P r a g m a t i c s5 : l . l - 3 2 . International Pragmatics Association CULTURALLY PATTERNED SPEAKING PRACTTCESTHE ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATIVE GENRES' SusanneGtinthner and Hubert Knoblauch 1. Introduction In the last few yearsstudieswithin the Sociologyof Languageand Communication2 as well as within AnthropologicalLinguistics3have repeatedlyaddressedthe issue of communicativegenres.Various empiricalinvestigationson genresdemonstrated that this conceptprovesto be a usefulanalyticaltool with respectto the description of communicativepatterns in everydayinteractions. On the basisof a broad review of this re5earch,the present article aims at outlining the sociologicalapproach to genre analysis,pointing out some relevant analyticalcategorieswhich allow for a structuraldescriptionof genresand thereby demonstratethe significanceof this researchfor the analysisof communicative contextsand cultural speakingpractices. We shall argue that the analysisof communicativegenresallowsnot only for the descriptionand explanationof certaincommunicativeactivitiesin detail, but by establishingan essentialanalytic link between speakingactivitiesin the ongoing interaction,the socioculturalcontextand the communicativebudget (includingcommunicativenorms, expectations,ideologiesetc.) of a particularculture,it also goes far beyondthe task of classifyingdiscursiveactivities:It mediatesbetweensituatively produced texts and larger socioculturalcontexts.4We shall demonstratethat the Sociologyof Knowledge may provide a useful theoretical framework by linking detailed analyses of verbal activities with cultural speaking practices and communicativeconventions. 2. The genre traditions Genres of communicationhave been of interest to various disciplines:Classical ' We would like to thankThomasLuckmannandJohn Gumperzfor their valuablecomments on an earlierversionof this paper.Partsof this paperare basedon GtinthnerKnoblauch(1994). 2 Cf. Luckmann (1936; 1987; 1988; lgg}), Bergmann (1994), Knoblauch (I99la), (1995). Bergmann/Luckmann 3 Cf. Hanks(1987),Briggs/Bauman (1992). a Cf. Hanks(1989). Susanne Gtinthner and Hubert Knoblauch 2 rhetoric as well as poetics,theologr and literary criticism, all have been based on genre-concepts. These conceptshave mainly been preoccupiedwith written texts (with few exceptions,e.g.the seminalwork of Lord (1945/65)),whereasthe work 'communicativeturn' in of Bakhtin (1979186)and Volosinov (1929186)prompted a genre theory startingin the 1960s.For Volosinovand Bakhtin,languageis primarily located in the very communicativeinteraction in which it is produced, and it is realized by means of concrete utteranceswhich vary accordingto the activity involved.The tight connectionbetweenlanguageand socialrealityis basedon the fact Speaking that languageis used within typical social situations(Bakhtin 7979186). occurs in speechgenreswhich guide the interactionand which are determinedby socialstructures. "Speech genres clrganizeour spccch in almost the same way as grammatical (syntactical) forms do. We learn to cast our speech in generic forms and, when hearing others' speech, we guess its genres from the very first words; we predict a certain length [...] and a certain compositional structure; wc foresee the end; that is, from the very beginning we have a sense of the speech whole, which is only later differentiated during the speech proc€ss". (Bakhrin 1979186:7 8f.) Seen from Bakhtin's perspective,genres do not appear as complex language structuresdevoid of the dynamicsof interactionbut rather as interactivepatterns of speech.They not only guide the activitiesin verbal interactionbut are also part of the ideologiesof socialgroups.Bakhtin'sconceptionof genres,which he divides into the classesof "simplegenres"of everydaycommunicationand "complexgenres" (such as novels, dramas, essays),goes beyond a formal de scription of texts. He opposesa static conceptof genrewhich opts for stylisticpurism and exclusiveness.5 Within the social sciencetradition, researchon genreshas been prominent in folklore. Founded by the Brothers Grimm in the early 19th century, folklore studiesregard genresas productsof everydaycommunicationto be analyzedin their own right. Folklorists cataloguedand classifiedgenresaccordingto very different criteria,6three of theseseemto be crucialtor ongoingresearch:a) Thematicaltypes and "motifs" (Aarne/Thompson 1971)were taken as criteria for classifyinggenres (especiallyfairy tales) in different societies.This kind of classification(as e.g. in Thompson'scollection1955-59), however,was criticizedfor its ethnocentricstance as well as for imposingan "ideal order" on mundaneconversation. The critique, formulated by von Sydow and Propp among others, led to b) a formal structural divisiortof genresinto ideal or real types(Honko 1968).Genresare either conceived of as more or less separate forms which may be arranged by the researcher accordingto idealizedcategories;or they are conceivedas real types characterized by certain structuresand morphologies.Thus, the sequentialstructureof texts is ' Within this contcxt, we cannot elaborate on the Bakhtinian approach in detail; it must suffice to say that it is integrated in the approach to be sketched.Researchbasedon Volosinov and Bakhtin have been taken up in several academic disciplines,as e.9., in folklore, linguistics, anthropology, sociologl; even some currents within rhetoric that havecome to account for the interactive character of genres ret'er to Bakhtin and Volosinov (Miller 1984). 6 Such as context, form, structure, frequenry, location, audienceetc. Cf. Rohrich (1988), Honko (1987:752\. Culrurally pattemed speaking practices 3 basedon paradigmatical,latent structures(Propp 1988) (also known as cognitive modelsin other theories).c) The definition of genresaccordingto fwtctiorts originally assumed that genres may be distinguishedaccording to different cultural spheres.Genres were regardedas typical expressions of human experience,as e.g. by Jolles' (1930/1982)who difterentiated the 'simple forms' (einfacheFormen) accordingto nine different'mentalactivities'(Geistesbeschdftigturyerr ) corresponding to nine different spheresof meaning.These spheresof meaningwere assumedto correspondto basichuman needsand thus correlatedto archetypalforms: Sacred: Legend;family:Age; creation:Myth; inquisition:Riddle;experience: Saying;moral: Casus;fact: Memorabile; naive morals: Fairy tale; the comical: Joke. In a similar vein, Malinowski (1960) stressedthe socioculturalfunction of folklore genres.He saw folklore genres as contributing to the maintenanceand survival of cultural groupsas they serveimportant socialand spiritualneeds.In recent folklore studies, forms beside fairy tales, legends,anecdotesetc. are moving into the focus of research.Such forms are e.g. memorates,exemplarystories(Bausinger1980),biographicalreminiscences(trhmann 1983),justificatorystories (Lehmann 1980) as well as genres especiallyadapted to the modern lite-world,e.g. urban legends (Brunvard 1981).The meaning of genresis no longer reducedto textual features. Instead progressivelythe social context, the Sitz im Leben _(Gunkel 1933) is consideredto be constitutivetor the analysisof folklore genres.' The analysisof communicativegenreshas been of continuousinteresttor linguistic anthropologr (and anthropologicallinguistics)since Boas' (19171f940) seminalwork. Early researchfocusedon the problem of classificationof oral genres: Sapir (1909),for instance,collectedWishram texts,accordingto categoriessuch as "myth, customs, letters, non-mythical narratives, and supplementary upper Chinookan texts". The compilation and classificationof these texts led to the discussionof formal and stylisticcriteria that would distinguishgenres,and for quite some time, anthropologicallinguisticstried to refine formal structuresof singular genres(Briggs/Bauman1992).However,the collectedtextswere rarely analyzedin their interactionalcontexts;insteadgenreswere consideredas tixed objectsuntil the Ethnographyof Communication (and the concomitantturn towardsthe dialogicity of communication) in the i960s started to have an impact on this strand of research.Gumperz and Hymes (1972) decidedly opted for the investigationof languageuse in contexts.Hymes (1972, 1974)viewed genresas an integral part of the communicative budget of a community.8Despite the lack of theoretical of "genres",the Ethnographyof Communicationhas prompted a conceptualization broad array of empirical investigationswhich take genre as the analyticalfocus for verbalpracticeswithin differentspeechcommunities.Within this research, classifying there is an obvioustendencyto considergenresno longer as static,monological ' 1 8 Cf. Oring (1986: 134-5). Th" notion of genres, however, lacks prccision: Whereas, in "Models of the Interaction of l,anguage and Social Life" Hymes (1977:65) claims that "all speech has formal characteristics of some sort of manifestation of genres", in "Ways of Speaking" (1974: 443-444) he reaches the conclusion "that communities differ' according to the portion of speech which "is generically organized"and the portion that is more spontaneousand "thus escapesgeneric regimentation and why." 4 Susanne Gr)nthnerand Hubert Knobtauch products,but rather to adopt a performance-centered approach to genres,which approachto languageand meetsSherzer's(1987)demandfor a "discourse-centered culture". In combiningBakhtin's "sociologicalpoetics"with Bourdieu's theory of practice,Hanks (1987)offers a new frameworkfor the analysisof genres,regarding genresas "orientingframeworks,interpretativeproceduresand setsof expectations that are not part of discoursestructure,but are part of the waysactorsrelate to and uselanguage". The relationshipbetweengenres,speakingpracticesand socialorder is also addressedby Briggs/Bauman(1992),who - by referring to Bakhtin'sconcept of intertextuality- concentrateon the intertextualrelationsconstitutedby the use of genresin discourse. Within linguistics, the researchof Labov (1972) on stories prompted an expandingfield of studieson narration demonstratingthe role of different forms of stories within various institutional and private contexts. For quite some time, however,traditionaltext linguisticstended to apply terms derivingfrom analysesof written texts,suchas "text sort" and "text type",to oral discourses. Their aim was to characterizetextualtypesaccordingto grammatical-stylistical featuresand text sorts accordingto 'situationsof use' (Redekonstellationsrypen) (Gutenberg 1981: I44). Thesenotions,however,were modelledon monological,written textswithout taking into account the dynamic interactive constitution of texts in social interactions. Influenced by the Ethnography of Communication, Interactive Sociolinguistics (Gumperz f982) as well as by the Sociolory of Knowledge, the notion of communicativegenres is becomingincreasinglyacceptedin linguistic analysisof discourse(Giilich 1986,Gtinthner I993a; Kotthotf I993a; 1995).This acceptanceis paralleledby a new methodologicalorientation: Instead of taking oral genres as monologicalstatic texts,communicativegenresare analyzedin the processof their interactiveproduction, i.e. in their conversationaland socioculturalcontext. By stressing the dialogical character of communicative processes, ConversationAnalysishas had an important influenceon genreresearch.The quest for an analysis of social action in 'natural settings' is due to the repeated methodologicaldemandsof Harvey Sacks(1963)and his colleagues:To record and protocol social action empirically as a phenomenonin its own right. Finally, the analysisof conversationalsequencesled to the question how 'long' interaction sequencesare intertwined.However, up to now conversationanalysistshave only investigated a few longer sequences. For instance, Jeffersonflre (1981) demonstratedhow "trouble talk" is organizedinto severalstageswhich are collaboratively produced by the coparticipants.Bergmann's(1993a)analysisof gossipas a reconstructivegenre as well as his study of emergencycalls to the fire brigades (1993b) convincingly exemplifies how conversation analytic methods can be productivelycombined with the study of communicativegenres.Goodwin's (1990) study of interactive processesamong Black children in Philadelphia,which integrated methods of conversationanalysiswith those of ethnography of communication,seesverbal "activities" as beingthe relevantunitsfor investigation. Her detailed analysis,concentratingon specific "activities"(which show generic patternings),such as arguments,gossip-disputes, instigatingand storiesshowshow this specificgroup of urban Black childrenconstitutetheir socialworld through verbal genresand activities. Culnralty patterned speakingpractices 5 3. A theoretical conceptualizationof communicativegenres The way communicativegenresare treatedwithin the Socioloryof Knowledge(Berger/Luckmann1966)providesus with a theoreticalconceptualizationof "genres".In the early 80s Bergmann and Luckmann (1983) developedan approach of genre analysiswhich takes into accountthe traditionsof genre researchmentioned above and links the notion of genre to the theoretical model of Social Constructivism within the Sociologyof Knowledge.Even if we cannot elaboratehere the (widely renown) approach of the "socialconstructionof reality",we shall sketch the notion of genre within this theoreticalframework; moreoverwe shall propose some new conceptualizations and methodological whichwill be outlinedon the barefinements sis of various empirical studies.e According to Luckmann (7992a),communicativegenresfulfil a more crucial function than just representingone possible"componentof a speech event" - as Hymes (1974) has claimed. They representcentral communicativemeans in the constructionof socialreality. Sincesociallyconstructedinstitutionsand the correspondinglegitimations(or "ideologies";Bakhtin 1979186) depend on the mediation and transmission of knowledge, the communicative processesby which this knowledgeis transmitted to the individual are of crucial importance. The social stocksof knowledg" - which are the resourcefbr most of the objectifiedknowledge takenfor grantedwithin a givensociety- are beingbuilt up, maintained,transmitted and also modified in communicativeprocesses.Whereas many communicative processesare produced on a spontaneousbasis,some processesof communicative transmissionof knowledgeare fixed into genres.This meansthat the composition of a seriesof communicativeelementsand the variouspossibilities of its implementation are prepatterned.Communicativeprocessesthat follow such fixed patterns are called"genres".In this way, the notion of "genre"is neitherreducedto literary or oral poetic genresnor do we claim, as Bakhtin appearsto claim, that there is no communicationoutside of genres. Communicativegenresfulfil important functionswith respectto the coping with, transmissionand traditionalizationof intersubjectiveexperiencesof the lifeworld. On the one hand,they facilitatethe transmissionof knowledgeby guidingthe interactants'expectationsabout what is to be said (and done). On the other hand, they are the sedimentsof sociallyrelevant communicativeprocesses,as only those processes may be expectedto be tixed into genreswhich are of some relevanceto the socialactors.The assumptionthat communicativeaction is routinized into such prearrangedpatterns has seriousconsequences tor the concept of communication itself.The transmissionof sociallyrelevantknowledge- one of the preconditionsof the socialization of individuals- relieson conventionalized mediatingpatterns,i.e" communicativegenres. Thus, wherever socially relevant knowledge is to be transmitted we find "convention" instead of "communicativerationality": Communicationis subject to routinizationwhich leadsto conventionin the same way that routinizationleadsto constitutionwith respectto socialproblems.l0Because 9 So*" of these studies have been prompted by this approach ro genres. 10 Cf. B"rg"r/Luckmann (1966). Susanne Gtinthner and Hubert Knoblauch speakersas well as recipientsare familiar with genres they may be regarded as frames for the orientation that interactants refer to in producing, as well as interpreting,communicativeaction. It, for instance,a speakerbeginsan utterance by 'Did you hear the one about', a certain genre is contextualizedand specific expectationsarise on the recipient'spart. Thus, the knowledgethat communicative processeswith specific functions occurring in certain social situations take on recurrentfbrms,not only guidesthe communicativeactionsthemselvesbut alsotheir interpretations.To the degree that the prefabricationof communicativepatterns guidesthe interactants'expectations about the courseof the communicativeaction, predefinedgenresfacilitatethe co-ordinationof communicative actions.Therefore, genresmay be seenas taking the burdenawayfrom the functionof communicative the actors (i.e. relieving them ("Entlctsturrg")) of having to co-ordinateevery communicativeaction anew.l1By way of routinization,theseinteractivetasksbecome "non-problematic"and speakersmay concentrateon other tasks. Genres are generatedas soonas communicative interactants are facedwith recurringproblems which are of great relevancetcl the actors.Thus, genresare not only a 'model for' communicativeaction; they are also a 'model of sociallyrelevant communication. They constitute the communicative'loci' or commonplacesof certain social categories, milieus,and classes, therebymediatingbetweenspeakingpractices,social structureand culture.However,the socialdistributionof genre-relatedknowledge may be unequally distributed among the members,accordingto various criteria, suchas gender,age,socialposition,casteetc. An essentialelementof genre-related knowledgeis knowledgeabout the appropriateuseof genres,i.e.when to useor not to use what genre. As Luckmann ( 1992a:226) points out, "the use of genres is normally linked to clearly defined typcs of social situations. A given genre may never appcar in one type of communicative situation, rarely in another, frequently in still another, and always in some. From the point of view of the actor's knowlcdgc thcre may be situations in which he is forced to use a particular communicative genre, others in which thc mattcr is optional and he is merely likely t<t do so, and still othcrs in which he will riqorouslv avoid its use." As historicaland cultural products,communicativegenresare, however,open to change and cultural variation.If we take communicativegenresas sociallyconstructed solutions which organize,routinize, and standardizethe dealing with particular communicativeproblems,it seemsquite obvious that diff'erentcultures may constructdiff-erentsolutionsfor specificcommunicativeproblems.Moreover, whereas in one culture there may be generic ways of handling particular communicativeactivities,in