Syllabus 0352 Document Actions Course Description ESOL. 0352, ADVANCED INTERMEDIATE GRAMMAR "A continuation of ESOL 0348. This course provides a review of essential grammatical and structural features while introducing their finer points. Emphasis is placed on compound and complex sentence structures and is designed to lead students toward active mastery of the patterns and principles of formal written English." Prerequisites A satisfactory score on the CELSA or successful completion of ESOL 0348 Course Goals (includes competencies, incorporation of SCANS, etc.) ESOL 0352, Advanced Intermediate Grammar, seeks to prepare students for college level academic or workforce study by accomplishing the following objectives: Building on the syntactic knowledge that students have gained in previous study of English grammar while introducing more advanced structures as well as the finer nuances involving tense and aspect of English verbs; Strengthening students' abilities to produce the new grammatical structures in a variety of communicative contexts. Instructor Information Natalia Petrova, E-mail: Textbook Information Textbook: - Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd ed., Azar (Prentice Hall Regents) Workbook- Fundamentals of English Grammar, Third Edition, Azar Lab Requirements (if any) One of the five instructional hours per week is a computer lab hour in which students work on grammar instructional modules, or on-line grammar programs. Students with Disabilities Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encouraged to report to Disability Counselor to make necessary arrangements. Faculty are only authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. Academic Honesty Any form of copying, cheating, or plagiarism will result in a 0 for the assignment. See the HCCS Student Handbook. Attendance and Withdrawal Policies Students are not allowed more than eight absences over the semester. Any absence beyond that may cause them to be dropped from class. See the HCCS Student Handbook. Course Requirements and Grading Policy After taking ESOL 0352, Advanced Intermediate Grammar, the student should: 1. Be able to use all verb tenses except for the past perfect progressive and the future perfect tenses; 2. Be able to use present and future modal auxiliaries and related expressions; 3. Be able to use subjective, objective, and possessive personal pronouns; 4. Show familiarity with the structure and use of adjective and noun clauses; 5. Be able to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to connect ideas, including the use of punctuation; 6. Be able to recognize and use gerunds and infinitives; 7. Be able to use the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs; 8. Show familiarity with quoted/reported speech and conditionals. SUGGESTED GRADE PERCENTAGES Chapter Tests *50% Homework/Lab 10% Quizzes 20% Final Exam 20% Total: 100% *(If no midterm is given, this percentage would increase to 70%). Note. Teachers may use percentages which vary from the above formula; however, if the percentages deviate by more than 5% for any item, the teacher should show them to the Department Chair or Lead instructor for approval. Keep in mind that the overall core of the student's grade must be based on oral and written work done in class. Testing Students in ESOL 0352 will take 4 chapter tests and one final exam. Make-up policy If students miss a test or a quiz, they must arrange with the instructor for a make-up outside of class time and before the end of one week from the day they missed. Projects, Assignments, Portfolios, Service Learning, Internships, etc. An instructor may choose to include projects or assignments to reinforce the material covered in class. Course Content Students will learn the use of verb tenses (Simple, Perfect, Progressive, Perfect Progressive), pronouns, modals, passive voice, gerunds and infinitives, clauses (noun, adjective, adverb), conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating), and conditional sentences and wishes as described in further detail below. Course Calendar with Reading Assignments ESOL0352 Advanced Intermediate Grammar WEEK1: Jan.18-20 Chapter 1, Present Tense WEEK2 Jan.12-17 Chapter 2, Past Tense WEEK 3: J.31-Feb.3 Chapter 3, Future Tense WEEK 4: Feb.7-10 Test #1, Chapters 1-3 Chapter 4, The Present Perfect and the Past Perfect WEEK 5: Feb14-17 Ch. 4, Ch. 5: Asking questions WEEK 6: Feb.21-25 Ch 5, Ch.6: Nouns and Pronouns Test #2 , Chapters 4,5,6 WEEK 7: Chapter 7, Modal Auxiliaries F.28-March 3 WEEK 8: March 7-10 Modal Auxiliaries March14-17 Spring Break WEEK 10: Ch.8, Connecting Ideas March 21-24 Test #3, Chapters 7,8. WEEK 11: Chapter 10, The Passive March 28-31 WEEK 12: April 4-7 Ch. 10, The Passive Ch.12, Adjective Clauses WEEK 13: April 11-14 Chapter 12,Adjective Clauses, Test #4 WEEK 14: April18-21 Chapter13, Gerunds and Infinitives WEEK 15: Course Review WEEK 16: FINAL EXAM WEEK Note: Exercises that are not covered in class are to be completed by students in the lab or for homework. Answer keys are available in the lab for students to check work. Students are not expected to master chapters 15 and 16; therefore, only the first several sections of each chapter should be discussed in class. Other Student Information (clubs, tutoring, web resources, etc.) Tutoring is availble for students at instructional sites where Intensive English is offered. Additional on line and computerized resources are also available in computer labs and libraries.