Northern Arizona University Graduate Student Government General Assembly Meeting November 11

Northern Arizona University
Graduate Student Government
General Assembly Meeting
November 11th 2012
7-8pm Ashurst, A109
Meet-me-line: (928) 523-9119
Begin: 7:00PM
Members Present:
GSG Executive Members: Michael Cook, Ali Le Grand, Tim Bonson, Mia Ryneal
GSG Representatives:
David Spivey
Members Absent:
GSG Representatives: Richard Henderson
Speaker: Chris Duarte- LGBTQA Resource Center Speaker
graduate school can be a lonely journey
will focus on grad school resources and what it means to be a LGBTQA grad student
don't want to be outreached to-usually engage within first to years of college
others in common vested interests who happen to also be lgbtq
support element for a category- secondary
share the workload
do qualitative reading
started the office last year, w/two part time employees
lending library of lgtbq subjects
webpage goes live in december
support groups- struggling with lgtbqa identity- events/groups are free
learning engagement
Safe Zone training- run from housing/res life- susan lawhead- main GA-Cory Tickner
training this Friday.
Project Date- panels/education gender and sexuality- ally development
Office in the union- in the LEADS center, resource center- 7am-7pm.
Transgender outreach credit internships-not paid at this time.
Ranked 14th 351 universities out of progress in lgtbqa issues
working with 6 faith organizations-held within churches that are opening & affirming.
Lgtbq studies undergrad certificate & minor.
Lgtbq grad course queer theory Arianne Burford.
Gender-inclusive housing
Nov 26th-30th transcending gender awareness week. Transgender monologues- gardner
auditorium tues nov. 27th.
NAGPS Re-cap
bags tote-bags, marketing? Increasing recruiting efforts?
Volunteering events, movie screenings, grad student appreciation events, co-hosting event with
GSG merit scholarship- could create a couple 1000.00$ scholarship
GSG business cards
designing an e-mail to send prospective students
graduate student government banner
monthly e-mail to graduate students
need to get international students involved
holiday event through GSG/grad college & host it wherever
Next meeting
-Exec Meeting Monday
Social Committee
winter formal?
Sophia would help mobilize holiday event
bar event perhaps December 1st?
parking- focused on access
explained that parking is a revenue generator
perhaps increasing the student fee for non-parking in order to give parking more leeway
regarding tickets.
Policy & legislative action- state based grad financial aid
met with crystal jefferson -associate director -interim consultant
more loan forgiveness programs- hospitals
using arizona state lottery- hope scholarships
multi-state lottery- can attend universities in other states
maybe could serve tribal governments-loan forgiveness
faculty senate- text book pledge-- makes teachers more aware.
Alan Reich- President and meeting with exec committee
changing gsg bi-laws- can't be a member of gsg if they
Susan- will join committee??
ASA-prop 204 failed, board of regents threatening to abolish the fee that funds asa
universities lost 90 million dollars
jason- lobbying in DC- december sequestration- the fiscal cliff
Marketing Committee
Facebook page up to date and accepting friend requests
Cassy, UGC
get together a council on learning report/committee. Curriculum & assessment of curriculum.
Nau assessment policy revised on Oct 1st .
committed to student learning outcomes.
Dismissal policy for students
library committee
revamping of library this summer
learning spaces- classroom set-up & get feedback from colleges that may want to use a
classroom with different types of technology.
Emma- asnau- thank you to help with prop 204 even though it didn't pass.
Thank you for diversity week
not picked an official week.
katie- constituent meeting- to raise awareness about gsg
michael will send an e-mail things to mention- encourage students to respond.
End: 8:10 PM