anothercultureinteractants may usespontaneous forms instead.Thus, the repertoireof communicative genresvary from cultureto culture as well as from one epoch to another. The specificfiutctiort of a communicativegenre thus consistsof providing solutionsto specificproblemsof communicative action(Bergmann/Luckmann 1995). In gossiping,the interactantshave to solvethe problem of "discreetindiscretion" tt "R"li"l' or "Entlastung" as a consequcnceof the process of routinization is described by G e h l e n ( 1 9 6 1 ) w i t h i n t h e German tradition oI Philosophical Anthropology. Cf. also Berger/Luckmann (1966) for a s h o r t E n g l i s h s k e t c h o f t h i s a p p r o a c h . Culrurally patterned spenking practices / (Bergmann1993a).In reproachingsomeone,the interactantssolvethe problem of one person evaluatinga specificbehavioror action of another person as being inadequate,wrong or immoral and demandingan explanation(Giinthner 1993b). Exemplarystoriesdemonstratethe validityof a statementor an evaluationby way of illustratinga specific case (Keppler 1988;Crinthner 1993c),and interactive teachingsset the task of resolving specific forms of asymmetriesof knowledge (Keppler/Luckmann1991).Levinson's(1979)notion of "activity"is usetul for the of the functioncommunicative genres.A certainactivity,suchas asking specification a student questionsduring an oral exam, can be done by means of various communicativeforms or genreswhich may be more or less conventionalizedand more or lessprepatterned. The functions of communicativegenres should be distinguishedfrom individuaiaction goals.If, in a speciticsituation,a personintendsto tell a loke in order to compromise another person, thrs goal must be compatible with the entertainingfunction of jokes, but not identical.The function of an interactive teachingsequenceconsistsin levellingolf asymmetriesof knowledge.Yet, at the sametime it may be strategically usedasa way of impressingsomeone.Thus,genres may be retramed strategically:I may tell a joke in order to tease my participant insteadof entertainingher. Suchreframing,however,only succeeds if one assumes that there are prefixed communicativepatterns. Insteadof taking the contextas given,the analysisof communicativegenres is basedon a reflexive notion of context as used in InterpretativeSociolinguistics" genresare not just determinedby socialcontextsbut alsocontribute Communicative to the very constitutionof these contexts.This conceptimplies that interactants construecontextin carryingout their interactiveactivities:By usinga certaingenre the interactantsenact a context tor the interpretationof this particular activity (Gumperz 1982;Auer 1992). The importanceof communicativegenreshas to be seen in light of the growingimportanceof communicativeprocessesfor the functioningof society:To the degreethat situationsproliferatein which personshave to interactwho do not of communication. knoweachother and do not sharethe sameculturalconventions The growing social relevanceof communicationis tantamount to the increasing differentiation of the socialstockof knowledgeand the corresponding differentiation of socialinstitutionsand socialrnilieus(Schtitz,4-uckmann 1984;Habermas 1981). In the face of this increasingpluralization,however,communicationdoes not becomemore rational,as Habermas(1981)suggests; on the basisof the relief function of communication,rather, a growth and ditterentiationclf communicative is to be expected.The more crucialrecurrentcommunicative problems conventions becomefor typicalsocialactors- as e.g.in democraticdecisionmaking,in self-presentationor testimonies,- the more likely becomesa growingroutinizationof the pertinentcommunicativeprocesses. Thesetheoreticalideason communicativegenresare not the result of mere speculation. In fact, they result from a growingbody of empiricalresearchwhich provesthe usefulness of the conceptof communicative genre.Before sketchingthe empiricalevidence,we shall outline three important analyticalciteia. We shall first (a) proposea workingdefinitionof genres,(b) sketchits structuralelementsand (c) explainits methodologicalstatus,before presentingthe constitutiveelementsof communicativegenresin more detail. Susanne Gtinthner and Hubert Knoblauch 8 a) Functionally, communicative genres can be defined as histoically and culturally specific,prepottenrcd and complex solutions to recurrentcommunicativeproblems. By prepottentedwe refer to the observationthat the occurrenceof a certain feature of communicative actions makes the occurrence of another feature expectable or predictable.As the production of one action entailsa preferencefor the production of another one, one may speak of a fixed pattern of action.Prepattemingthus, is basedon the sharedexpectationof the stepsof actionsto succeed.Which features of communicationcome to be prepatternedand which stepsof actionsare to be expected,dependson cultural norms and values.Not living up to sharedexpectations may bring on sanctions,as can be seen in reparation proceduresand corrective exchanges. b) Structurally, a genre may be defined as a complex communicativepattem of elements which can be located on three different structural levels:l2The level of intenml stntcture, the situative level and the level of extemal structure.The intemal stntctureof a genre consistsof: "overall patterns of diverse elements, such as words and phrases,registers,forrnulas and formulaic blocs, rhetorical figures and tropes, stylistic devices (metrics, rhyme, lists, oppt-lsitions),prosodic melodies, specific regulations of dialogicity, repair strategies and prescriptions for topics and topical areas."(Luckmann 1992b:39;our translation, S.G./FI.K.) The extennl structureof communicativegenres also exhibits a certain degree of obligation,that is, constraintswith respectto milieus,the communicativesituation, the type of the social relationshipas well as social categoriesof actors (men, women, ethnic groups), relevant in such environments.Whereas the internal structure is comprisedof linguisticsignsof communicativeaction and the external structure of the "situated" elements referring to the institutional structure of a society,tlrc sitttativelevelof communicativegenresconsistsof those elementswhich are part of the ongoinginteraction,i.e. the "interactionorder".13 This includesthe interactiveexchangeof utterancesbetweendifferent actorsas well as the situative, sociospatialrelation establishedby meansof this interaction. Generic forms consistof a combinationof featuresto be expected,located on all three structurallevelsand thus form highlycomplexcommunicativepatterns. Complexityrefers to the combination of different recurrent elements.loWhereas a sequenceof interactive teaching or the exchangeof complimentsmay be comprisedof only a few recurrentfeatures,gossiping- as describedby Bergmann (1993a)- consistsof a combinationof lexical,prosodic,rhetoric devices,situative elements,particularorganizational featuresand particularinteractiveroles (as the '" Concerning the status of the "structural features",we should point out that what is at work is an indexical association of talk to context. 13 to Fo. the diflerence between situatecland situational cf. Erving Goffman (19S3b). Thi, corresponds to the vertical co-occurrencerule, according to which the occurrence of a specific syntactical form is linked to e.g. a specific lexical choice and a certain prosodic register. Cf. Ervin-Tripp ( 1986: 233). Culturally pattemed speaking practices 9 gossipproducer, the recipient and the subjectof gossip).The more elementsare part of the "form", the more complexa genre appears.Complexitycan be enforced by the canonizationof genres,that is, the institutionalizationor even prescription of the form (Luckmann 1987). Yet, the degreeof complexityis likely to vary. Thereforewe should speakof "communicativepatterns"when referringto any fixed or crystallizedcommunicative form regardlessof its degreeof complexity.If one intendsto analyzecommunicative genres,one also has to take such patternsinto account.Each community disposes of a large repertoire of communicativepatterns(as in interactiveteachings,having an argument,counsellingin radio phone-inprograms,or indignationstories)which showsomekind of crystallizationand complexitywithout representingwhat we call "prototypicalgenres".The questionmight come up, what degree of complexity is necessaryand suttlcient to speak of a "genre"insteadof a "mere pattern". Surely, the boundariesare fluid. Of course,there are what we callprototypicalgenres - as (1980) or for instance,the lamentingof Greek women analyzedby Caraveli-Chaves the genealogicalrecitationsof Bantu-kingdomsdescribedby Albert (1972) - which havean obligatorycharacterand are perceivablytixed and patternedwith respect to situation, function and procedural structures.Now, in order to distinguish prototypicalcommunicativegenres from less fixed communicativepatterns, one could say that prototypical genres are first of all highly complex with respect to syntagmaticas well as paradigmaticfeatures.Moreover, they are characterizedby somespecificrecurrent features,which are located at all three levels (the level of internal structure, the situative level and the level of the external structure). Furthermore, prototypical genres are characterizedby a certain contour of beginning, middle and end.For instance,toastingin CaucasianGeorgiahasa ritualized beginningwhere the "tamada"(the