Palomar College Inter-Club Council Meeting Agenda March 4, 2014 12:30 to 1:30 PM SU-204 1. Call To Order: - Establish Quorum - Attendance Anime SNAP Active Minds Ratio Hillel MEChA The WELL C.T.C N.A.S. Alliance PTK Encuentros United Muslim Student Assoc. Campus Gypsies Nutrition is the Vision 2. Oral Communication 3. Reports: LDSSA SVO Ballet Folklorico Geo Science Fashion LGBTQA CHDV PIFA Intervarsity Fellowship The Jordan Palomar Design Club Palomar Theatre Ensemble E.M.S CKI A. Clubs report/Personal reports - up to 2 minutes. B. Chairperson’s Report - up to 2 minutes. C. Vice Chairperson’s Report - up to 2 minutes. D. Activities Coordinator - 2 minutes. E. Advisor’s report - 2 minutes. F. Spring Cultural Event’s Chair report-2 minutes 4. Old Business: A. Discussion: Change Currency of ICC points i. The Chair and the task force will give a DRAFT of the new plan of how ICC point will be distribute B. Action/Discussion: ICC Bonding Activity ii. Updates about the event 5. New Business: A. Action: ICC Parking Pull i. Clubs will be allow to put one more ticket inside the box and a winner will be choose today 6. Approval of Minutes: A. Minutes from February 25 7. Points Allocation: 8. Future Agenda Items: All agenda item requests for the spring 2014 semester must be emailed before Wednesday at noon to Carlos Araujo – 9. Adjournment: 1:30 pm