Colonization Vocabulary Clustering

Vocabulary Clustering
Motivation for Coming to
the New World
3 Gs – gold, God, glory
Great Migration
Explanation – Large numbers of people came
to the new world to pursue wealth, religious
freedom, and a name for themselves. The
Pilgrims and Puritans were both motivated by
religious belief
Connection to the Caste System
of England
Indentured Servants
Anne Hutchinson
Proprietary Colony
Explanation – Although the colonies enjoyed a certain
amount of freedom given their distance from England, they
were still under the rule of the king. Indentured servants had
no hope of improving their standard of living in England.
Coming to the colonies gave them a chance to make a new
life for themselves. Land ownership was key in social
position in both England and the colonies. Women were
limited in their rights and freedom in England so Anne
Hutchenson saw the New World with its opportunities as a
way to change that. By granting land in the colonies to
English noblemen, the English caste system was, in some
respects, also present in colonial life.
Adapting to a New Land
and New Way of Life
John Rolfe
Explanation – By bringing the colonists
supplies and teaching them how to farm,
hunt, and fish, all three of the people
helped the colonist adapt to living in
North America.
Financing the Colonies
 Joint-stock company
 John Carver
 Explanation – Both the company and
Carver helped pay for the expense of
traveling to the colonies.
Leader in the New World
John Smith
William Bradford
Roger Williams
Lord Baltimore
Explanation – Jamestown was a leading colony
because it was the first permanent colony. The
men were all founders or leaders of colonies.
Brought Order to Colonial
House of Burgesses
Mayflower Compact
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Explanation – All of these involve the
formation of laws that were used to
govern the colonies. Without laws, there
can be no order.