toastmaster)standsup, holding a glassof somekind of alcoholicbeverageand startsto addressthe audiencein a ritualized way.The courseof toastingtollowsa variablethematiccanonacconlmodatedto the specificsituation at hand (a marriage,birth etc.). The formula "gaumardzos",the clinkingof glasses,and the emptyingof one's glasssignalthe end of the toast. (Kotthoff in press). c) Whereasthe notion of genresseryesas a sensitizingconcept for research,it has to be stressedthat any patterned communicativeaction is a valuable subject for genreanalysis.Before we start to describethe structuralelementson all three levels in detail, it should be noted that the social stock of knowledge often provides everydaycategories("first order constructs", Schutz1962)for communicativegenres. However, there is no clear-cut correspondencebetween ethnocategoiesand genres.lsIn German, for instance,we find the ethnocategoryVorwurf ('reproach'); however,as an analysisof reproachingreveals(Grinthner 1993b),they may take on a whole array of different communicativeforms, rangingfrom fixed patternswhich are characterizedby specific structural elements (Was -format, modal particles, extremecaseformulations,extremefluctuationsin pitch contour,falling intonation at the end of the utteranceetc.,)to utterancescharacterizedonly by a "reproaching" 15 C f . S i l u . r s t e i n ( 1 9 8 5 ; 1 9 9 3 ;o n m e t a p r a g m a t i cc a t e g o r i e sfolk-metapragmatic , discourse and the limits of native speakers'awarenessof their languageand its significancefor linguistic research. 10 Susanne Gtinthner and Huben Knoblauch prosody. Furthermore, interactants often refer metapragmatically to the ethnocategory (des soll jetzt kein VORWURF sein aber ich find du GEHSCH au urtHEIMlich stark at{ sie eirt.'I am not reproachingyou but I think you give far too much attentionto her') and therebydistancethemselves from the interpretationof their following activity as a Vorwtuf,althoughthe utteranceat hand showstypical reproachindicatorsand leadsto remedialreactions(e.g.justifications, explanations, etc.). counter-reproaches Furthermore,genericethnocategories are not necessarily mutuallyexclusive nor consistent;they showmuch overlappingand socialaswell asregionalvariations. Even if the knowledgeabout genresis highly articulatedin the social stock of knowledge - often by way of folk-taxonomiesand folk-theories- this theoretical coincidewith the knowledgeof use knowledge("know what") must not necessarily ("know how"). Theoreticalelementsof older forms e.g.may survivein the collective memory, and newer genres in status nascendimay not yet be part of folk-taxonomies(Luckmann 1992b:23).As Swales(1990:54f.)pointsout in his analysisof written academic genrcs, ethnocategoriessometimes persevere against a backgroundof substantialchangein the activity,fbr instance,"lectures"in academic lite nowadaysare no longerthe monologicrecitationsthey once were, but include discussionand studentsworking in small groups."Tutorials"muy no longer involve a tutor in the traditional sense,but may consistof student interactionwith a computer program. One shouldemphasizethat communicative genresare not to be considered as staticproductsto be describedby their structuralfeaturesonly; Sprechw,erke,i.e. rather, genresare constructedwithin communicativeactions.This dynamicaspect by the notion of "performance"as used of communicativegenresmay be expressed in linguisticanthropology.As opposedto traditionalfolklore approaches,which analyzegenresin a form purified of the contextof their production,we argue that the elementsof their communicativeconstructionare to be consideredas constitutive featuresof the genresthemselves: The actors'voices,the relationshipamong the coparticipants,the sequentialorganization,the cultural context as well as its dramaturgicstructure(Abrahams1976).Thus, in order to analyzecommunicative genres,it does not suffice to just describethe internal and externalfeaturesof isolated genres,one also has to take intcl accountthe dialogicalprinciplesand methods used to realize a particular genre in the specificsituationalcontext. In analyzingthe naturaldata by way of structuralelements,we reconstruct what had been produced holisticallyby the actors as a kind of "secondorder construct"(Schutz 1962:3ff.); i.e. the notion of "structure"refers to the scientific reconstructionof "tirst order constructs"(Schutz1962:3ff.), and thus, of what had alreadybeen producedand interpretedby the actors. 4. Structural featuresof genres As mentioned above, three levels of analysis of communicative genres are distinguislrable.We shall now describe these levels in some detail. Culntrally patterned speaking practices 11 4.I. The internal structure The internal structureof communicativegenresconsistsof verbal and prosodic(and kinetic)featurescharacterizingsingleutterancesor shortersequencesof utterances. Up to now, few investigationsofprosodicfeatttres(suchas loudness,tempo, pausing, intonation, rhythm, accent placement)16and features of voice qualityrT of conversationalgenreshave been undertaken,althoughprosodicphenomena- such as a "reproachful"prosody (Giinthner in press),prosodic markers of indignation (Christmann1993;Grinthner 1993c)or prosodicfeaturesin 'rappin' and soundin' (Abrahams1974)- have proven to be constitutiveelementsof certain communicative genresand patterns. Expressivesigrts,mimic and gesticulatoryelements are also part of the repertoire of the internal structure.lsLexico-semantic elernents,such as a specializedvocabulary,archaic terms, euphemismsor derogatorywords, certain modality markers, specific particles etc. can also make up part of the internal structureof a genre. Morpho-syntacticdevices(such as question-formats,specific word order phenomenale,imperatives,passiveconstructions,specificconjunctions or "discoursemarkers") as well asplrcnologicaldevicesmay function as constitutive elementsof a particular genre. In addition, the selectionof a specific linguistic vaiery or code may be determinativefor a specificgenre or for elements of the genre (such as citations, dialogism, indirect speech). Code features can be subdividedinto jargon, dialect,sociolect,as well as the selectionof a situationally apt register (frozenstyle,formal, consultative,informal or intimateregister;Gldser 1976). In his studyof Kuna speechgenres,Sherzer(I9l4) describesthe specificcode in namakke,i.e. chantsoccurringin the villagecongresshouse.In this genre,speakersuse a particular linguistic variety (sakla kaye or konkreso kaya), which can be distinguished from colloquialKuna with respectto phonology(certainvowelsoccur which are usually elided in colloquial speech),morpho-syntax(certain "linking" morphemesare used whereas,noun and verb phrasesare regularly deleted) and lexicon(specificwords which are either not usedor which have different meanings in everydayspeechare employed). Forms of patterningon the level of the internalstructuremay also include stylisticand rlrctoic figtres, concerning the way words are combined (asyndeton, polysynteton), deleted (ellipsis,aposiopese), added (accumulation,amplification, gradation),positioned (parallelism,chiasm),as well as the use of metaphors, metonymies, hyperbolasand other stylistic(litotes,emphasis,symboletc.) or sound 16 Cf. Selting (lgg}) on the function of intonation to contextualizedifferent activities and ".g. genres;Couper-Kuhlen (1992) on speech rhythm in repair sequences;Erickson on the rhythmic organizationin listing sequences.For thc interactive relevanceof such prosodic devicescf. CouperKuhlen/Selting(in press). 17 18 1e cf. winkler (1986). Cf. Heath (1986) on body movement in meclicalconsultation. Cf. Auer's (1993) analysis of verb-initial positioning reveals that the beginning of cerrain communication genres (e.g. jokes) in German is contextualized by verb-first-phrases (such as, nKontmt Fiachen in die Schule...";'Comes little Fritz to school...'). 12 Susanne Gtinthner and Hubert Knoblauch figures (anaphora,epiphora, onomatopoeticforms etc.) (Mi.iller 1989).20 Quite a number of communicative genres reveal specific "folk aesthetic pirtciples" (Dundes fi-nachlOzkok 1972),including a wide range of stylistic devices, such as specific rhyme patterns, melodic contours,the use of rhetoric figures, a particular vocabulary,an archaic syntaxetc. In verbal duelling among Turkish boys, for instance,the pertbrmers use their verbal and rhetoric skills in order to choose topicsappropriatein that context,to build on weaknesses in opponents'arguments, to create a witty responseto an initial attack, to seize upon an actual or alleged "mistake"in the attacker'spreviousinsult,to take part of the previousutteranceas the point of departure for the continuation of the duel and to stick to certain rhythmic schemes(Dundes/Leach/Ozkok1972).Becauseaestheticprinciplesare a significantcomponentin ritual duelling and insultinggenresin general(Abrahams t962; l.abov f972; Mitchell-Kernan 1972; Kotthotf 1995), speakersare judged accordingto their ability to perform. Apart from those prosodic, mimic-gestical,lexico-semantic,morpho-syntactic, rhetoric and stylisticelements,'minorforms' - suchas stereotypes,idioms,common places,proverbs,formulas, riddles and inscriptions- can also provide constitutive elements of communicativegenres.These minor or minimal forms differ from elaborategenresin so f'ar as they can be integratedin more comprehensiveforms; and moreover, they cannot