American Pageant Chapter 2 Review

• First European conflict with American Indians
• Spain's Empire in North America
• French colonization of Canada
• English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic region & the South
• Servitude to slavery in the American colonies
• Resistance to Colonial Authority
• Be able to identify/explain Bacon’s Rebellion, The Glorious Revolution, Pueblo Revolt
Patterns were established for the future of the USA - warfare and reservations
for the Indians, lifelong slave codes for African-Americans.
England joined the “colonization race” and established five colonies along the
SE seacoast of North America. They exhibited a plantation agriculture,
indentured and slave labor, strong economic and social hierarchies and widely
scattered, institutionally weak settlement (govt.).
The first permanent English colony was established in Jamestown Virginia in
1607. They faced harsh conditions and Indian troubles, but eventually tobacco
brought population growth and prosperity (cash crop).
Maryland & the Carolinas were established. South Carolina established close
ties with British sugar colonies in the West Indies. It used the West Indian
pattern of Harsh Slave Codes and Large Plantation agriculture.
In contrast, North Carolina had fewer slaves & more white colonist who owned
small farms.
Georgia served as a “BUFFER” against Spanish Florida and a haven (refuge,
safe place,shelter) for debtor (nonpayer, defaulter).
Despite some differences, all Southern Colonies depended on plantation
agriculture for survival, indentured servitude and African slavery for their labor.
Social institutions – GOVT. was weak, as was religion and these colonies
tended to develop hierarchical (chain of command, pecking order, ladder of power)
economic and social orders.
JOHN SMITH – By obtaining CORN from the Indians, he helped save the
colony from starvation in the winter of 1608-1609.
MATOAKA “playful” is the formal Indian name of POCAHONTAS “Frolicsome”.
She married John ROLFE (not John Smith).
John Rolfe took her to England in 1616, but she became sick because of the
different climate and urban environment of England. Pocahontas died on the
return trip to Virginia.
ROLFE – who is 1612 experimented with a “sweeter” tobacco of the West
Indies – planted it in Jamestown and the new tobacco caught on quickly and
saved the colony’s economy (cash crop).
What did England and the English settlers really want from colonization?
National glory? Wealth? Adventure? A solution to Social Tension – Freedom ?
New sources of Goods and Trade?
In the end, did they get what they wanted?