3000 Lesson Plan Template

EDST 3000 Lesson Planning Template
Teacher’s Name:
Grade Level:
Lesson Topic/Title:
Expected Duration of Lesson:
Primary Instructional Model to be used:
Rationale: Why is this model appropriate for this lesson? How does it fit with the class curriculum?
Lesson Objectives: Describes what students will able to Do at the end of the lesson. Think what is
measurable/evaluative to determine if objectives were met.
Academic Language Objective: Based on the language demands of this lesson, how does this lesson
develop student abilities to understand and/or produce the academic language (e.g. relevant genres i, key
vocabulary or phrases, and/or linguistic features of the relevant genre) that is part of this lesson?
Standards/Benchmarks Addressed (use practicum district’s or Common Core curriculum standards):
Guiding Questions: What questions will guide the learning? What are the purposes of these questions
(engage, guide lesson, check for understanding…)?
Materials and Equipment Needed:
Classroom Management and Organizational Considerations:
Step by Step Procedures: Include the following elements –
 Lesson opening - anticipatory set/link to prior knowledge, attention grabber and/or
 Detailed description of what will happen at each point in the lesson
 Formative assessments/checks for understanding and progress
 Expectations for students during all parts of the lesson
 Detailed description of plan for lesson closure
Differentiation/Special Consideration Models: Describe any strategies designed to support students with
specific learning needs.
Diversity/Cultural Considerations: How is this lesson culturally responsive and appropriate?
Evaluation/Assessment: What formal and informal assessment tools will you use? How are these tools
designed to evaluate student learning specific to the targeted standards/objectives? How will you know if
the lesson was successful?
Enrichment Activity: What activity will you use if some/all students finish early and/or master the
presented content easily?
Reflection: Indicate how specific research/theory guided your selection of specific strategies and materials
to help your students develop the factual knowledge, conceptual understanding, and interpretive skills
needed to meet learning objectives.
Please see the appendix of your TPAC content level material for a list of genres, linguistic features, connector words,
and/or text organization specific to your field.