be attributed to a definite function. For instance,the function of idioms (as topic termination,indirect criticism,as reconfirminggeneral norms and values,or as entertainment)may be definedonly with respectto the sequentialorganizationof the particularidiom or the socialcontextin which this form is used. Complex genres,on the other hand, do fulfil specificfunctions:Women's lamentos in Eastern Georgia which are built of several constitutive elements (specific rhythm, addressingthe deceasedetc.) as well as certain minimal forms (suchas stylizedwailing,specificidioms) function to expressthe community-binding mourning of women and to reproduce and confirm common moral values and norms (Kotthoff 1993a). Dispositional elemerulsand superstrucnres(Yan Dijk 1978) also represent complex internal features of communicativegenres,as e.g. the classicalrhetorical "dispositio"(dividing the classicaloration in "exordium,"narratio", "argumentatio" and "peroratio"). These superstructuresprovide a rough grid guiding the interactants' actions. For instance, Labov (1972) identifies a narrative model, dividingnarrationinto specificphases:"abstract","orientation","complicatingaction" and "evaluation", "resolution" and "coda". Similarly, Ulmer (1988) distinguishes different temporal phasesof conversionstoriesin everydaytalk: A longer stretchof biographicaltime is portrayed in a condensedway, leadingup to a temporally short event that contains many details. After this focused event, the 'subsequent' biographicaltime is again condensed.The temporal structure,characterizedby the use of tempus (and the relationbetweennarratedtime and time of the narration), plays a decisiverole for the constitutionof these conversionstories. Finally, "content"featttres rnay turn out to be elements of the internal 20 Cf. K""nan's (1974)descriptionof "kabary"performances in a Malagasycommunity:Here elaboratemetaphors,traditionalsayingsand formsof indirectionare usedin order to avoidopen conflictand also to demonstrate one'srhetoricability. Cutntratty patterned speaking practices 13 structureof communicative genres."Content"here ret'ersto variousaspects,ranging from topicsand topicalfields(e.g.motifsof fairy tales,legendsor storiesof miracles asshownby folklorists),to "figures"(cf. Goffman 1986)appearingin the genre (such asthe king or princessin fairy tales,representatives of certainethnicgroupsin jokes or talking animalsin fables),to figures'actionsand even to the scenarioof the eventsreproduced. The framing of communicativegenres- e.g. as fictional, ironic, playful, irrealis or realistic- is a further structuralfeatureon the internallevel.In teasing,for instance, a slightlyaggressive and sometimeseven hclstilemessageis framed as "playful"and thus carriesthe metamessage of "rapport" (Straehle1993;Giinthner 1994a).As coinedby Goffman (1981),the notion of traming2lnot only reters to the specific interactive modaliry (or "keying")but includesthe "production fonnet", i.e. the speakers' relationto their utterancesas "animators"(i.e. reproducersof utterances),as "authors" or as"principals"(i.e.the one who is respon(i.e.producersof utterances), - such as rhetorical 'forms of appeal' siblefor the utterance).Forms of addressing question, (lausberg 1960)rhetorical sermocinatio,aporia - aswell asrecipientdesigtt constitute further framing elements. Thus, callersframe their messageson formats answeringmachineswith respectto the social relationshipthey assumedlyhave sharedwith the personcalled,as e.g. intimate,infbrmal or institutional(AlvarezCaccamoKnoblauch1992).The featuresof framingconcerningthe relationbetween speakerand coparticipant,are subsumedunder the notion of "fixilirtg"(Gotlman 1986).Fclotingor changesof footingfunctionas contextualization cues(Gumperz 1982;Auer 1992)signallingthe specificactivitiesperfbrmed. In order to analvzecommunicative genres,one alsohasto take into account the specificityof tlrc meditun.Keppler (1985)showshow media genres,such as the news,are characterizedby a specificcombinationof verbal, visual and sound elements" On and off texts,animatedpictures,colorsand light are to be considered asweil as camerapositions,cuts,dramaturgy,figuresand setting. The selectionof the elementsclf the internal structurefixed to various degreesof obligation.However.the degreeof obligzttionalwayslies above that of spontaneous talk. 4.2. Thesituativelevelof cotnmunicativegenres The elementsoutlined above, which are located in what we call the internal structureof communicativegenres,have to be distinguished from the interactive context,based on the dialogicityof utterancesbetween rnultiple participants. Althoughthe elementsof the internal structurescan be discernedin dialogical, conversational utterances, the very fact that utterancesare dialogicallyproducedby anddistributedamongdiftbrentparticipantsgivesriseto a particularstratumof featureswhich deservesspecialconsideration. and consequently, a separatelevel of analysis. This situativelevel,first of all, is comprisedof itual pltertomenn,such as the openingand terminationof interactivecontacts,greetingand farewell rituals, ritualsof invitingand accepting,etc. (Goffman i981). Besidetheserituals,f'eatures 11 "' Cf. also Tannen (1993). 14 andHubertKnoblauch Susanne Gtinthner concerningthe internctiveorgqnizalionof cottversotion- as describedby conversation analysists- are an integral part of this analytic level. These features can be describedby pattentsof tum-taking,pair seqLtences (adjacencypairs, as questionsand answers,summons and responses).Strategieswith regardto longerstretchesof conversadonare also part of the situative structure, e.g. in announcing a longer sequenceof talk and getting a "ticket" as in narratives. Someof theseconversationalelementsmay evenbe found in supposedlymonologic genres;sales speeches,for example,exhibit elementsof the interaction between speakerand audiencewhich are constitutivefor this genre (Basgoz1975;Atkinson 'rhetorical'situation,recipientsare 1984).Within the not only'implicit actors'(Iser 1972); but they act (laugh, clap their hands, give signs of astonishmentetc.) in responseto certain patterns of action which are restrictedby the genre and the socialcontext of the situation(suchas church ceremonies,carnival,political speech etc.) (Knoblauch1987). Theconversational levelof the situativestructure- includingphenomena,such as pair sequences,preferencestructures,the organisationof turns, pre-, post- and - has been the subject-matterof ConversationAnalysis.Phenomena, side-sequences such -have been described by ConversationAnalysis. Communicative genres frequently show particular constraintsregardingtheir sequentialorganization.As Bergmann (I993a: 81) demonstrates,the initiation of gossip within an ongoing conversationis characterizedby a presequencein which the interactants check whether the conditionsnecessarytor gossipingare fulfilled: If the absentsubjectof gossipis mutually known to all participantsand if all are willing to cooperatein this morally sensitiveand sociallyreproved genre. Once these conditionsare clarified, the actual gossipmay start. Although the analysisof communicativegenres highly profits trom the detailed studies of conversationalorganizationwithin ConversationAnalysis, we do not regard preferencestructuresas part of the conversationalapparatusbut rather as conventionswhich heavilydependon the socio-culturalcontext.Thus, for instance, Pomerantz Q98\ assumesthat there is "a generaldispreferencefor disagreement" in everyday conversations,whereaswe would argue that this seemingly"general dispreferencefor disagreement"is a culturally specific(white middle-class-North American) and a sociallycontextualized(small talk situations)convention.This can be supported by Schiftrin's (1984) analysisof PhiladelphiaJewish argumentation styleswhich displaya preterencefor the productionof disagreement.Similar results, demonstratinga preference for direct, unmitigateddisagreementswere obtained with respect to other social and cultural contexts (German-American,GermanChinese, Swabian,Black American children), and with respect to specific genres (informal discussions,playing in the street) (Goodwin 1990; Knoblauch 799La; Giinthner 7993a;Kotthoff 1993b). Further dimensionsof the situativestructurehave been pointed out by Goffman (1983a): Participationframework; longerstretclrcsof talk and non-linguistic environmerfiof the social situatiort.Theparticipatiortframework is constituted by the production fonnat as well as the participarion status. Since tlrc production format refers to the relation of the speaker to the proposition communicatedor to the tlgure portrayed,we take it to be an elementof the internal structure.Participation statusrefers to the portrayedrelation betweenthe communicatingparticipantsand their.utterances:Speakerand listener,teacherand pupil, objectsor producersof Cutturalty patterned speaking practices 15 gossip,etc. Ulmer (1988: 2I) analyzedthe participation format with respect to conversionstories and demonstratedthat the way these stories are told strongly dependson how the participantsrelate to their participationstatusas a 'member of a religiousgroup'. As Bergmann's(7993a:49)analysisof gossipshows,gossping consistsof the gossip subject,the gossiprecipient and the gossip producer. The gossipsubjectis distinguishedfrom the other two figuresby her/his status:S/he is presentonly as someonewho is being gossipedabout.This