محاضرة في التعليم الطبي


Educational strategies of the curriculum

Prof. Dr Wahengbam PS Al Waheed


9 September 2013 Monday 11 AM-12 Noon

Identify problems related to Medical Education

?? Lack of achieving of excellence in education and professional students as life-long learners.

?? Lack of creating supportive academic, research and administrative environment characterized by corporative teamwork.

?? Lack of reinforcement of partnership with the community.

?? Lack of proficient staff and supporting their continuous professional development.

?? Lack of implementing concepts and standards of quality for national and international accreditation.

?? Lack of balancing the college budget and enhancing resources.

Identify problems related to Medical Education

Educational Strategies

 Outcome-Based Education:

It is a broad statement of what a learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do at the end of a period of learning and how that learning is to be demonstrated.

 A learning outcome broadly allow flexibility and customization and are eminently applicable in defining the overall curriculum outcomes.

 Five main outcomes and fifty nine competences have been identified for the graduates

Identify problems related to Medical Education

Educational Strategies action Plans

• Every Module include introduction, learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, assessment plan, examples of cases, and resource materials.

• Integration in multi-dimensional in nature.

• The curriculum will have a spiral design.

• College will utilize non-traditional sources such as

Public Health Centers and Community-based Hospitals as clinical teaching sites.

• The program will emphasize on prevention, continuum between health and disease state, and patientcentered care.

Ethical issues in care of diabetic patients

Management of acute presentation, complications

Clinical features, investigation, principles of management

Impact of the disease; pathophysiology of DM

Spiral Approach to the Curriculum:

Introductory concepts, basic foundational knowledge and skills will be taught in early years and revisited in a planned manner in later years.

Concepts will be presented in progressively more challenging manner with increasing but appropriate level of complexity.

The ‘spiral curriculum’ of ‘Diabetes’ Throughout the course of study, the concept of diabetes will be spirally revisited. Sequentially, learn about the impact of the disease, pathophysiology, and connection between the pathophysiology and clinical presentation and investigation, and an approach to management.

It is expected that the students will integrate ethical, economical, and sociocultural considerations into the holistic management of the condition.

The Curriculum Strategy and Philosophy






Outcome-based education

Student-centered learning

Integrated learning

Innovative teaching and learning methods

Holistic approach to clinical assessment

(a) Use of Simulation Centre:

(b) Problem-based learning and use of practical sessions based on clinical application:

(c) Recalling and applying basic sciences during the teaching and learning.

(d) Visit to clinical laboratories during clinical rotations:

Describe systems and systems approach

Describe systems and systems approach

Describe systems and systems approach

Describe educational objectives (definition, purpose, types, taxonomy and domain)

Describe educational objectives (definition, purpose, types, taxonomy and domain)

Explain group dynamics (creative thinking, fixing priorities, student centered outcome based education)

Student Centeredness:

Student-centeredness include the culture, educational environment, and ethos of the institute.

The students should be able to identify

Weekly schedule of learning needs

Community activity

Extracurricular activities such as sports

Academic progress

Dedicated counseling service

Faculty mentoring program,
