MIS 5208 – Prof. Johnson – Data Analytics for IT Auditors Week 7 – ACL Exercise Exercise Objective: Gain hands-on experience with ACL and become familiar with the interface and commands, practicing various drill-down and filtering techniques to generate insight into data. Refer to the “ACL Command Reference” sheet to determine the best method of retrieving the answer(s) to the questions below. Question(s) 1.) What is the total # of transactions in the data set? 2.) What is the total $ amount of all transactions in the data set? 3.) What are the highest and lowest transaction $ amounts? 4.) What is the total # of transactions with an amount greater than $800? 5.) How many transactions occurred on 4/18/2003 and what is the total $ amount of these transactions? 6.) On which date did the most transactions occur? How many transactions were there and what was the total $ amount? 7.) Which description has the most total $ been paid to? What is the amount? 8.) What is the average transaction $ amount for all descriptions? How many descriptions are above this average? 9.) What percentage of transactions are within the $600.00-$699.99 range? 10.) How much money was spent on “Accounting Auditing and Bookkeeping Services” on 4/4/2003? How about “Bakeries”? Hint: Use a crosstabulation. Command(s) Used: Answer(s):