negativedetermination of the subjectof gossip,however,forms a constitutivefeature of this genre, as "it is essentialthat anyone who is the subject of gossipbe absent".To give another example:When reconstructingreproaches,narratorscan take over the interactive role of the former producer of the reproach ("and I went: Why the hell did you haveto treat him like this!") as well as the former addresseeof the reproach ("the onlything she can do is reproachme over and over again:Can't you come on time. Can't you dress neatly..."). The specific participation status (or producer or addressee) turns out to be relevantfor the reproachreproduced:Speakerstend to reconstructtheir own reproachesas justified, whereasreproachesfrom someone else directed at the present speaker,are frequently reconstructedas unjustified, exaggerated and hysterical(Giinthner 1993b). Participationframeworksmay last only for severalturns, as for instancein producingan 'interactiveteaching'session(Keppler/Luckmann1991) participants take on for a short period of time the roles of a 'teacher'and a 'pupil' (that is, the onetaughtin the communicativesituation).Participationframeworks,however,can alsolast for a longer stretch of communicativesequenceswhich, thereby, provide the situational"co-text"of the singleutterancesand their sequencing.In his study of customersat a German "kiosk", Schmitt (1992) demonstrateshow actors, by routinelyproducingspecificcommunicativeforms in a certainstyle,showthemselves to be specificcommunicativetypes.These 'presentationalfigures' are made up of communicativeactivities which are specific for each type and which thereby constitutelastinglocal identitiesof the setting.These communicativeactivities,of course,are establishedwith respect to other tigures present. In a similar vein, Goodwin's(1990) analysisof interaction among Black children documents how socialrelationsare conventionalized(in a genderedway) by meansof disputes,citationsand stories. Finally, the non-littgttistic social affangemetils are part of the situative structureof communicativepatterns. This aspect involves situative elements as resourcesof communication.Especiallythe constellationof participants in "the microecology of situation"playsan important role, i.e.tlrcsocio-spatial and temporal affangementof interactanlsas well as the action pattenw accompatryingspeaking.In medical encounters,for instance,these social arrangementsare combined with speechin a rather standardizedway (ten Have 1989).The genre of toasting in CaucasianGeorgia, for instance, is always connected to a specific social arrangement,including guestsbeing present,a meal being served and above all, alcoholbeing on the table (Kotthoff in press). The spatialand temporal settingsthat are characterizeoby aggregationsof genresand patterns and by a personalof social types may be called a "socialoccasion".Hence,"socialoccasion"refersto structuredor eveninstitutionalizedactions that are boundedin spaceand time; e.g."public criticismmeetings",which became very popular during the Cultural Revolution in China represent such a "social 16 Susanne Gtinthner ttnd Hubert Knoblauch occasion".These meetingswere organizedin a very formalizedway, the verbal (the singingof revolutionarysongs,shoutingof particularslogans,criticizingthe accused 'monsters and demons') and non-verbal (standingup, sitting down, bringing the accusedon stage etc.) activities being strictly prescribed.(Yuanfi(uiper/Shaogu 1990).Sherzer(1974) showshow the use of diversegenres(chiefs'chants,formal speeches,healing sermons)among the Kuna Indiansare linked to different social occasionsthat exhibit specific participation statusesand involve the selection of certainsocialstructuralcategories of actors(chiefs,women,youth).Duranti's(1984) study of speech genres on Samoa demonstrates that because there is an interrelationshipbetweencommunicativegenresand "socialoccasions", the analysis of lauga (an oratory genre,which is used in ceremonialeventsas well as in political meetings)can only be achievedby studyingthe organizationof the socialoccasions rn which lauga is used: Whereas,in political meetingslattga is used in a rather instrumentallyoriented mode, in ceremonialeventsthis genre happensto be a prototypical"performanceevent"with a displayof great verbal virtuosity. Social occasionsmay include formal (..g. political meetings,ceremonial "gatekeepingsituations"suchas job interviewsor examinations)as well occasions, asinfbrmalevents(e.g."familydinnersituations"; Keppler(1994)).Elementslocated on the situative level are thus features which are produced in the ongoing interactionor which are at leastaccessible to direct manipulation.Theseelements are thus to be distinguished from what Goffman (1983b)calls"situatedelements". Although "situatedelements"becomerelevantin tace-to-faceinteracticln,they are derived from structural conditions,such as socialinequality,power distribution or ecclnomic diff'erences. Therefore,"situatedelements"are locatedon - what we call the "externalstructureof communicativegenres". 4.3. The externalstructureof cornmunicative genres The external structure consists of del'initions of comntttnicativemilieus and comtnuricatit,esiluatiortsas well as tlrc selectionof typesof ectors (according to gender, age, status etc.) and tlrc ittstittttir.tnal distibtuion of genres (Luckmann 1992b).22 Commuticotive milietts, as e.g. families, women's groups, street gangs or student cliques,can be characterizedby the fact that a group of communicative actorsparticipatesin recurringsclcialoccasions. Thus.ethnicmilieuswhosemembers participatein recurring socialoccasionsare characterizedby their repertoire of speakingpracticesand communicativegenres.Various ethnographicstudies of speakingpracticesamongBlacksin the USA revealthe significance of genres,such '" Cf. also Bakhtin (1979186:62)who pointed out, elements situated on the external structure may also be constitutive of certain pattcrns and genrcs: "Any researchwhose material is concrete language - the history of language,normative grammar, the compilation of any kind of dictionary, the stylistiqsof language and so forth - inevitably deals with concrete utterances (written and oral) belonging to various spheres of human activity and communication: Chronicles, contracts, texts of laws, clerical and other documents,various literarv, scientific,and commentarial genres,official and personal letters, rejoinders in everydaydialogue (...) and so on.n Culturally patterned speaking practices 17 asritual insultsand verbal duellingtor many Black youth cultures(Kochman 1972). As researchwithin InterpretativeSociolinguistics (Gumperz 1982;Erickson/Shultz 1982;Giinthner 1993a)demonstrates, the characteristics of ethnic milieus cannot just be found on the level of internaland situativestructures(e.g.the organisation of argumentation, prosodicfeaturesto signalnew and givenintormation,recipient signalsetc.):The functionsof genresand patternsvary too acrossethnic milieus. In Chineseargumentation,tor instance,proverbsand idioms fulfil an important functionin the backing of arguments:They allow speakersto demonstratetheir classical knowledgeand to presenttheir own assertions as being part of traditional andstillvalidcclllective wisdom.In interculturalcommunicative situations,however, not only clashesof variousfunctionsof communicativegenresmay appear but also differences of particulargenres.Whereas,in the Chinesecontext, in the assessment to "ornate"one'sargumentation, academicthesisor speechwith quotesof proverbial sayings is highlyvaluedand appreciatedas a signof goodeducation,in the Western contextbookson styleadviseagainstusingroutine torms and prclverbs(Gtinthner 1 9 8 8;1991) . Even if the notion of commtuicative milieus is in need of additional elaboration,it alreadv providesus with the link betweensocial structuresand communicativeactivities.Gerhards (1992) describesthe structures of social movementsin Berlin as being based on particular social occasions(political meetingsand gatherings).By analyzingthe communicativebudget of social occasions, such as meetingsin the local group of the 'green' social movement Christmann(1992) demonstratedthat the communicativeinteraction in these meetingsprovidesthe 'material basis'of what emergesas a "movement"on the surfaceof the public media. The externalstructureof genresalsclincludesthe selectictn of socialcategories of actorswho have accessto, are competent in or allowed tcl perform particular genres.In this respect,gender-relateddifferencesin the use of communicative genresplay an important part in many communities(Grinthner 1994b).The differentialcontrol of women and men over verbal resourcesand genresprovide an importantarea of investigation, alsoin termsof the significance of the relationship theycreatebetweendiscourseproductionand receptionby women and men, for the constitution of socialpower (Briggs1992:351;Gal 1989).In CaucasianGeorgia,for example, the genreof "toasting"constitutesan important,ritualizedmale genreand a centralmeansto construct"masculinity". Toastingactivitiesmay even lead to ritualizedcompetitionsamong men. Those men at the table who lack rhetoric abilitiesof toasting"are consideredunmanly"(Kotthoff in press).Whereas,in informalsituations, wornenonce in a while mziytake over the role of toast-masters, in formalsituationsthe toast-masterhas to be a man. Women are traditionallyin chargeof preparingand servingthe