COLLEGE OF MARIN ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING MINUTES FOR January 29, 2009 12:45 p.m. – 2:04 p.m. Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B Senators Present: Yolanda Bellisimo, Michael Dougan, Ron Gaiz, Erika Harkins, Robert Kennedy, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, , Meg Pasquel, Radica Portello, Derek Wilson, Blaze Woodlief, Eric Dunmire Senators Absent: Patrick Kelly, Joe Mueller Summary Motions passed in support of Educational Master Plan , Integrated Planning Model and General Education SLOs. Joetta Tennison-Scott tapped to serve remainder of the late Carol Adair’s Senate term. Minutes I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda: Agenda accepted II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of Jan. 22, 2009: Minutes accepted III. Officers’ Reports President: In writing. Attached Vice-President (Derek Wilson): The computer serving program review and curriculum committees is outdated and unreliable. It recently crashed. Again. Multiple PCs at IVC are infected by viruses. The campus-wide computer network is “whacky.” All of this is attributable to an inadequate IT department, which has been led for some time by interim hires. A permanent replacement who can restore order and focus is required immediately. (AS President Belissimo responded that she and the vice-president will bring this matter to COM President White at their next regular meeting.) The chancellor’s office is scrutinizing the use of TBA hours statewide, and has found that some schools are abusing this feature. It is clear that TBA hours must be scheduled, and must be comprised of line-of-site, student-contact hours. COM is conducting an inventory of TBA hours. Sen. Wilson will bring the matter before the next session of the Curriculum Committee. IV. Committee Reports Academic Standards: Rinetta Early. Written. Community Education (Erika Harkins): Problems with registration continue to occur. Students must register in the old system, then have their data copied into Banner by the Admissions Department staff. Discussions are being held regarding a shift from the quarter system to the semester system for Community Ed. Sen. Harkins thinks this makes sense. V: Consent Agenda (Belissimo): A faculty member is needed for the Technology Committee. Also, the Senate approved reimbursement for expenses accrued by Senator McKinnon at a recent conference VI: Action Items a) Motion to expand permitted length of support/oppose statements to be included in staff survey on constitutional amendment to change the size and composition of the Academic Senate: These are the results of a roll call vote (requested by Sen. Lutz): Yes: Dunmire, Lutz, Dougan No: Wilson, Harkins, Pasquel, McKinnon, Woodlief, Gaiz, Kennedy Abstain: Portello The motion failed. b) Motion to approve the Educational Master Plan: Passed. c) Motion to approve the Integrated Planning Model: Passed. d) Motion to approve general education SLOs: Passed. VII: Discussion President Belissimo recommended that Counselor Joetta Tennison-Scott be appointed fill the Senate seat left empty by the death of irreplaceable Carole Adair. The Senate gave unanimous consent. Senator Tennison-Scott will be seated at the next meeting, and will serve out Senator Adair’s term (ending June 2010). Also: A free-ranging discussion hit upon topics including the SLO wiki space, strategic initiatives, program review, the publication of an Academic Senate annual report, bylaw revisions, the need for a clearing house for Banner-related problems, COM’s irrational class cancellation policy, compilation of a Senate to-do list, and the status of our endangered AA degrees ADJOURNMENT: 2:04 p.m. For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: Michael Dougan:, X7336.