Houston Community College Intensive English Program Gulfton Campus Advanced Intermediate Grammar Fall 2010 ESOL 0352 Instructor: Holly Turkington Office Hours: By appointment Office Phone: 713-718-7750 E-mail: holly.turkington@hccs.edu Weekly Schedule: Monday 7:00-8:40 Wednesday 7:00 -9:30 with computer lab Required Textbooks: You are required to buy the following textbook for this course: Fundamentals of English Grammar (third edition) by Betty Azar. NO USED BOOKS! This course is a continuation of ESOL 0348. This course provides a review of essential grammatical and structural features while introducing their finer points. Emphasis is placed on compound and complex sentence structures and is designed to lead students toward active mastery of the patterns and principles of formal written English. ESOL 0352 Statement of Purpose: ESOL 0352, Advanced Intermediate Grammar, seeks to prepare students for college level academic or workforce study by accomplishing the following objectives: building on the syntactic knowledge that students have gained in previous study of English grammar while introducing more advanced structures as well as the finer nuances involving tense and aspect of English verbs; strengthening the students’ abilities to produce the new grammatical structures in a variety of communicative contexts. Course Outcomes: After taking ESOL 0352, the student should: 1. be able to use all verb tenses except for the past perfect progressive and the future perfect tenses; 2. be able to use present and future modal auxiliaries and related expressions; 3. be able to use subjective, objective, and possessive personal pronouns; 4. Show familiarity with the structure and use of adjective and noun clauses; 5. be able to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to connect ideas, including the use of punctuation; 6. be able to recognize and use gerunds and infinitives; 7. be able to use the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs; 8. Show familiarity with quoted/reported speech and conditionals. Grades: The grading scale is: A (90-100), B (80-89), and C (70-79). Anything below a 70 is not a passing grade and will receive an F or an IP (in progress). The course grade will be determined as follows: Tests Midterm Exam Final Exam 60% 20% 20% 100% Houston Community College Intensive English Program Gulfton Campus Advanced Intermediate Grammar Fall 2010 ESOL 0352 Attendance and Tardiness: If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be counted as absent. An accumulation of three tardies will count as an absence. Missing lab or being late to lab will also count as being absent. If you are absent from 10 hours of class in any one course, you may be dropped from the course. If you are dropped from one course, you will be dropped from all other Intensive English courses that you are taking. If you do arrive late, take your seats quietly and take out your books. Explain your tardiness after class. Withdrawal Policy: A student may drop this course for any reason up to November 18th 2010 at 4:30 p.m. A student may also be dropped for excessive absences until that date. After November 18 th 2010 a student will receive the grade that she/he has earned. College policy prohibits instructors from entering a grade of “W” after the official drop date. Repeating the Course: Students who repeat a course three or more times will face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, talk with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test taking skills, attendance course participation and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that may be available. Make-up Policy: If you are absent during a quiz or a test, see your instructor as soon as you return. Arrangements will be made for make-ups on the following class day. If you are absent, please call a classmate to get the assigned homework. Come to class prepared. Class Participation: Your class participation includes attending and contributing to both class and lab. Cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices must be turned OFF during class; otherwise, you will be asked to leave class, resulting in an absence. Academic Honesty: Penalties for cheating, plagiarism, and unauthorized collaboration on an assignment may include a grade of zero or “F” for the assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from the college system. Cheating includes copying from another student during a test, copying from a text or copying from the Internet and presenting it as your own work. Sources should be acknowledged and quotations of a text put in quotation marks. Students with Disabilities: Students with learning or physical disabilities, which might affect their performance in class, should contact the HCCS Disabilities Counselor, Dr. Becky Hauri at 713-7187909. Houston Community College Intensive English Program Gulfton Campus Advanced Intermediate Grammar Fall 2010 ESOL 0352 ESOL 0352: Level Three Grammar Weekly Schedule NOTE: This schedule is approximate; I may make changes to it if necessary to cover the required material in this course. Week 1 Chapter 1: Present Tense Week 2 Chapter 2: Past Tense Week 3 Chapter 3: Future Tense Week 4 Chapter 4: Present and Past Perfect Week 5 Chapter 4: Present and Past Perfect Week 6 Chapter 5: Asking Questions Chapter 7: Modal Auxiliaries Week 7 Chapter 7: Modal Auxiliaries Week 8 Midterm Exam Chapters 1-5, Ch.6 (prepositions of time; “other”), Ch. 7 Week 9 Chapter 10: The Passive Week 10 Chapter 10: The Passive Week 11 Chapter 12: Adjective Clauses Week 12 Chapter 12: The Passive Week 13 Chapter 13: Gerunds and Infinitives Week 14 Chapter 13: Gerunds and Infinitives and Chapter 14: Noun Clauses Week 15 Chapter 14: Noun Clauses Week 16 Final Exam Test #1: Chapters 1-3 Test #2: Chapter 4 Test #3: Chapter 5 Test #4: The Passive Test #5: Chapter 12 Test #6: Chapters 13 &14 NOTE: Students will do most of chapters 6 and 11 and appendices 1 and 2 on their own.