Career & Graduate School Information Fair What’s next??

Career & Graduate School
Information Fair
for Criminology & Justice
Studies, Psychology and
Sociology Majors
Wednesday, March 16 , 2016
KSU Student Center
Room 306 A, B & C
5:30pm- 7:30pm
Presentations: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Speakers will give brief introductions, and provide
background knowledge of their chosen graduate
program or career.
Break-out Session: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Each speaker will have a table, at which students will
have the opportunity to speak to them further, ask
questions, and get more information.
Join us and discover
your “next” step in
finding your path to
Hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences,
the Department of Sociology, and the
Department of Psychological Sciences
Talk with faculty
about graduate
programs available, and
professionals working
with a Bachelor’s degree
in related fields.