Graduate Student Government of Northern Arizona University

Graduate Student Government of Northern Arizona University
Regular Meeting
November 4th 2013
5:30pm-6:30pm, Ashurst A109
Conference line: 928-523-9999
Roll call and quorum, Rachel Stevens
-Quorum met. Dena Lane-Bonds, Amanda Butkiewicz, Tara, Ramona Mellott, and David Spivey
were also in attendance.
5:30pm to 5:40pm
Organizational Allocation Funding request
-Chi Sigma Iota, Alani Rabaino
-Susan Lawhead moved to approve request, Beth Philemon seconds. Request approved.
5:40pm to 5:55pm
Arizona Students’ Association (ASA) and United States Student Association (USSA)
-Anthony Hessel
-Anthony has met with USSA, in works to improve research funding opportunities for
grad students. Higher Education Act (HEA) is up for reauthorization.
- Question posed as to how GSG can help. Possibilities include contacting state
representatives, letting students know about funding opportunities, encourage student
voting, and get students information on options.
- GSG will try for Higher Education Forum next semester
5:55pm to 6:00pm
Graduate-Professional Student Survey, Jason Kordosky
Student forum on NSF programs, Jason Kordosky
-Jason will send around a doodle poll to find out what time would work best for
Rethinking committees, Susan Lawhead
- NAGPS talking point. Email Susan with ideas. Bylaws will need to be restructured and
committee formations would be restructured to best use GSG members
6:00pm to 6:15pm
Committee updates
Parking, Sean Larsen
- Met 1 month ago. Shuttle services needs drivers.
- They will be moving away from shuttle funding by parking. Instead, there will be a
transportation fee
- Looking into implementing a car share service
- Graduate and professional students can use taxi services to get to work-related
- Suggestion for park free days & to look into NAU vs. peers for permit charges
Graduate Student Government of Northern Arizona University
University Graduate Committee, Crystal Ewen
- Look over email from Crystal regarding policy changes. UGC will vote 11/20
Marketing and Communications, Rachel Stevens
- Request to send Rachel information to advertise via Facebook.
Social Committee, Susan Lawhead
- 11/16 GSG football tailgate—spread the word! Limited food will be offered. BYOB.
6:15pm to 6:25pm
GSG stipends, Michael Cook
- Give Michael ideas about how to go about implementing changes to stipends.
6:25pm to 6:30pm
Open forum
- Suggestions to get involved with Flagstaff Family Food Center in December and hold
a GSG February artwalk
Meeting Ended 6:35