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British Colonial America Study Guide

British Colonial America
New England Colonies
•hilly, rocky land not suitable for farming
•Dense, thick forests
•Long, cold winters
•Home to fishing, ship building and port cities
•Good harbors
•The Puritans and Pilgrims settled here
Middle Colonies
•Known as the “bread basket” of the colonies because
the soil and climate were good for growing wheat
•Many people came to this area with different religious
beliefs because the middle colonies believed in religious
Southern Colonies
• Long, hot summers
•Farmers grew crops such as tobacco and rice
•Southern colonists relied on free/cheap labor
(slaves and indentured servants) to keep their
farms running.
People of Colonial America
•Colony– an area of land owned by another country
•Colonist– person living in a colony
•Farmers – worked on the land each day and needed family members to help with labor
in the fields
•Large land owners – wealthiest people in colonial America. These men had more power
over government decisions than others.
•Indentured servants – worked without pay in exchange for passage (travel) to the new
•Slave- worked for free and were considered property of the large landowners
•Artisans – people who were skilled at a particular craft and making items to use
Ex: candle makers (made candles)
wig maker (made wigs)
blacksmiths (made shoes)
cobbler (made/mended shoes)
cooper (made barrels)
milliner (med/mended clothes)
silversmiths (made items with silver such as bowls, watches, etc.)
•Women – had few privileges that woman have today. They could not vote, and were
expected to work in the home and on the farm.
•Most colonial families had to grow or make most of the products they used like
food, clothing, and tools. Colonial times were different from today because of the
clothing worn, food grown/ate, transportation, schooling was not as important as it
is today, etc.
•The Puritans wanted their children to learn how to read, so that they could learn
to read the Bible on a daily basis.
Slave vs. Indentured Servant
-A slave is owned as property of someone else and treated poorly
-An indentured servant only works for a certain time until his/her passage is paid
for and is typically treated better and given more rights
Responsibilities of a Family
Each member of your family would have different responsibilities each day. In the
Southern Colonies the large landowners had certain lifestyles. The father would
run the large plantation and look after the servants and slaves. The mother would
be at home cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children. The daughter would
go to school and then help her mother. The son would go to school and then help
his father.