rneals:They tend to stayin the kitchen,forming a separateand lesstormal conversation group,immersingthemselvesin their own informaltalk. Keenan(1914)demonstratesthat in a Malagasycommunitythere appears to be a cleandivisionbetweenthe two sexesconcerningthe communicativegenres theyuse.Whereaswomen are excludedfrom a major fbrmal genrewhich is oratory; menare excludedfrom a seriesof speechactivitiesthat women engagein, such as gossipand accusations. The genresthat are attributed accordingto gender are basedon the prevailingideologiesof women'sand men'sspeechbehavior:Women 18 Susanne Gtinthner and Hubert Knoblauch are consideredto be direct and confrontative,men indirect and respectful.Thus, by waysand usinggenderedgenres,speakersembody usinglanguagein gender-specific and recreate salient stereotypesabout the "nature"of women and men.23 Thus the repertoire of communicativegenresavailableto women and men in a particular culture may be highly indexicalconcerningthe prevailing gender ideologies (Gtinthner 7994b)za. Next to social milietts and social categoies, the institutional distibution of genres has turned out to be of particular analyticalimportance.The interactive relevance of narratives in the legal system was demonstratedby Bennett and Feldman (1981). Legal proceduresrely on communicativecompetenceto produce storiesand make them plausibleby a) identiffing central story lines,b) portraying their relation to symbolicrelationsin a consistentway and c) in allowing a test of descriptiveadequacy(Bennett 1979).The acceptabilityof legal claimsseemsto be measuredin terms of the narrativeplausibilitywhich forms part of legalprocedures, The investigations,reports, and argumentation(Seibert I99I; Hoffmann 1991).25 use of genresin Swahili law courts in coastalKenya is exploredby Hirsch (1992). Narratives,which are particularlyassociatedwith women's speakingpracticesand are negativelyevaluatedby the persistingideologyare mainly used by women and thus undercuttheir speechin divorcesuits.In contrastto women'suseof narratives, in which hardly any explicit evaluationsof the presentedeventsare uttered, men predominantlyuse non-narrativegenres,in which they assessthe presentedevents, provide interpretationsfor the judgesand formulate abstractrules - phrasedin the languageof the Islamic law. In his study of the Yakan concept of litigation, Frake (L97?) specifiesthe place of variousverbal genreswithin different speechsituations.His descriptionof lwkum 'litigation' is embedded in an "ethnographyof law" in this Philippine community. Yuanfi(uiper/Shu's(1990)studyof formulae during the Cultural Revolution 23 A ri*ilur opposition between kroses'angr!', a genre which is highly confrontational and which is associated with women, and 'an oratory genre" used by men, focussing on social harmony and agreement is discussed by Kulick (1992) in his ethnography of speaking practices in a Gapun community (Papua New Guinea). What is revealing about these gendered genres (laoses versus oratories) is the fact that the obscenity-filled kross-making is negatively valued and speakers using "krosesn are seen to have an immature personality; men's oratories - in contrast - are positively valued and considered to be oriented to the well-being of the community. These two genres also function as indexes of gender-related characteristica: Whereas women are associated with individualism, atomicity and anti-social behavior, whose selfish actions constantly threaten the community, men are seen as sociable, generous and temperate (Kulick 1992:287-288). As in the Malagasy society, men tend to inform their wives whenever there are infractions that they have been subjected to. The wives are then expected to perform lcrosand get publically angry. In doing so they reinforce the stereotype of women being quarrelsome and loud-mouthed. 2a Cf. "lto Hartog (Igg})who analyzesgender roles in genetic counselling sessionsin Germany. 25 wh"."u. most research in this field uses the notion of pattern of scheme, in other areas of research the notion of genre is more frequently referred to. This holds e.g. for research on oral and written forms of scientific communication (Swales 1990; Dubois 1988), and especially for religious communication. Culturally patterned speaking practices 19 in China provides a revealingexample of how socio-politicalchangesmay affect speakingpracticesand communicativegenresin the realm of institutionalsettings. Before the Cultural revolution the classgreeting in Chinese schoolswas highly ritualized.The teacherfirst greetedthe studentswith the formula tongxuemenlmo! ('studentswell'!) and the studentrespondedby laoshilmo ('teacherwell!'). This greetingritual was accompaniedby nonverbalactivities:The studentshad to stand up and thus pay respect to the teacher.However, during the Cultural Revolution the traditional greeting formulae were replacedby the formula: Rang womenjing zlu Mao zlnui wanshouwuqiang!('let us respectfullywish Mao chairman a long life!'). The first part of the expressionrong wotnenjirtg zlw Mao zlttui was uttered by all the studentmonitor and the secondpart wnnshottwttqiarEwas usuallyuttered three times by all studentsas well as by the teacher.This secondpart is a dated idiomaticexpressionand before the Cultural Revolution it was only used for the Emperor.After the Cultural Revolutionand with China's"openingpolicy",however, the traditionalway of greetingwas reintroducedin this institutionalcontext. With respectto the religiousinstitutionalfield, Gunkel's (1933) research alreadyhas shown that biblical psalmshave to be investigatedas genresof an oral folk culture,and that the knowledgeabout the socialenvironmentof their use,the Sitzim Leben,is a preconditionfor understandingthem. Analysesof genresnot only make the critical evaluation of texts possible (Honko 1968): More and more scholarsshare the opinion that the specificityof the "sacral"is most clearly expressedin language(Samarin 1987),and especiallyin the genresof religiouscommunication,such as prayers,sermons,"holy words" etc. This does not only hold for written forms: Especiallythe New ReligiousMovements (which depend more on oral forms of communication)are characterizedby phrases,formulas,sermonsand othergenresthat exhibit specificfeaturesfor eachreligiousgroup (Zaretskylleone 1974). Religious genres are socially regulated forms solving the problem of (Luckmann 1991);the strong reconstructing subjectiveexperiencesof transcendence tendencyof crystallizationof religiousknowledgein communicativegenres- as e.g. by verbalforms of divinatorypractices- resultsfrom the strongdemand of societies to organizeand control subjectiveexperiencesof transcendence(Luckmann 1990). The subjectiveexperienceof conversion,for instance,is regularlyexpressedby way of a socially available form of conversion story. In the description of their conversions,"converts seem to be guided by interpretation and interpretative schemeswhich have been mediated and bestowedto them by the religiousgroup in which they are members" (Ulmer 1988).This necessityto objectify subjective experienceby meansof communicativepatternsthat render it plausibleholds also for "paranormalexperience"(Danielson1983),storieson the secondface (Virtanen 1976),reports on UFO-sightings(Degh 1977), miraculous healings (Knoblauch 1991b)etc. Studies in political anthropology also have pointed out the relevance of genresfor the maintenanceof politicalunits.Especiallyin egalitarian communicative societieswhich do not have specializedpolitical institutions,political questions, decisions,and traditions are discussedand nego tiated in the course of village gatherings. Genres of political communicationinclude ceremonialforms of speech, suchas theswtmakke at political gatheringsof the Kuna Indians(Sherzer1974),the highlystylizedceremonial,exclusivelymale kabaryat villagegatheringson Madagas- 20 Susanne Gtinthner and Hubert Knoblnuch car, or the informal poetical genressuchas the kiyori amongthe Wana (Indonesia) (Atkinson i984). Political speechgenresexhibit speciticfeatureson the level of the internal structure;but their specialfunction accruesby the social,temporal and spatialframe of the social occasionsin which they are used and by which they are distinguishedfrorn other tbrms of every day talk (Duranti 1984). Socialstructuresalso find expressionin written genres,as for examplein the "official" languagedocumentsproduced in the 16th century colonial Yucatan. By rnvokingdominant(Spanish)ideologicaland institutionalframeworks,the authors of thesedocumentssustainedthe appearancethat they sharedthe samevaluesand norms as their Spanishcolonizers.However,this framework is interspersedwith many local Mayan discoursestructures.Becauseof the influenceof the Spanish colonial power, hybrids develop which mlr Spanishand local Mayan elements (H a n k s 1987) . Another example,of how socialstructuresmay give rise to particulargenres, stemsfrom Chinii. During the Song-Dynasty(960-1279)in the province of Hunan a special"women'swriting system"was developed,which has been used right up until the 20th century exclusivelyby women. Women used this writing systemfor a speciticgenre, the "women'sletters" (ntishtt)which for centuriesturned out to be a very common form of communicationamongwomen in certainparts of Hunan. When women married,they movedinto their husbands'houseand very often were extremelyisolated from their own family and friends, rttisltu had the function of keepingin touch with other women: In this genrewomen narratedtheir sorrowful experiencesin the husband'sfamily, oftered comfort, provided help and created a female publicity. (Sternfeld 1990:24tf.). Ntislruwere written in the local dialect, usingpaper,cotton ur fans aswritingmaterial.Thus,besidesoral lamentinggenres, this written genrewas developed,to allow women who were very isolatedfrom their familiesand triendsto communicatetheir grievances and seek comfort. The notion of genre also turns out to be useful in the analysisof media communication.Startingfrom Labov'sschemeof narration,Montgomery (1991) identifies radio shows as discoursegenres with fixed structures:The opening consistingof a frame and an focus;the secondpart of a complication,a closing,an orientationand an evaluation,leadingto a coda,and the closingsectionconsistsof a resum6, a moral and a final framing. Alvarez-CaccamoKnoblauch's(1992) analysisof communicativepatternsin leavingmessageson answeringmachines revealsthat not only the outgoingmcssages arc constitutedby stereotypical features (greeting, identification, instruction etc.) resembling minimal forms (Wojcik are organizedaccordingto certain pat1987/88),but also the incomingmessages terns.Similarobservations weremadewith respectto electronicmail (Murray 1988). 