Year 3 Spring end-of-term Written A Class achievement record Pupils’ names Objectives Q. no. Recognise odd and even numbers up to at least 50 1, 2 Count on in 10s, 100s or 50s from zero 3 Use pairs that total 100 to make the next multiple of 100 4 Know by heart the multiplication facts for the 5 and 10 times tables 5 Derive division facts corresponding to the 5 and 10 times tables 6 Understand multiplication as describing an array 7 Know by heart the multiplication facts for the 3 times table 8a Derive division facts corresponding to the 3 times table 8b Add several numbers by finding pairs that total 9, 10 or 11 9 Recognise multiples of 10, 100 and 50 10 Rehearse pairs of multiples of 10 that total 100 11a Derive all pairs of multiples of 5 that total 100 11b Know by heart pairs of multiples of 100 that total 1000 11c Know by heart doubles of numbers up to 20 and the corresponding halves 12a Derive doubles of multiples of 5 up to 100 and the corresponding halves 12b Rehearse division as the inverse of multiplication 13 Add and subtract two 2-digit numbers, beginning to cross a multiple of 10 14 Identify and sketch lines of symmetry in simple shapes 15 Recognise non-unit fractions 16 Find non-unit fractions of shapes and numbers 16, 17 Organise and interpret numerical data in frequency tables 18a, b Organise and interpret numerical data in bar charts Abacus Evolve Framework Edition Year 3 © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007 18c