Special Education – Blind and Partially Sighted Subject Specific Matrix Courses SPE 605 SPE 606 SPE 607 SPE SPE 608 709 Competencies for the Beginning Blind and Partially Sighted Educator in Missouri 1. Philosophical, Historical, and Legal Foundations of Special Education 1.1 Historical, social, and political issues which impact the field of Special Education Y Y Y Y Y and their relationship to developments in the field 1.2 The roles of community and advocacy groups and their influence on developments in Special Education Y Y 1.3 Models, theories, and philosophies that provide the basis for Special Education practice 1.4 The existence of a disability does not preclude normal academic development, or communication ability 1.5 Issues in definition, identification, and placement procedures for individuals with disabilities Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SPE 711 SPE 789 1.6 The legal basis and procedures – including statutes, regulations, and case law – which impact individuals with disabilities Courses Y SPE 605 SPE 606 2. Characteristics of Learners 2.1 Similarities and differences in the development of individuals with one or more disability Y 2.3 Characteristics of normal, delayed, different, and disordered communication patterns of individuals with disabilities Y 2.4 Various cultural dimensions that impact an individual with a disability including racial/ethnic and/or disability cultures Y 2.5 The effect of vision loss on cognitive processes Y SPE SPE 608 709 Y 2.2 Structure, function, diseases, and disorders of the human visual system 2.6 The effects on visual impairment on SPE 607 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SPE 711 Y Y Y Y Y SPE 789 development 2.7 The effects on visual impairment on orientation and mobility 2.8 The effect of one or more disabilities on a individual’s learning Y Y 2.9 Effects of medical, psychosocial, genetic, and/or environmental conditions on the educational, cognitive, physical, social, behavioral, and emotional needs of individuals with disabilities Courses SPE 605 Y Y Y Y Y SPE 606 SPE 607 Y Y Y SPE SPE 608 709 SPE 711 3. Assessment, Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Programming (the Special Education Process) 3.1 Legal and ethical concerns, regulations, and guidelines Y regarding compliance with the Special Education Process 3.2 Appropriate selection, administration, modification, and interpretation of informal and formal assessment procedures and instruments 3.3 Formal and informal assessments, including functional vision assessments Y Y Y Y Y SPE 789 and learning media assessments to comply with Braille Instruction RSMo 167.225 3.4 Commonly used principles and terminology of psychometrics Y 3.5 Strategies that consider the impact of diversity on assessment, eligibility programming, and placement of individuals with disabilities. Y 3.6 Continuum of placement and service delivery models available for individuals with disabilities, emphasizing appropriateness in meeting individual needs. Y 3.7 Methods of monitoring, recording, evaluating, and reporting the performance of individuals with disabilities in the four domains (academic/vocational, domestic/self-help, recreational/leisure, and community functioning) Y 3.8 Understanding of the sequence and interrelationships of Y Y Y each step of the Special Education Process. 3.9 The terminology and impact of medical, therapeutic, and educational information on assessment and programming. Courses Y SPE 605 Y SPE 606 4. Instructional Content and Practice 4.1 Researchsupported instructional practices, strategies, and materials used across the continuum of service delivery models. 4.2 Proficiency in reading and writing of standard English Braille Grade 2. Y 4.3 Instructional practices used in teaching Braille reading and writing. Y SPE 607 Y SPE SPE 608 709 SPE 711 Y Y Y 4.4 Curricula for the instruction of motor sensory, cognitive, academic, social, language, affective, and functional life skills for individuals with disabilities. Y 4.5 Instructional practices used in teaching organization Y Y SPE 789 and study skills. 4.6 Effective practices in integrate academic instruction, affective education, and behavior management for individual students and groups of students with disabilities. 