Contact Information

Welcome to Algebra I A/B
Welcome Back! This is going to be a great year in Algebra A/B. This class meets every day all year and will
cover the full course of Algebra. Algebra is considered a "gateway” course to your future mathematical
success. This course is very critical to establishing a solid foundation that you will be able to build on as you
continue your education. I am excited about what this year has to offer and really enjoy teaching algebraic
concepts. This class will be both challenging and rewarding! We will conclude the year with the state End Of
Course Exam which will count as 20% of your yearly average.
Items you will need…
3 ring binder with notebook and graph paper
Pencils, colored pencils, and dry erase markers
TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator
How to study…
Each night when you complete your homework, you need to go back to the section that was done the
class period before and work a few of each type of problem. Only work odd problems because the
answers are in the back of the book. Just spend 10-15 minutes doing this. If you have trouble, you
need to see me the very next day for help.
I am available for help most mornings by appointment, on Wednesday afternoons until 4:30. Please
don’t let things build, if you don’t understand something, see me immediately.
Other opportunities for help…Power Hour Mondays and Thursdays 3:50-4:50. Math is in room 508
and bus transportation is provided home.
Assignments 10%
9 wks test
Classroom Rules…
1. Bring all materials (Book, notebook, pencil, calculator) to every class.
2. Be in your seat ready to work by the time the bell rings.
3. You must wear your ID at all times.
4. Respect everyone in the classroom. Disrespect of any kind will not be tolerated.
5. All missed tests/quizzes must be made up within 2 weeks of returning to school. After 2 weeks,
you will receive a grade of zero.
Notes and worksheets are posted on my website. Please make sure you check for homework and
notes if you are ever out.
How to reach me…
(864) 260-5110
Note: The instructor reserves the right to alter, add to, or delete requirements of the syllabus based upon her
judgment of what is best for the educational purposes of a particular class.