5" Ethnotheory, linguistic ideolory and the communicativebudget In accordancewith Hanks (1987) we argue that communicativegenres can be treated as historicallyand culturallyspecificconventionsand ideals accordingto which speakerscomposetalk and recipientsinterpret it. In choosinga particular genre, a speaker makes use of culturallysegmentedsolutionsto communicative problems,and at the same time - due to their prepatterning- genresnot only "relieve"the speaker but also assistthe recipientsin limiting the interpretative Cutturalty patterned speaking practices 21 possibilities of utterancesby relatingthem to the specificgenre.The orientation towards generic forms is an important component of inference processesin interaction. link their utterancesto "generalized By usinga particulargenre,interactants or abstractedmodelsof discourseproductionand reception".Through this kind of (1992: 147)- in applyingBakhtin'sconceptof intertexlinkagethat Briggs,{Bauman tuality - describeas "intertextualrelationship",texts are rendered as "ordered, and openunified,and boundedon the one hand,and fragmented,heterogeneous, ended on the other". By reproducing a genre, a prior discourse becomes and the speakercreateslinksto historicaland socialconnections: "recontextualized" That is, s/he recontextualizesthese connectionsin the current discursivesetting. that is, detached from their However,genres may also be "decontexualized", traditionalcontextualuse (Bauman,tsriggs1990).The strategiesused for creating politicaland ideologicalfactors. genericlinks are affectedby socio-cultural, The interrelationshipbetween generic speaking practices and social valuesand ideologiesmay be detectedby scrutinizingthe prevailing structures, "ethnotheories"of communication, i.e. members' explicit knowledge about communicativetorms and practices.Irvine's (1979) study of speaking practices amongthe Wolof of Senegalillustratesthe connectionbetweenethnotheoriesof and socialstructuresin this male dominatedand hierarchicallyorganized speaking community. In this society,rhetoricalcompetenceand talk abilityare not esteemed amongthe high rankedstatusgroups,as theseabilitiesprove a person'slow status. Keepingsilent,on the other hand,is indicativeof belongingto the high castesand The hierarchicalorder is produced(amongother things)by speech:Men aristocrats. andwomenof lower rankstend to talk a greatdeal,whereasaristocraticmen hardly speak at all. The latter even hire professionalspeakersto take their roles in speaking.In Burundi, on the other hand, another caste society organized along stronglyhierarchicallines,eloquenceis highly esteemed(Albert 1972).Young boys of the upper castestart receivingspeechtraining at the age of ten: They are taught an "elegant"vocabulary,"elegant" speaking manners, as well as receiving voice trainingand lessonsin lyrics.Thus the rhetoricalabilitiesturn out to be of some of socialhierarchies(asbetweencastesand gender). importance tbr the construction Ethnotheoriesconcerningmembers' discoursepractices(b. it that men and membersof the noble castesare seenas lesstalkativeand lessarticulateas in the Wolof communit),or as more talkativeand articulateas in Burundi) are alwaysto be interpreted in the context of the prevailing cultural conceptualizationof adequate,appropriate and valued communicativebehavior. Ethnotheories or aboutcommunicative meansare thus closelyconnectedto the members'knowledge conceptof "linguisticideology",that is "setsof beliefsabout languagearticulatedby usersas a rationalizationor justificationor perceivedlanguagestructureand use" (Silverstein 1985).The relationshipbetweenthe culturallyvaryingdistributionof communicativepatterns or genresand socialpracticesis in a complex way related to thosesystemsof ideas,interestsand expectationsthrough which members of a communityinterpret discursivestrategiesand communicativebehavior(Irvine 1992). "ldeology"thus proves to be a fruitful conceptas it suggestsa connectionbetween ideas about language and speaking practiceswith ideas about social status, appropriateconductand power relationsand therebyforms what Silverstein(1992: 320)callsculture-specific"metadiscourses": 22 Susanne Gtinthner and Hubert Knoblauch "Such a metadiscourseis semioticallysituated to advantagein being a mode of rationalizing explanation, representing de-contextualizablecharacteristicsas the basis of how indexical signs instance types of meaningfulness. Thus, any account of how individuals recruited to the roles in semiotic events are indexed by certain linguistic forms, have this characteristic: Women vs. men engage in, or are skilled at, distinct genres of discourse - extensional observation - because,women are such-and-suchand men are so-and-so--intensionalization in another etiological schema giving the 'essence'of the social category; these are the valued ::Jl,?fi:,,iryff ;1.::#$:'jr;:'il:iil'J-Hff ilTj:X,ff ill?:filliJff:,::i Linguistic ideologiesdeterminethe "relevancestructures"(Schutz/Luckmann1973) which give rise to the patterningof communicaticn,to genresand similar forms. The investigationof the relation of linguisticideologies,communicativepatterns and social structures,however,demandsan overarchingconcept.We would argue that the communicative budget - which is conceived as the totality of communicative processesinfluencing the permanenceand changesof society - provides such a concept. It comprisesthe sum of communicativeprocesses that are available to individual members,categoriesof actors,groups,milieus and institutionswithin a society(Luckmann 1988: 284). The communicativebudget is not only a scientific container for the existingcommunicativeforms in a particular culture. Similarly to the concept of "linguisticfield" (Bourdieu 1991),it describesthe socialdistribution of communicativeforms,which is affectedby the socialrelevanceof communicative genres,ethnotheoriesand prevailinglinguisticideologiesin a particular community. As the sketch of the external structure has shown, the communicativebudget of modern societiesis stratifiedaccordingto ditferentdivisions:a) the dimensionof social categoriesof typical communicatorsand their interrelationship(such as, menwomen; children-adults;experts-laypersons;membersof a certain caste,classetc.); b) the institutional domain suggestingthat there is a functional division in the communicativebudgetof modern societiesso that 'similar'communicativeproblems are treated differently accordingto the specificinstitutionalsphere (law, politics, science, religion etc.); c) segmentarymilieu divisionswhich cut across various spheres(suchas,family milieus,leisuregroups,life-stylemilieus).All three divisions regulatethe accessof individualsto the meansof communicationand thus construct their communicativecompetence.As Bourdieu(1991)suggests, the accessto a particular "field" - or in our terminology:To a socialcategory,institutionaldomain and milieu - is a decisivecriterion organizingthe budget.Accordingto Bourdieu (1991), the power of the words dependson the power of the speakerof the words, which is determined by her/his social location in a particular "field". In addition to this view, one should stressthat the sociallocation of the speakeris itself constructed communicativelyto a large extent,as his/heraccessto a certain field is built up by communicativeactivities,i.e. by way of communicativeforms, patterns and genres. Admittedly, this sketch is but a rough outline. Yet, it allows to understand how genres are part of a cultural systemof signsand have "value loadings,social distributions,and typical performancestylesaccordingto which they are shapedin the course of utterances"(Hanks 1987: 670).Thus, the analysisof communicative patterns and genres can prove to be an important link between language and culture, as in the actual production of utterancesoriented to a specific genre, speakersnot only produce culturally routinizedconventionsof communicationbut also reconfirm, recreate or modify typified organizationalforms of communicative Culntratly patterned speaking practices 23 behavior. 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