4.7 Accessing and acquiring curricular content knowledge as needed Y Y 4.8 Techniques and assistive devices and services for modification of educational methods, materials, curricula, and physical environments. Y 4.9 Federal entitlements (e.g., American Printing House for Blind Quota Funds) that relate to the provision of specialized equipment and material for learners with visual impairments. Y -4.10 Traditional writing tools and devices (e.g., slate and stylus, Braillewriter, and writing guides). Y 4.11 Use and instructional application of Nemeth Code. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4.12 Listening and recording devices. Y 4.13 Instructional practices in keyboarding, electronic Braille note taking, and other computer-based applications which facilitate literacy. Y Y 4.14 Use of computational devices (e.g., abacus). Y Y 4.15 Providing supports to students making age and grade level transitions including transition to adult life. 4.16 Techniques to foster the development of auditory, tactile, and visual skills. Y Y Y Y Y 4.17 Use of compensatory visual strategies and optical and nonoptic devices. Y Y 4.18 Procedures and application of basic orientation and mobility skills (i.e., concepts, trailing, sighted guide techniques, room orientation, sound localization, protective techniques, directional techniques). Y 4.19 Methods of Y Y Y travel, including public transportation and use of mobility devices and services provided by a university-trained orientation and mobility instructor. Courses SPE 605 SPE 606 SPE 607 SPE SPE 608 709 SPE 711 5. Planning and Managing the Teaching and Learning Environment 5.1 Effective classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for Y Y individuals with disabilities incorporating research-supported practices. 5.2 Universal precautions to maintain healthy and safe environments. 5.3 Understanding when and how to access specialized resources, including funding sources. Y Y Y 5.4 Strategies for using technology to enhance the teaching and learning environment. Y 5.5 Strategies for managing time, schedules, and other associated variables for providing instruction. Y Y SPE 789 5.6 Strategies for utilizing mentors and role models in programming for students with disabilities. Y 5.7 Strategies for directing the activities of a classroom paraprofessional and others in an assisting role. Y Y Y 5.8 Strategies for supervising Braille transcribers. Courses Y SPE 605 SPE 606 SPE 607 SPE SPE 608 709 SPE 711 6. Student Behavior and Social Interaction Skills 6.1 Legal and ethical standards regarding behavioral supports Y systems for individuals with disabilities. 6.2 Pragmatic language skills needed for social educational and functional living environments. Y 6.3 Community affiliation and advocacy issues and their influence on selfadvocacy. Y 6.4 Strategies for crisis prevention/ Y Y intervention. 6.5 Analysis of communicative intent Y Y Y SPE 789 of behavior (i.e., behaviors are messages). Courses SPE 605 SPE 606 SPE 607 7. Communication and Collaborative Partnerships 7.1 Strategies to promote access to information and facilities for Y Y individuals, families, school, and community. 7.2 Strategies to provide the appropriate communication access for individuals, families, school, and community. Y 7.3 Strategies to address concerns of families, teachers, students and community related to individuals with disabilities. Y 7.4 Collaboration skills necessary to participate as an active and knowledgeable member of an educational team. 7.5 Skills required to participate as an active and knowledgeable member of a multidisciplinary team. Y Y SPE SPE 608 709 SPE 711 SPE 789 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7.6 Roles, responsibilities, and expertise of individuals with disabilities, families, teachers, school administrators and ancillary and support personnel in planning and delivering an individualized program. 7.7 Strategies to address social and emotional issues that impact individuals with disabilities and their families. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7.8 General classroom settings, curriculum, and instructional strategies. 7.9 Techniques that can be used to provide support services in general education settings. Y 7.10 Strategies for developing effective behavior support systems within and across school and community settings. Courses Y SPE 605 SPE 606 SPE 607 8. Professional and Ethical Practices and Resources 8.1 Consumer organizations that can Y Y be accessed by individuals with SPE SPE 608 709 Y Y SPE 711 Y SPE 789 Y disabilities. 8.2 Ethical practices as defined by appropriate professional learned societies. Y Y Y 8.3 Educational reform initiatives at the state and national level. Y Y Y Y y