map showing the new location, so the motion would be more precise. This
will be presented as a motion to the WEC in December.
Date of next WEC meeting: Dec 16, 2010
Yolanda move to adjourn, Jim seconded, Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p. m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Richard Rains, 11/18/10