FM-2010 New Position Procedure.doc

FM: 2010
HRD: 1122
New Position Procedure
Scope: Applies to all proposed budgeted positions.
Definition: This procedure describes the method for establishing a new position within
the college.
Policy: Cost Center managers develop new positions annually with the preparation for
new budgets or in the grant or contract development process. Nonfaculty positions
initially approved by the vice-president will be forwarded to the Human Resources
Executive Director for classification. The controller will add new approved positions to
the department’s cost center. New positions will be effective at the beginning of the
fiscal year or the effective date of the grant or contract.
Procedure: The budget analyst annually establishes a schedule for budget submissions.
Cost Center mangers use the position description forms for developing new positions and
forward them through the supervisory chain to the executive manager for review. Those
approved by the executive manager are forwarded to the Human Resources Executive
Director for grade classification. The Human Resources Executive Director coordinates
the classification with the supervisor and Job Evaluation Committee and returns the
graded position descriptions to the executive manager for budget submission.
The budget analyst will provide a list of the approved new positions to the Human
Resources Executive Director upon budget approval.
For more information contact: Vice-President, Division of Financial and Administrative
Services, 301 934-7715
Rev: 08/01
HRD: 01/91