13011st exam review.doc

U. S. History 1301-1st Exam Review
1. Aztec
2. Columbian Exchange
3. Portugal
4. Cortez
5. Vasco De Gamma
6. Lost Colony
7. Jamestown
8. Pocahontas/John Rolfe
9. Maryland
10. Indentured servants
11. Tobacco
12. Massachusetts Bay Colony
13. Pennsylvania
14. Georgia
15. Protestant Reformation
16. Restoration
17. Georgia
18. Mercantilism
19. Navigation Acts
20. Triangular Trade
21. Salem
22. Great Awakening
23. The enlightenment
24. Fort Duquesne
25. General Braddock
26. Battle of Quebec
27. Stamp Act
28. Declaratory Act
29. Townsend Duties
30. Boston massacre
31. Boston Tea Party
32. John Locke
33. Continental Congress-1st and 2nd
34. Lexington
35. Trenton
36. Saratoga
37. Yorktown
38. American Allies (France, Spain, Holland)
39. Thomas Paine
40. The Peace of Paris
41. Benjamin Franklin
42. republican motherhood
Discussion topics:
1. The Columbian Exchange with examples.
2. The differences between Northern and Southern Colonies
3. The reason for the change from indentured servants to slaves laborers.
4. The differences between French and English colonies in North America.
5. The results of the French and Indian War and how did that affect the relationship between
Great Britain and the American Colonies?
6. What were the ideological/philosophical reasons behind the American Revolution?
7. The series of steps that led the colonist from being loyal British subjects at the end of the
French and Indian War to revolutionaries at war with Great Britain’.
8. Was the American Revolution “revolutionary?” How did it affect women, minorities, the
poor, and the institution of slavery?